江戸時代 もしも土曜日 あったなら 少しは楽に 仇を討てたか 025
If there had been a Saturday during the Edo period, would it have been easier for the Ako Roshi to take revenge? 2024.12.18
金閣寺 銀閣寺にも 行ってない 善光寺にも 中尊寺にも 024
I have never been to Kinkakuji Temple or Ginkakuji Temple.
I have never been to Zenkoji Temple or Chusonji Temple either. 2024.12.18
田舎でも 外国人が チラホラと 現実になる 働く人々 023
Recently, it has become a reality for foreigners to work in rural areas as well. 2024.12.18
浸かる間に 湯船のお湯が 冷めていく 居心地悪く 早々に出る 022
The warm water in the bath cools down while I'm soaking. There's no point in staying long, so I leave quickly. 2024.12.17
ストーブに 灯油注ぐとき やらかした 締め切った部屋に 臭いプンプン 021
I made a mistake when pouring kerosene into the stove.
The smell of kerosene fills the closed room. 2024.12.17
電動の 灯油ポンプ 電池替え ONにしたまま 床に吹き出す 020
I changed the batteries in the electric kerosene pump.
I left the switch on and the kerosene spilled all over the floor. 2024.12.17
ありがとう 一つひとつの 思い出に 別れを告げて 断捨離する 019
I'll continue decluttering for a while, saying thank you to each and every item. 2024.12.17
鏡見て 自分の姿に 吹き出した 他人の前には 出ること適わず 018
I looked in the mirror and burst out laughing at my appearance. I don't feel like I can appear in front of other people. 2024.12.16
室内は やっと23℃に なってきた 風呂に入って 昼飯を食おう 017
The temperature inside the room has finally reached 23 degrees Celsius. Let's take a bath and have lunch. 2024.12.16
若い頃 ただひたむきに 学問を すべきだったと 後の祭り 016
When I was young, I should have just focused on my studies. 2024.12.16
隠居にも 日曜は来る 今日がそれ 妙なものだが 少し特別 015
Even for me, a retired person, Sunday comes. Today is that day. It's strange, but it's a little special. 2024.12.16
国は国 個人は個人 韓国の 若い人々 其処に望み 014
Let's have hope in the young people of Korea who think that the country is the country and the individual is the individual. 2024.12.15
弾劾の 賛成デモの バカ騒ぎ ノンポリシーの 唯の悪乗り 013
The madness of the pro-impeachment demonstrations is just a way to relieve stress and have fun. 2024.12.15
年越しは 高くてもいい 少しばかり 美味いミカンを 食べたいものだ 012
On New Year's Eve, I want to eat a few delicious mandarins, even if they're expensive. 2024.12.15
仏さん 今日も黙って 聞いている わたしの下手な イングリッシュ 011
Buddha (my ancestor) is silently listening to my poor English today too. 2024.12.15
失敗から 今度こそはと 九か月 打ち上げ延期 頑張れ負けるな 010
After nine months of failure, the launch has been postponed, but don't give up! 2024.12.15
この冬は ミカンが高く 手が出ない ミカン農家も 同じ思いか 009
This winter, mandarins are so expensive I can't afford them. Do mandarin farmers feel the same way? 2024.12.15
目標が まだまだ遠い イングリッシュ 何時かそのうち ペラペラ喋る 008
English is still a long way away from my goal.
Someday I'll be able to speak it fluently. 2024.12.15
街の人 今年の漢字を 夫婦とも 「耐」えて迎えた 銀婚式 007
People on the street responded that the kanji of the year for both the husband and wife was "endurance."
They have endured each other and celebrated their silver wedding anniversary this year. 2024.12.14
現在の 気温は6℃ 体感は 4℃と示す スマホを見る 006
I look at my smartphone, which shows that the current temperature is 6°C but the felt temperature is 4°C. 2024.12.14
認知症 行方不明者 二万人 知恵を尽くして 改めるべし 005
Approximately 18,000 people with dementia are missing.
We must use all our wisdom to change this situation. 2024.12.14
どうするの そんなに貯めて マスクさん 60兆円 国でも建てるの 004
What are you going to do with all that money, Mr. Musk?
Are you going to build a country with 60 trillion yen? 2024.12.14
そうですか スイスのパンが 不味いのは その年の麦は 備蓄するから 003
I see, so the reason Swiss bread tastes bad is because the wheat harvested that year is stockpiled for national security reasons. 2024.12.14
元総理 細川護熙 石破さんの 答弁は× 企業献金 002
Former Prime Minister Hosokawa Morihiro said in a television interview that Ishihara's parliamentary responses regarding corporate donations were wrong. 2024.12.14
注目の 紀州のドンファン 殺害事件 無罪判決 検察は茫然 001
The "Kishu Don Juan Murder Case" attracted public attention.
The suspect was found not guilty.
The prosecutors must have been stunned. 2024.12.13
終活の短歌集 第四章 第七
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