タグ / ファンダメンタル
バフェットの手紙 2014 (18) [2014/08/03 10:23]
Insurance 保険
“Our investment in the insurance companies reflects a first major step in our efforts to achieve a more diversified base of earning power.”
− 1967 Annual Report
我々の保険会社での投資は 我々のより多様性に富んだ収益基盤形成のための努力の中で 最初の主要なステップを残した。..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (12) [2014/07/25 10:47]
The four companies possess excellent businesses and are run by managers who are both talented and shareholder-oriented. At Berkshire, we much prefer owning a non-controlling but substantial portion of a wonderful company to owning 100% of a..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (10) [2014/07/24 08:36]
・ Our subsidiaries spent a record $11 billion on plant and equipment during 2013, roughly twice our depreciation charge. About 89% of that money was spent in the United States. Though we invest abroad as well, the mother lode of opportunity..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (9) [2014/07/11 13:14]
・ Last year we invested $3.5 billion in the surest sort of bolt-on: the purchase of additional shares in two wonderful businesses that we already controlled. In one case – Marmon – our purchases brought us to the 100% ownership we had signe..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (8) [2014/07/11 13:11]
We now own a wide variety of exceptional insurance operations. Best known is GEICO, the car insurer Berkshire acquired in full at yearend 1995 (having for many years prior owned a partial interest). GEICO in 1996 ranked number seven among U..
バフェットの手紙 2014(5) [2014/07/07 10:33]
Berkshire and 3G could also decide at some point that it would be mutually beneficial if
we were to exchange some of our preferred for common shares (at an equity valuation
appropriate to the time).
CNBC FRB S&P500 アニュアルレポート アメリカ アメリカ株 ウォーレン・バフェット ニュース バフェット バークシャーハサウェイ バークシャー・ハサウェイ ファンダメンタル ブルームバーグ ヨーロッパ ロイター ヲーレン・バフェット 先物 北米市場 和訳 和訳 年次レポート 年次報告書 新規失業保険申請 日記 株 海 海運 為替 4大投資先