終活の短歌集 第三章 第九節 801〜900
来年は もしも命が あったなら 思う存分 桜が見たい 900
I was working in the spring of 2024, so I wasn't able to enjoy the cherry blossoms.
If I could live until the spring of 2025, I would like to enjoy the cherry blossoms to the fullest.
2025年の春まで私の命があったならば桜の花を堪能したい。 2024.07.25
七十三 英語学んで 短歌詠む 残りの時間は のたりのたりと 899
Most Japanese people are hardworking and don't like living a relaxed life without working.
That being said, we should change our values to think that having nothing to do is a luxury.
それはそうであっても、何もすることがないということは贅沢なことだと考えを改めた方がいい。 2024.07.25
最後の日 立つ鳥跡を 濁さずと それはさておき 感謝の気持ち 898
I left my contract job at the end of June 2024.
I didn't want to cause trouble for the company by leaving, but at the same time, I feel grateful.
辞めることで会社に迷惑をかけたくないと思ったが、その思いと同時に感謝の気持ちがある。 2024.07.24
引き出しの 言葉探して 短歌詠む アナウンサーも おやりになったら 897
I'm not trying to be conceited about my skill with words. I feel that many announcers who speak in public have poor choice of words.
人前で話をするアナウンサーの多くが言葉の練度が低いと感じる。 2024.07.24
目が覚めて 安いワインの ラッパ飲み ポリフェノールが 喉をこさいで 896
Polyphenols are found in large amounts in grape seeds and skin.
Polyphenols have strong antioxidant properties.
Antioxidant properties remove active oxygen from the body.
抗酸化作用とは体内の活性酸素を除去する。 2024.07.24
これまでの 歴史が語る 中国は 幾億人の 烏合の大地 895
I worked in China for a short period about 40 years ago.
At the time, I felt strongly that the water in the Yellow River would not become clear even after 100 years.
The waters of the Yellow River mean the Chinese people.
そのときに100年経っても黄河の水は澄まないと強く感じた。 2024.07.24
酒などを どれ程これまで 飲んできた この頃はもう それも仕舞いか 894
Shimau" is an expression used when something ends up going against our wishes.
仕舞うとは自分の意に反する結末になった時に使う表現である。 2024.07.23
紫の 雲が棚引く 愛宕山 清少納言の 枕草子 893
The "purple clouds" in the sentence "thin purple clouds drifting in the air" are said to be a metaphor for the empress Sadako.
The scene of the morning sun shining on the purple clouds can be interpreted as a celebration of the empress Sadako, whom Sei Shonagon served.
「紫だちたる雲の細くたなびきたる」という一文にある「紫雲」とは、中宮(皇后)の隠喩とも言われており、その紫雲に朝日がさす光景は、清少納言の主である中宮定子を言祝(ことほ)いだものだと解釈できます。 2024.07.23
この齢で 夜中に散歩 するならば 徘徊などと 傍目に見える 892
If I want to avoid being seen as wandering around by others, I may need to put on a performance like standing up straight and waving my arms.
他人様に徘徊に見えないようにしたいならば背筋を伸ばして両手を振って、そんなパフォーマンスが必要かも知れない。 2024.07.23
齢とれば 旅をするのも 躊躇する 万事己の 体力に訊く 891
I like traveling by car.
However, there are many accidents caused by elderly drivers mistaking the accelerator for the brake.
I've also heard stories of elderly drivers who were slow to notice pedestrians crossing the street, causing accidents.
I hesitate.
躊躇する。 2024.07.22
原因は アベノミクスの ゼロ金利 呪縛解けずに 円安地獄 890
The yen's value soared in the foreign exchange market last week, and it is highly likely that the government and the Bank of Japan intervened in the market to buy yen on two consecutive days, on the 11th and 12th (July 2024).
The amount of intervention is estimated to be around 2.1 trillion yen.
As there is currently no prospect of the interest rate differential between Japan and the United States being easily eliminated, I believe it is correct to assume that the yen will continue to weaken.
日米の金利差が簡単に解消される見込みがない現在、円安は今後も進行するのが道理だと私は考える。 2024.07.22
無人店 肉を盗めば その時は 捕まらなくても 報いを受ける 889
We often see reports of theft from unmanned stores selling meat, dumplings, etc.
I wonder if these unmanned stores are run on the belief that people are fundamentally good.
Even children have known since ancient times that there are a certain number of bad people in the world.
古来より世の中には一定の悪人がいることは子供でも知っている。 2024.07.22
バイデンが 出馬断念 月曜日 銃撃事件の 十六日後 888
US President Biden probably never dreamed that such an incident would occur.
He probably never expected that such an incident would cause him to give up on being the next presidential candidate.
こんな事件の影響で次期大統領の候補者を断念するとは思っていなかっただろう。 2024.07.22
人生を わたしのように 渡るなら ろくなことなし 佐藤愛子 887
Nothing good comes from living like I do, but once you get used to it, it doesn't feel unfortunate.
These are the words of Sato Aiko.
佐藤愛子の言葉である。 2024.07.21
アフリカの サバンナに生きる 人々は ライオンなどは 日常茶飯事 886
Can't encounters with bears become an everyday occurrence even for Japanese people?
As safely as possible, of course.
もちろん出来るだけ安全に。 2024.07.21
イオ釣りに 日影の雲は 出て来ぬか 屡々空を 見遣る土曜日 885
I can't go fishing because of the intense heat.
I often look outside, hoping for cloudy skies, but my wish never comes true.
曇りになることを願ってしばしば外を見るのだが私の願いは叶わない。 2024.07.21
山菜は 熊に譲って 八百屋買い 不承知ならば 闘う覚悟 884
I understand the joy of going out to collect seasonal wild vegetables.
However, would you be willing to give up that joy for the sake of a bear's life?
Don't you think it's wonderful that bears live in Japan's satoyama?
この日本の里山に熊が生息するなんて事実は素晴らしいことだと思いませんか。 2024.07.20
この頃は 七五調で 考える 知らず知らずに 妙な習いが 883
I am currently continuing my training to develop an English brain.
Immersing myself too much in Japanese puts the brakes on my English brain.
あまり日本語に没頭するのは英語脳になることにブレーキをかける。 2024.07.20
シャンソンの 鼻糞ほじり くっつける パリの五輪と 越路吹雪を 882
Koshiji Fubuki was a chanson singer.
Chanson is French popular music.
I'll be watching the athletes' performances at the Paris Olympics, but I don't plan on listening to chanson.
パリ五輪はアスリートのパフォーマンスは観るがシャンソンを聴くつもりはない。 2024.07.20
狼を 死滅させたる 過去を持つ 熊は決して そうあるまじき 881
There are several possible reasons for the extinction of the Japanese wolf, but no conclusion has been reached.
Nevertheless, Japan's native bears must not be allowed to become extinct.
ではあるが、日本在来の熊は絶滅させてはならない。 2024.07.20
十年に 一度の暑さと 喧伝する 情報番組 気象予報士 880
Nowadays, weather forecasters have become like showbiz celebrities.
Every TV program is devoting a lot of time to weather forecasts.
As a result, weather forecasters are becoming like showbiz celebrities.
そんな中で天気予報士がタレント化している。 2024.07.19
下手な和歌 今日もたくさん 書き下ろす 一ミリ程は 上手くなったか 879
Today I am still writing tanka poems.
But I haven't improved a bit.
だが少しも上達していない。 2024.07.19
そもそもが ふるさと納税 差別的 貧乏人に 無縁の制度 878
I thought the hometown tax system was a good system when it was first implemented.
However, the purpose of the system has been distorted.
しかし、制度の趣旨は歪められてしまった。 2024.07.19
振りむけば 水面の雲が 揺らめいて 猛暑の前の 朝の涼しさ 877
On windless mornings, the surrounding scenery is reflected beautifully on the surface of the river.
This morning, the clouds floating in the sky were reflected on the water's surface, and there was a slight breeze, so the clouds were rippling on the water's surface.
今朝は空に浮かぶ雲が水面に映って、そしてほんの少しの風が吹いて、だから、雲が水面で揺れていた。 2024.07.19
十数億 トヨタ会長 給料は 貧しい人に お恵み下さい 876
It seems that the salaries of CEOs of large Japanese companies are extremely low compared to Europe and the United States.
However, the amount of money each person needs to live is limited.
There's nothing you can do if you earn more than others, but the extra money should be given to those who are poor.
他人より多く給料があることは仕方がないが、余計な分は貧しい人に分け与えたらいい。 2024.07.19
ロマンなど 無縁な奴が 口にする 云うのは勝手 思うは自由 875
It's very difficult to live a romantic life.
And yet there are men who talk about romance so casually.
それなのにロマンを軽々と口にする男がいる。 2024.07.18
目の前で 白い肢体で 舞い歌う 山本リンダは 今も鮮やか 874
Seeing Linda Yamamoto singing ♫This is a problem♬ on TV seemed strange to me as a country bumpkin.
Then it was Linda Yamamoto who sang and danced at the Noguchi Memorial Hall.
This happened about 60 years ago.
With her pure white skin, she sang while dancing.
♫ 困っちゃうな ♬ とテレビで歌う山本リンダは田舎者のわたしには奇異に見えた。
真っ白い肌で踊りながら歌った。 2024.07.18
青江三奈 子供の目には 熟女なり 当時のテレビ 今複雑に 873
I think this singer was the first time I saw blonde hair on a Japanese woman.
I just recently saw a video of her from that time.
I had mixed feelings about it.
少し複雑に感じた。 2024.07.18
海外に 大人気とか 開け方も ボトルの形も 日本のラムネ 872
ラムネは150年の歴史を持つ日本固有のドリンクである。 2024.07.18
彼の人が お客を神と 奉る カスハラはこれ 此処に始まる 871
There used to be a singer called Minami Haruo.
He would always say on stage, "The customer is God."
The customer is definitely not God.
Recently, JAL and ANA jointly formulated a policy against customer harassment.
Flight attendants in the airline industry and workers in other industries have an equal relationship with customers.
客室乗務員やその他の労働者とお客は五分五分の関係である。 2024.07.18
チャイナから 逃げ出していく 富裕層 あの手この手で 金を持ち出す 870
Members of the Chinese government give high priority to their own advancement and self-preservation.
A scenario for China's collapse is gradually coming into view.
中国の崩壊のシナリオが次第に見えて来る。 2024.07.18
中国の 情報統制 ここに見る 蘇州のことは 誰も知らない 869
The incident in which a shuttle bus for a Japanese school in Suzhou was attacked by a Chinese man armed with a knife was not initially reported in China.
It goes without saying that China has information censorship, but information that is unfavorable to the authorities is restricted.
中国の情報統制は今更言及するまでもないが当局に都合が悪い情報は規制する。 2024.07.17
うら若き 女保育士 虐待の 事実の裏を 誰か報せて 868
I think that people who aspire to be nursery school teachers have at least some ideals about education.
A young nursery school teacher abuses a child and is arrested by the police.
Shouldn't it be the media, not the police, that investigates the background of this incident?
事件の背景を探るのは警察ではなくメディアではなかろうか。 2024.07.17
発音は 少し自信が なさそうな 英語スピーチ 天皇陛下 867
It is easy to see that the Emperor has been studying English since he was a child.
He seems to be able to speak English fluently, but his pronunciation is a little...
流暢に英語を話すことができるみたいだが、発音が少し… 2024.07.17
懐かしき ロンドンを往く 両陛下 仲良き姿 麗しきかな 866
Like these two, the former Emperor and his wife also have a very happy marriage.
このお二人もそうだが上皇陛下ご夫妻も仲睦まじい。 2024.07.17
愛犬を スーツの裏地に 仕込ませて レッドカーペット 歩くオータニ 865
I think this is something that people with more than enough money to spare would think.
It makes sense that donations are necessary to avoid being envied.
妬まれないようにするためにも寄付が必要になる道理だ。 2024.07.17
イランなら そのようなこと 有り得ると 朝のニュースに また考える 864
On the morning of July 17, 2024, Japanese media reported this, citing news from a US news agency, saying that US authorities were aware that Iran was plotting an assassination, although it was unclear whether there was a direct connection to the Trump assassination incident.
This may be true, but it may not be.
We must remain calm because such talk could lead to a major war.
このような話から大きな戦争になって行くこともあるのだから私たちは冷静でいなければなりません。 2024.07.17
平戸海 胸がすくよな 正攻法 その道真直ぐ 信じて進め 863
Hiradoumi may be small in stature, but he is a sumo wrestler who takes on larger opponents head-on.
平戸海は小兵だが真っ向勝負する相撲取りだ。 2024.07.17
はらからが 中国蘇州で 襲われる 君の技術は 国の宝ぞ 862
This incident was not initially reported in China.
China should not be trusted.
Japanese people should not bring their knowledge and technology to China in exchange for money.
日本人はその知識や技術をお金と引き換えに中国に持ち込んではならない。 2024.07.16
之よりは 季節は移り 夏盛り 年寄りは皆 エアコンの部屋 861
Today is July 16th.
Normally, this would be the end of the rainy season.
The days of hellish heat are coming.
地獄の暑さの日々がやってくる。 2024.07.16
巡礼で 千三百 死のうとも 唯一絶対 インシャ・アッラー 860
The Islamic pilgrimage took place from June 14th to 19th in 2024.
It is said that 1.8 million people visited Mecca, but it was reported that 1,300 people died.
180万人がメッカを訪れたそうだが1300人が死亡したと報道された。 2024.07.16
こいつらの 宗教などは 世界から 消えない限り 紛争絶えず 859
Jesus criticized the Jewish leaders and was labeled a traitor by the Jewish leaders. He was handed over to the Roman Empire, which ruled ancient Israel at the time, and crucified.
Ancient Israel was destroyed by the Roman Empire in AD 70.
Islam is a religion that was founded by Muhammad during the Nara period in Japan.
At that time (the 7th century), the Arabian Peninsula was home to Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and followers of other indigenous religions.
Are you familiar with the Treaty of Medina?
Muhammad made a treaty in Medina between Muslim Arabs and Jewish people.
For 1,400 years, Jews and Muslims have been making and breaking similar promises.
For about 200 years from the 11th to 13th centuries, Christians organized Crusades and fought to recapture Jerusalem, a holy city for Islam.
Religious conflict has continued in this region for more than 2,000 years since the time of Jesus.
The Nazi Germany's genocide of the Jews and the 2024 battle between Israel and Hamas both fall into this category.
These religious wars will continue as long as human beings exist on this planet.
人類がこの地球上にある限りこれらの宗教間の戦争は絶えることはない。 2024.07.16
菅岸田 二代にわたる ボンクラの 総理大臣 日本の不幸 858
I'm not saying they're idiots in the sense that they have bad grades in school.
These two people have no real ideals, poor political methods, and are stagnant in their brains.
この二人には本当の理想がない、政治手法が貧困、そして頭の血が淀んでいる。 2024.07.16
アメリカの 分断がまた 深化する トランプ事件は 悪しき兆し 857
When Japanese members of parliament are asked to comment on this case, it often feels like they do not understand the significance of the case.
日本の国会議員がこの事件に関してコメントを求められるとこの事件の持つ意味を理解していないと感じることが多い。 2024.07.16
敗戦後 一二番目の 無能なる 岸田総理は 漸く終わる 856
The end of Prime Minister Kishida is finally in sight.
It is extremely troubling that a person like this has become Japan's prime minister.
こういう人が日本の総理大臣になることは極めて迷惑である。 2024.7.15
都知事選 異様呈して 掲示板 変容したか 大和民族 855
I had always thought of Japan as a country of good public order and morals.
But it seems I was wrong.
でもそれはどうやら間違いのようだ。 2024.07.15
賃金は 二倍以上に なるという うまい話は 疑いなされ 854
As the yen continues to weaken, it is said that part-time work abroad can pay twice as much as in Japan.
This may be true, but it could also be a trap, so be skeptical.
そういうことも有るかも知れないが罠かも知れない疑うべき。 2024.07.15
退廃の 大阪地検の 元トップ 六十四歳 強制性交 853
School teachers, police officers, Self-Defense Force members and other respected professions are also human beings.
That is why I feel strong distrust when people in such professions commit sexual crimes.
学校の先生、警察官、自衛隊員など、尊敬されている職業の人も人間であるが、だからそのような職業の人が性犯罪を犯すことには強い不信感を持つ。 2024.07.15
文明が これ程までに 進化して なお宗教の 諍い続く 852
Religion has been left behind in the development of human civilization.
Ugly killing (war) between religions continues even in the 21st century.
宗教間の醜い殺し合い(戦争)が21世紀になっても続いている。 2024.07.15
現実は 小説よりも 奇怪なり ペンシルベニヤは 歴史に残る 851
The sniper was on the roof of a house 125 meters from Trump.
This is becoming a major issue in American society.
これは大問題になっていく。 2024.07.14
之よりは 七日の間 雨が降る 梅雨の神様 最後の力 850
Even though it's the rainy season, we've had dry days every day.
However, it's forecast to rain continuously for the next few days from today.
しかし今日から数日は連続して雨が降る予報が出ています。 2024.07.14
バイデンに 諦めるよう ダメを出す トランプ狙撃の 皮肉な結果 849
Biden has been urged to withdraw from the election campaign amid a variety of negative information, but is this now decisive?
バイデン氏は様々な悲観的な情報があって選挙戦からの撤退を促されているが、これで決定的になったか。 2024.07.14
悪運が 強い奴だと 感じ入る 危機一髪で 頭をかすめる 848
Trump literally survived a life-threatening crisis by just a hair's breadth.
トランプが髪の毛一本ほどの僅かな違いで命の瀬戸際を乗り切った。 2024.07.14
下手くそな 口笛吹いて 和ませて カラスの傍を じわっと通る 847
I think that intelligent birds, such as kites and crows, try to understand human whistling.
鳶とかカラスなどの鳥類の中でも頭が良いものは人間の口笛を理解しようとするのでないかと私は考えている。 2024.07.14
参加者の 一人が死亡 演説会 銃の天国 アメリカ社会 846
I want America to be a developed country in every respect, but unfortunately it is also a barbaric country.
One of the reasons is that it is a society where guns can be freely acquired.
その一つが銃社会であること。 2024.07.14
トランプの 演説中に 発砲音 速報聞いて 思い交錯 845
I'm worried about Trump, but I'm also worried about the person sitting behind him.
トランプ氏も心配だが背後に座っていた人も心配だ。 2024.07.14
六時半 五ヶ瀬大瀬の 鉄橋を 渡る列車に エールを送る 844
At 6:30 in the morning, a local train heading south crosses the iron bridge.
It's carrying commuters heading south.
通勤通学の人々を乗せて県庁所在地方面に向かう。 2024.07.14
ある程度 思いのままに 生きて来た 運が悪いか 性根が悪いか 843
They may both be bad, or they may both be good.
What is the most important thing for people to live?
The older I get, the harder life seems to be.
齢を重ねる程生きることが難しいと感じる。 2024.07.14
あそこから 落ちる間に 薄まると 延岡市民を 小バカにしちょる 842
The chimney is said to be 180m high.
The reason for making the chimney so high was that it was thought that the chemicals would be diluted as they fell 180m, reducing the impact on residents.
I think so.
そう思う。 2024.07.14
産湯なる 五ヶ瀬の川の 川水は のたりのたりと 鷺島流れる 841
Sagishima is a delta near the mouth of the Gokase River.
When I was in the lower grades of elementary school, this island felt like a hidden gem.
I still have vivid memories of crossing the Gokase River and landing on the island.
五ヶ瀬川を渡ってこの島に上陸したときの記憶は今も鮮明である。 2024.07.14
向こう岸 何やら怪し 動くもの 鷺の餌取り 目を凝らして見る 840
My eyes, which used to be able to see far away, have deteriorated recently.
The herons searching for food on the opposite bank move at such a slow speed that it's hard for me to see them, even if I strain my eyes.
向こう岸で餌を狙う鷺はスロースピードで動くので目を凝らして見ても見難い。 2024.07.13
小魚の 群れて漣 橋の影 モザイク模様 朝のひととき 839
There was no wind and the surface of the river was as smooth as a mirror, so the bridge was reflected in the water.
At such a time, a school of small fish made a commotion on the surface of the water, and the shadow of the bridge disappeared.
そのような時に小魚の群れが水面で騒いだので橋の影が消えた。 2024.07.13
大瀬川 労を惜しまず 日々通う イオの住処を 探してまわる 838
I plan to spend several days exploring the long banks of the Ose River looking for a good spot to fish.
大瀬川の両岸の長い道のりを日数をかけて見て回り、釣りの適所を探すつもりだ。 2024.07.13
昔より 相当豊かに なった川 鮒っこ鯉っこ エビっこだらけ 837
These days, it is no longer possible to catch fish in the river without a license tag.
Fewer children are around, and fewer people are playing in the river.
The river seems much more lush with nature than it used to be.
川は以前よりずっと自然豊かになったようだ。 2024.07.13
此処三日 心臓の埃 拭き取って 朝の散歩が 少し軽やか 836
After three days of consistent morning exercise, my heart started pumping again.
I'm not young anymore, so if I slack off a little, I can't make up for it.
若くないのでこれから先は少し怠けたらその分を取り返すことはできない。 2024.07.13
雜漁釣り 鑑札を買い 川に行く 葭原深く 水辺が遠い 835
People don't swim in the river anymore, so reeds have grown thick on the riverbank.
This makes it difficult to approach the river to fish.
そのため魚釣りをするために川にアプローチすることが難しい。 2024.07.12
釣具屋で 手長エビ釣り 一式を 見てすぐ川で ポイント探す 834
I had the idea of fishing for tenagaebis in the Ose River, so I went to a fishing tackle shop.
On my way back from the fishing tackle shop, I went to the river to look for a good spot to catch tenagaebis.
釣具屋からの帰りに川に行き、手長エビが釣れそうなポイントを探した。 2024.07.12
朝六時 鐘が鳴ったぞ 城山の 大瀬の川の 流れの向こう 833
♫ That is the bell that has been telling the time for three hundred years~
This is part of the lyrics of the "Nobeoka Bamba Dance."
♫ あれは三百年時打つ鐘よ〜 ♬
これは「延岡ばんば踊り」の歌詞の一部である。 2024.07.12
心臓も 怠けさせると サビてくる 朝一時間 動かしてやる 832
I've been working for the past year and a month, so I haven't been getting enough exercise.
I feel like my heart function has deteriorated a little during that time.
その間に心臓機能が少し衰えたと感じている。 2024.07.12
この早瀬 毛ばり流して ハヤなどは 釣れないものか 思い巡らせ 831
I haven't been river fishing in decades.
I'm thinking about catching a river fish that's about 10cm long.
わたしは体長10cm程度の川魚を釣ることを考えている。 2024.07.12
鮎釣りの あるじは今日も 来ぬものか 日曜の朝 出番待つ舟 830
Ayu fishing is popular in the Gokase River and the Ose River.
Small boats used for ayu fishing are tied to the riverbank.
川岸には鮎釣りに使う小舟が繋がれている。 2024.07.12
ウヰスキー ほんの少しを 舌に乗せ 水で薄めて キュッと飲み干す 829
When whiskey is diluted with water it loses its original flavor.
Whiskey tastes best when drunk neat.
This is a way to drink whiskey that will give you a taste that is closest to how it tastes when drunk neat.
それに匹敵する飲み方がこれだ。 2024.07.12
政治家は 嘘など屁とも 思わない 裏金事件は まだ闇の中 828
People fart from their asses.
Politicians lie more easily from their mouths than they fart.
政治家は嘘を屁より手軽に口から吐く。 2024.07.12
トコトンは 足拍子のこと そう言えば 子供頃に そのような唄 827
Long ago, there was a sexy female singer called Midori Satsuki.
♫ Come ten days a week, tokoton tokoton ♬
♫ 一週間に十日来い トコトントコトン ♬ 2024.07.11
十メートル それ以上も あるような ヨットのマスト 揺らりゆらりと 826
The mast of a yacht with its sails furled stands toward the sky.
The mast is swaying on the waves.
そのマストが波に揺られている。 2024.07.11
今日も亦 乗り捨てられた 自転車が 持ち主を待つ 荒れ草の傍 825
A bicycle cannot possibly have a will of its own, but to me it seems as if it is waiting for its owner.
自転車に意思などがあるはずもないが、わたしには自転車が持ち主を待っているように見える。 2024.07.11
我が国を 香水砂漠 などと言う 津々浦々の 水がもたらす 824
I don't know who said it, but it seems that our country is a perfume desert.
This is because we (Japanese women) have a fragrance that doesn't require the use of perfume.
それは私達が香水を使う必要がない芳香を有しているからである。 2024.07.11
射幸心 わたしの中で 生き殺し パチンコ店の 罠には陥ちぬ 823
Gambling was banned in 689 by the emperor at the time, and has been banned many times since then.
I don't play pachinko, but that may be because the experience of my family being destroyed by gambling is ingrained in my DNA.
わたしはパチンコをしないが、それはわたしの体のDNAに博奕が原因で身を滅ぼした経験が沁み込んでいるからなのかも知れない。 2024.07.11
宮部さん 大和撫子 一推しの ニッポンバレーの 期待の新星 822
Two women are popular and talented in the women's volleyball competition at the Paris Olympics.
Needless to say, a competition requires everyone to work together.
But I am looking forward to seeing this one woman do well.
そうではあるがわたしはこの女性の活躍を期待している。 2024.07.11
フジテレビ カタヤマサツキ 映し出す チャンネルをすぐ 他局に変える 821
Katayama Satsuki is a member of the Diet, so it should be no problem for me to criticize her as a member of the Diet.
When this woman chose which university to attend, when she decided on the Ministry of Finance to work for, when she chose her marriage partner, when she decided on the political party and faction she would belong to, she probably made all her decisions based on her own interests.
She made her career choices to maximize her own interests, not for the sake of others, society, or the country.
She may have been a somewhat beautiful woman in her youth.
Now she is an ugly old woman.
今は醜い老婆である。 2024.07.11
君が代を 若いアスリート 歌うのを 何とはなしに 嬉しくなって 820
For a while after the war, there was a certain number of people who did not recognize Kimigayo as the national anthem.
In 1999, the country established Kimigayo as the national anthem by law.
So I have mixed feelings about Kimigayo, but I feel happy when I see young athletes singing it during the national anthem singing session before a game.
であるので君が代はわたしにとっては複雑な国歌なのであるが、試合の前の国歌斉唱で若いアスリートが君が代を歌う姿をみると嬉しく感じるのである。 2024.07.11
大谷は 来シーズンは 二刀流 アメリカ人は また刮目する 819
He won't be pitching in the 2024 season because he's recovering from elbow surgery.
But he's doing great as a hitter.
But we mustn't forget that he's also a pitcher.
American baseball fans will be even more amazed than ever to see him again as a two-way player next year.
来年、彼が再び二刀流で活躍する姿にアメリカの野球ファンはこれまで以上に驚愕する。 2024.07.10
三時半 頭グルグル 目が覚めた 昨日の事が まだ尾を引いて 818
I guess I'm a more serious person than I think.
I worry about work even when I'm sleeping.
眠っている時間にも仕事の事を案じている。 2024.07.10
今晩は 冷凍シューマイ 熱っためる そして冷やした 日本酒を飲む 817
I'm a 73-year-old man living alone.
I don't need anything particularly delicious to live.
特に美味いものなどは生きるのに必要ない。 2024.07.10
鳶に向け 口とんがらせ 笛を吹く 首キョロキョロと 電線の上 816
During my morning walk, I found a kite perched on an electric wire.
I gave it a clumsy whistle, and it turned its head around to watch me pass by below.
下手な口笛を鳶に向かって鳴らすと首をキョロキョロ動かして下を通るわたしを見ていた。 2024.07.10
人知れず 努力重ねて 数十年 命燃やして 魂尽くして 815
I have made some efforts that I cannot tell others about.
It is for the sake of my life, for the sake of my soul.
それは自分の命のため、自分の魂のためである。 2024.07.10
一日に 五千歩歩く この頃は ピンピンコロリ それしかなくて 814
Many people walk every day for health reasons.
I walk every day in order to live each day in good health, and also so that one day I can suddenly die in good health and free of disease.
わたしは日々健康に暮らすためと、そしてある日突然健康なままに死にたいためである。 2024.07.10
いたわしい 日傘をさして 登下校 夏の陽射しは 烈火の如し 813
On the morning news on July 10, 2024, elementary school students were shown walking to school with parasols.
令和6年7月10日の朝のニュースで小学生が日傘をさして登校する様が映された。 2024.07.10
ディズニーの 銭ゲバ魂 凄まじい クルーズ船で 尻の毛を抜く 812
The Tokugawa Shogunate discriminated against people by classifying them into samurai, farmers, artisans and merchants based on their occupation.
Money is a means, not an end.
金は手段だが目的ではない。 2024.07.10
一日に 三度の食事 それだけで ずっと通して 今は健やか 811
As a child, my family was poor, so I never snacked, and that continued into adulthood.
Perhaps it's because of this habit that I'm still so healthy even at an advanced age.
その習慣のお陰なのか、高齢の今もわたしはとても健康である。 2024.07.09
パリ五輪 ひと月前に プータロー 思う存分 スポーツ観戦 810
I quit my job at the end of June.
The Paris Olympics will be held in July.
It's like a retirement bonus to me.
それはわたしにとっては退職金のようなもの。 2024.07.09
沖縄の 平和の礎 思い出す 時を重ねて また意味を増す 809
A memorial service for the war dead was held in Okinawa recently.
I still have vivid memories of my visit to the Cornerstone of Peace 50 years ago.
50年前に平和の礎を訪れたときの記憶が今も鮮明だ。 2024.07.09
人参と シメジタケとで カレーする 野菜を食べる 特別メニュー 808
This is a menu that will help you eat more carrots.
人参を多く食するためのメニューである。 2024.07.09
裏金を 合法化する 自民党 何れ見ていろ 引き摺り下ろす 807
The LDP suffered a crushing defeat in the by-elections for Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly members, which were held at the same time as the Tokyo gubernatorial election.
It would be desirable to see the emergence of a ruling party to replace the LDP.
自民党に代わる政権政党の出現が望ましい。 2024.07.09
さっきから 鶯が啼く 大瀬川 この葭原が 心地がよいか 806
The lower reaches of the Ose River are covered with wide areas of reed fields.
Because people do not trespass on the mountains or even the rivers, nature is abundant.
A nightingale is singing loudly in this reed field.
この葭原の中で鶯が大きな声で啼いている。 2024.07.09
暑いから あとひと月は 我慢する 釣りの鑑札 引き出しの中 805
I bought a fishing license for the Gokase River, but because of the continued heatwave I'm refraining from fishing.
五ヶ瀬川の釣りの鑑札を買ったのだが猛暑が続いているので釣りを自粛している。 2024.07.09
二時間の 有給休暇 消化して 早く帰って コカ・コーラ飲む 804
I'm from the old days, so my work methods are old-fashioned too.
I won't be able to use up all my paid vacation days before I quit, but I'd like to go home at least two hours early so I can drink an ice-cold Coca-Cola.
辞めるまでに有給休暇を消化できないが、せめて二時間早く帰って冷えたコカ・コーラを飲みたい。 2024.07.09
昨日など 都知事選挙の 事ばかり テレビを消して 早々に寝る 803
I saw on the news that people were chanting "Go home" during Koike's street speech.
If I had been there, I would have chanted "Go home" louder.
I don't feel any sincerity in this person.
この人には誠実さを感じることができない。 2024.07.09
中国の 二重価格に 驚いた 三十年経て いまこの国に 802
I visited China the year after the Tiananmen Square incident.
I found it odd that famous tourist sites charged different entrance fees for Chinese people and foreigners.
有名な観光地の入場料が中国人と外国人との二重価格だったのを奇妙に感じた。 2024.07.08
ジル婦人 続けてくれと ネジを巻く 大統領選 世界が見守る 801
I think that whether Trump or Biden is re-elected, it will be to the detriment of the West's interests.
Commenting only on Biden, I think this old man is not competent to be the president of Japan's only ally.
バイデンに限ってコメントするならばこの老人に日本の唯一の同盟国の大統領は勤まらないと思う。 2024.07.08
✧ 終活の短歌集 第三章 第九節