海外では不名誉?38歳教授が見た「イグ・ノーベル賞」◆赤子救う「お尻呼吸」、MITで喝采【 #取材班インタビュー:武部貴則さん】
1/12(日) 11:01配信
「哺乳類はお尻から酸素を取り込める」―。東京科学大の武部貴則教授(38)が率いる研究チームが、独創的でユーモラスな研究を表彰する「イグ・ノーベル賞」の2024年生理学賞に選ばれた。将来は赤ちゃんの命を救う可能性を秘めているという「お尻呼吸」。日米を行き来しながら多忙な日々を送る武部教授が、一時帰国した機会に、インタビューに応じてくれた。受賞の裏側や、ユニークな研究への思いを聞いた。(時事ドットコム取材班 長田陸)
Comment (English)
Another Japanese researcher has won the Ig Nobel Prize, once again highlighting the unique creativity and innovation of Japanese academia. Professor Takanori Takebe’s study on "butt breathing" may sound humorous at first, but its potential to save the lives of infants with respiratory failure makes it a groundbreaking contribution to science. Such recognition not only showcases the ingenuity of Japanese researchers but also raises their global profile.
Interestingly, the Ig Nobel Prize offers no monetary reward, and recipients attend the award ceremony at their own expense. This emphasizes that the honor lies in the acknowledgment of their work’s humor and philosophical impact, rather than financial gain. It’s a reminder of the value of approaching science with both seriousness and playfulness.
Looking back at the history of Japanese winners, their research often combines humor with scientific rigor. For instance, in 2014, Professor Kiyoshi Mabuchi won the Physics Prize for explaining why banana peels are slippery. In 2012, a study on how crows use cars to crack walnuts earned the award. More recently, in 2019, a medical study demonstrated that the scent of wasabi could help reset disrupted circadian rhythms caused by night shifts.
These studies reveal the fascinating and sometimes quirky nature of scientific exploration. They embody the spirit of the Ig Nobel Prize, which aims to "make people laugh, then think." As these unique efforts continue, we can look forward to new and exciting contributions from Japan to the global scientific community.
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