

neglectful (adjective) 不注意な、無関心な、怠慢な

neglectful (adjective) 不注意な、無関心な、怠慢な

not giving proper care or attention to someone or something

The person which are neglectful for the work should be fired.


spike (verb) 急上昇する

spike (verb) 急上昇する

rise to a higher amount, price, or level, usually before going down again.

The price is spiked.

originate (verb) 起こる、始まる、生じる

originate (verb) 起こる、始まる、生じる

have a specified beginning, created or initiate (something)

That habit originated by this trigger.

makeshift (adjective) 間に合わせの、一時しのぎの

makeshift (adjective) 間に合わせの、一時しのぎの

(adjective) acting as an interim and temporary measure

This cover is makeshift.

scarce (adjective) 乏しい、不十分な、供給の少ない

scarce (adjective) 乏しい、不十分な、供給の少ない

(especially of food, money, or some other recource) insufficinet for the demand.

Currently, rice supply is scarce.

versatile (adjective) 多面的な才能がある、用途の広い、何にでも使える

versatile (adjective) 多面的な才能がある、用途の広い、何にでも使える

able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.

Pork is versatile for every dishes.

relieved (adjective) 安心する

relieved (adjective) 安心する

(verb) cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.

I am so relieved to hear that.

intoxicating (adjective) 酒に酔わせる、うっとりさせる

intoxicating (adjective) 酒に酔わせる、うっとりさせる

(of alcohoric drink or a drug) liable to cause introxication

He dance is intoxicating.


ふざけるな stop messing around, Don't be silly

ふざけるな Stop messing around, Don't be silly

Stop messing around! This is serious time.


気持ちを紛らす distract, divert, relieve

気持ちを紛らす distract, divert, relieve

distract : prevent (someone) from concentrating on something, divert one's attention from something unpleasant by doing something different or more pleasurable

divert : distract (someone) from something

relieve : cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious, release (someone) from duty by taking their place

He play soccer to distract anxiety.

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