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アメリカ株先物 イエレン証言を控え微動 [2014/07/16 07:03]
U.S. Stock Futures Little Changed Before Yellen Testimony BLOOMBERG on 15JUL14 U.S. stock-index futures were little changed, after the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rebounded from its biggest weekly loss in three months, as investors..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (9) [2014/07/11 13:14]
・ Last year we invested $3.5 billion in the surest sort of bolt-on: the purchase of additional shares in two wonderful businesses that we already controlled. In one case – Marmon – our purchases brought us to the 100% ownership we had signe..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (8) [2014/07/11 13:11]
We now own a wide variety of exceptional insurance operations. Best known is GEICO, the car insurer Berkshire acquired in full at yearend 1995 (having for many years prior owned a partial interest). GEICO in 1996 ranked number seven among U..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (7) [2014/07/09 17:34]
・ Our many dozens of smaller non-insurance businesses earned $4.7 billion pre-tax last year, up from $3.9 billion in 2012. Here, too, we expect further gains in 2014. 我々の持つたくさんの小さな非保険業の会社は、昨年税引き前で47億ドルの収益を上げました、2012年の39億ドルから上昇しており、2014年は..
バフェットの手紙 2014(5) [2014/07/07 10:33]
Berkshire and 3G could also decide at some point that it would be mutually beneficial if we were to exchange some of our preferred for common shares (at an equity valuation appropriate to the time). バークシャーと3Gはまた、(そのときの適切な資産評価で)普通株式の交..
デジタル海運プラットフォームは、ミスにより生ずる6億8,300万ドルのコストを削減する (ブルームバーグより) [2014/07/05 18:11]
Digital Shipping Platforms Cut $684 Million in Errors デジタル海運プラットフォームは、ミスにより生ずる6億8300万ドルのコストを削減する ( 出典 : Bloomberg ) The shipping industry, which carries 90 percent of world trade, is finally going digital. Until recently, if you w..
6月22日ロイター記事の和訳 : 南ア鉱山関係の事件について [2014/07/03 21:26]
Four miners found shot dead at a South Africa gold mine JOHANNESBURG Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:20am EDT (Reuters) - Four suspected illegal miners were found dead with gun shots wounds to the head at a gold mine near Johannesburg, South African..
バフェットの手紙2014(3)  [2014/07/03 16:00]
The Year at Berkshire On the operating front, just about everything turned out well for us last year – in certain cases very well. 業務にあたって、昨年はすべての結果は良好でした。いくつかは非常に良好でした。 Let me count the ways: 確認してみましょう。 We completed two larg..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (2) [2014/07/02 21:12]
As I’ve long told you, Berkshire’s intrinsic value far exceeds its book value. Moreover, the difference has widened considerably in recent years. That’s why our 2012 decision to authorize the repurchase of shares at 120% of book value made ..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (1) [2014/07/02 09:48]
ちょっと英語とファンダメンタルの勉強を兼ねてバークシャーの年次報告書を翻訳・公開していこうと思います。 To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.: Berkshire’s gain in net worth during 2013 was $34.2 billion. That gain was after our deducting $1.8 billion of charges – meaningle..
発注増と貿易成長率低下の裏に潜む海運業界に起こりつつあるリスク 09JUN14 [2014/07/01 18:39]
出典: http://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/risk-is-building-up-in-the-shipping-industry-on-the-back-of-increased-shipbuilding-orders-and-slower-trade-growth/ 幾つかの海運分野は、新しい需給バランスが出来上がるまで将来的な供給面での重要なheadwindsに直面することが予想される。 Danish Ship Fi..
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