

sibling (男女の別なく)きょうだい

sibling (男女の別なく)きょうだい

each of two or more childrenn or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.

This person has five siblings.

hitch (名詞) 延期、障害、中断

hitch (名詞) 延期、障害、中断

The plan was executed without any hitch.

as to ~ / ~ に関して、~に従って

as to ~ /
~ に関して

As to the deadline, could you please decide with your team member.

The candidates were elected as to the appearance.


skew (他動詞)を斜めにする、をゆがめる、曲げる(distort)

skew (他動詞)を斜めにする、をゆがめる、曲げる(distort)

(adjective) neither parallel nor at right angles to a specified or implied line.

suddenly change direction or position.
twist or turn or cause to do this.
make biased or distorted in a way that is regarded as inaccurate, unfair, or msileading.

The view to that country was skewed by that politician.

revelation 意外な新事実、新発見、初体験、暴露

revelation 意外な新事実、新発見、初体験、暴露
surprising and previously unknow fact that has been disclosed to others.
the making known of something that was previously secret or unknown.
used to emphasize the remarkable quality of someone of something.

There was revelation when we study this area. We are sure that this revelation can be a key for the solution.

それは日本では考えられない that is unthinkable in Japan

それは日本では考えられない that is unthinkable in Japan.

Changing the job is unthinlable in past Japan.


groundbreaking 独創的な、革新的な

groundbreaking 独創的な、革新的な

innovative, pioneering

His thinking way is groundbreaking.

congenital 生まれつきの、先天的な

congenital 生まれつきの、先天的

(of a disease of physical abnormality) present from birth
(of a person) having a particular trait from birth or by firmly established habit.

South-paw is congenital for me.

虫歯 cavity

虫歯 cavity
a decayed part of a tooth

あなたらしくない This is unlike you.

あなたらしくない This is unlike you.
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