バフェットの手紙 2014(5)
Berkshire and 3G could also decide at some point that it would be mutually beneficial if
we were to exchange some of our preferred for common shares (at an equity valuation
appropriate to the time).
Our partnership took control of Heinz in June, and operating results so far are encouraging. Only minor earnings from Heinz, however, are reflected in those we report for Berkshire this year: One-time charges incurred in the purchase and subsequent restructuring of operations totaled $1.3 billion. Earnings in 2014 will be substantial.
With Heinz, Berkshire now owns 8 1⁄2 companies that, were they stand-alone businesses, would be in the Fortune 500. Only 491 1⁄2 to go.
我々のパートナーシップは6月にハインツをコントロール下におき、業務結果はこれまでのところ励みとなっています。 マイナス成長はハインツだけですが、このことは既にバークシャーに報告しており:今回の購入とその後のリストラ業務で被る費用は13億ドルです。2014年の収益は実体的となります。
we were to exchange some of our preferred for common shares (at an equity valuation
appropriate to the time).
Our partnership took control of Heinz in June, and operating results so far are encouraging. Only minor earnings from Heinz, however, are reflected in those we report for Berkshire this year: One-time charges incurred in the purchase and subsequent restructuring of operations totaled $1.3 billion. Earnings in 2014 will be substantial.
With Heinz, Berkshire now owns 8 1⁄2 companies that, were they stand-alone businesses, would be in the Fortune 500. Only 491 1⁄2 to go.
我々のパートナーシップは6月にハインツをコントロール下におき、業務結果はこれまでのところ励みとなっています。 マイナス成長はハインツだけですが、このことは既にバークシャーに報告しており:今回の購入とその後のリストラ業務で被る費用は13億ドルです。2014年の収益は実体的となります。
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