デジタル海運プラットフォームは、ミスにより生ずる6億8,300万ドルのコストを削減する (ブルームバーグより)
Digital Shipping Platforms Cut $684 Million in Errors
( 出典 : Bloomberg )
The shipping industry, which carries 90 percent of world trade, is finally going digital.
Until recently, if you wanted to send a couple pallets of television sets from Hong Kongto New York, you had to place your order over the phone with a human on the other end. Those humans make mistakes about 20 percent of the time, costing $684 million a year, according to Ocean Audit Inc., which examines invoices for retailers such as Macy’s Inc.
To cut this waste, customers and ship operators can now use digital platforms offered by Freightos, Amber Road Inc. and Inttra Inc. or by carriers including A.P. Moeller-Maersk (MAERSKB) A/S that make booking international freight as easy as reserving a hotel room or buying a sweater online.
“As an industry, I wouldn’t pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technology,” Carsten Frank Olsen, a senior director responsible for Maersk Line’s commercial business processes in Copenhagen, said in a June 12 phone interview. “To the extent that we can automate processes, we can speed up the processing time and make more accurate booking confirmations and invoices.”
Solutions range from shippers developing their own software to independent companies trying to make booking freight more like buying a plane ticket.
最近まで、もしあなたがパレットひと組分のテレビセットを香港からニューヨークに送る場合、もう片方の受取人に電話でオーダーを掛けなければならなかった。 Ocean Audit Inc によれば、これら人間は Macy's Inc と同様に20%の確率でそれら個人の送り状検査の中で何らかのミスを犯し、そのコストは年間6億8400万ドルにのぼるという。
このムダを除く為、今や荷主と船舶運航会社は Amber Road Inc 及び Inttra Inc の Freightos の提供するプラットフォームを利用したり、AP Moller-Maersk A/S の提供する船会社独自の国際輸送貨物ブッキングシステムを、ホテルの予約やセーターをオンラインで買うように利用できる。
「私はある産業の様に、我々の技術の前面にプライドを持ちたいとは思わない。」と、コペンハーゲンにあるマースクの営業担当役員であるカーステン・フランク・オールセンは6月12日の電話インタビューの中で語った。 また、「自動化システムの限界への挑戦は、我々の処理時間のスピードアップと更なる正確なブッキング確認と送り状作成を可能にする。」とも。
Long Delays
Zvi Schreiber, a British-Israeli software entrepreneur, created Hong Kong-based Freightos in 2012. He says he asked 15 companies in February how much it would cost to ship a couple pallets of cookware, clothing or electronics from China to New York, most of them took more than a week to reply.
About 160 million containers filled with goods crossed oceans last year, 13 percent of them bound for North America and 21 percent for Europe, according to London-based Clarkson Plc, the world’s largest shipbroker.
The ocean shipping industry hasn’t fully made the changeover because a single transaction usually involves multiple companies and jurisdictions with their own rules and procedures. Shippers prefer to keep privately negotiated rates secret, unlike airlines that publish fares.
Spokesmen for the World Shipping Council and the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement, trade groups representing shipping companies, declined to comment.
イギリスとイスラエルでソフトウェア会社を経営する Zvi Schreiber は2012年に Freightos を立ち上げた。彼は今年2月に15の会社に対して、もしもパレットひと組分の調理器具や洋服、電気機器などを中国からニューヨークを運送するとして一体いくら掛かるのかを問い合わせた。それに対する多くの答えが『一週間後にご連絡します』だった
約1億6000万個のコンテナが箱詰めされて昨年海を渡った、それらのうち13%が北米に、21%がヨーロッパに向かったとロンドンの世界最大の海運ブローカー Clarkson Plc は答えた。
‘Significant Improvement’ 重要な前進
Maersk now takes about 87 percent of its orders electronically, up from about 80 percent for the past four years, according to Frank Olsen. About 40 percent
of bookings on Maersk’s website are confirmed in 5 minutes to 19 minutes, and 90 percent are finished within two hours, a “significant improvement” from a year or two ago, he said.
In most cases, shipping a box load of goods around the world remains a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Orient Overseas (316)International Ltd. acknowledges online inquiries within 24 hours and then employees continue the booking process, according to Stephen Ng, the Hong Kong-based company’s director of trades.
Existing customers usually contact their account managers directly, Ng said in a June 9 e-mail. As companies develop their own approaches, it may be difficult to establish a uniform system, he said.
一番多いのが、世界のコンテナ貨物輸送は時間の消費と労働者集中の過程が残っていることだ。Orient Overseas (316) International Ltd. はオンラインの問い合わせに24時間承認し、雇用者はブッキングを処理し続ける、と香港にある貿易会社役員の Stephen Ng は言う。
‘Huge Drain’ 大規模な流出
The current system is too prone to error, according to Steve Ferreira, founder and president of Miami-based Ocean Audit. “We need to be concerned about this because it’s a huge drain on our economy,” he said in a May 27 telephone interview.
現在のシステムは間違い易いと、マイアミにあるOcean Audit 社長 Steve Ferreiraは言う。「我々はそれについて関与する必要がある、なぜなら我々の経済に大規模な流出を招くからだ。」5月27日の電話インタビューの中で答えた。
Ocean Audit reviews invoices to find mistakes in customers’ favor, taking 50 percent of the savings, Ferreira said. Other startups seek to stop the discrepancies before they happen.
Ocean Audit は顧客の利益を阻害するミスを見つける目的でインボイス(送り状)を見直すことでミスの50%を事前に抑止する、とFerreira は言う。その他のスタートアップは不整合が起こる前にそれらを阻止することを模索する。
The biggest is Parsippany, New Jersey-based Inttra, whose network now processes 22 percent of all containers shipped globally, according to Sandra Moran, chief marketing officer. The company began 13 years ago as a collaboration among the largest shipping companies, she said in a May 30 phone interview.
While Inttra shows quotes from multiple carriers,Amber Road (AMBR)’s service plugs in the terms of a company’s negotiated contract, Ty Bordner, vice president of solutions consulting based in McLean,Virginia, said in a May 30 phone interview.
最大はニュージャージーに本社を置くINTTRAの運用を手がける Parsippany である、同社のCMOの Sandra Moran によれば、今や世界のコンテナ輸送の22%を処理する。同社当時最大の船会社とのコラボレーションに参入するため13年前に始まった。と5月30日のインタビューで答えた。
INTTRA が複数の船社を参照する間、Amber Road のサービスはコンサルティング会社との交渉済みの契約条件でつながった、バージニアのまくりーんに本社を置くソリューションコンサルティング会社副社長 Ty Bordner は5月30日の電話インタビューで語った。
That allows users such as Honeywell International Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) to enter the cargo, origin and destination, push a button, and see all the available rates and schedules according to their contract, he said. They can also book directly through the software.
Best Price 一番良い価格
“Just like you and I would do on a travel site, you say, OK, I want to go that one,” he said. “These contracts are an inch thick sometimes if you printed them out on paper, so without a software system to help a user discern what’s the best way to move from point A to point B, you can’t look through a contract to do that.”
Amber Road, based in East Rutherford, New Jersey, and Freightos include air and ground transport too. Schreiber compared his service’s route options like driving directions on Google Inc.’s Maps. The company now has more than 20 vendors who pay $50 per user per month, he said.
“The shipping industry is at least a decade behind,” he said in a May 28 phone interview. “There are more complicated things in the world that the modern computer can handle.”
ニュージャージーのイーストルザフォードに本社を置く Amber Road と Freightos は航空貨物や陸上貨物も手がける。 Schreiber は彼のサービスルートのオプションとグーグル・マップのドライビング・ダイレクションとを比較する。同社は今や20以上の売り子を抱え、彼らはユーザー当たり50$を毎月支払う。と彼は言う。
To contact the reporter on this story: Isaac Arnsdorf in New York at iarnsdorf@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Millie Munshi at mmunshi@bloomberg.net Philip Revzin, Dan Stets
( 出典 : Bloomberg )
The shipping industry, which carries 90 percent of world trade, is finally going digital.
Until recently, if you wanted to send a couple pallets of television sets from Hong Kongto New York, you had to place your order over the phone with a human on the other end. Those humans make mistakes about 20 percent of the time, costing $684 million a year, according to Ocean Audit Inc., which examines invoices for retailers such as Macy’s Inc.
To cut this waste, customers and ship operators can now use digital platforms offered by Freightos, Amber Road Inc. and Inttra Inc. or by carriers including A.P. Moeller-Maersk (MAERSKB) A/S that make booking international freight as easy as reserving a hotel room or buying a sweater online.
“As an industry, I wouldn’t pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technology,” Carsten Frank Olsen, a senior director responsible for Maersk Line’s commercial business processes in Copenhagen, said in a June 12 phone interview. “To the extent that we can automate processes, we can speed up the processing time and make more accurate booking confirmations and invoices.”
Solutions range from shippers developing their own software to independent companies trying to make booking freight more like buying a plane ticket.
最近まで、もしあなたがパレットひと組分のテレビセットを香港からニューヨークに送る場合、もう片方の受取人に電話でオーダーを掛けなければならなかった。 Ocean Audit Inc によれば、これら人間は Macy's Inc と同様に20%の確率でそれら個人の送り状検査の中で何らかのミスを犯し、そのコストは年間6億8400万ドルにのぼるという。
このムダを除く為、今や荷主と船舶運航会社は Amber Road Inc 及び Inttra Inc の Freightos の提供するプラットフォームを利用したり、AP Moller-Maersk A/S の提供する船会社独自の国際輸送貨物ブッキングシステムを、ホテルの予約やセーターをオンラインで買うように利用できる。
「私はある産業の様に、我々の技術の前面にプライドを持ちたいとは思わない。」と、コペンハーゲンにあるマースクの営業担当役員であるカーステン・フランク・オールセンは6月12日の電話インタビューの中で語った。 また、「自動化システムの限界への挑戦は、我々の処理時間のスピードアップと更なる正確なブッキング確認と送り状作成を可能にする。」とも。
Long Delays
Zvi Schreiber, a British-Israeli software entrepreneur, created Hong Kong-based Freightos in 2012. He says he asked 15 companies in February how much it would cost to ship a couple pallets of cookware, clothing or electronics from China to New York, most of them took more than a week to reply.
About 160 million containers filled with goods crossed oceans last year, 13 percent of them bound for North America and 21 percent for Europe, according to London-based Clarkson Plc, the world’s largest shipbroker.
The ocean shipping industry hasn’t fully made the changeover because a single transaction usually involves multiple companies and jurisdictions with their own rules and procedures. Shippers prefer to keep privately negotiated rates secret, unlike airlines that publish fares.
Spokesmen for the World Shipping Council and the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement, trade groups representing shipping companies, declined to comment.
イギリスとイスラエルでソフトウェア会社を経営する Zvi Schreiber は2012年に Freightos を立ち上げた。彼は今年2月に15の会社に対して、もしもパレットひと組分の調理器具や洋服、電気機器などを中国からニューヨークを運送するとして一体いくら掛かるのかを問い合わせた。それに対する多くの答えが『一週間後にご連絡します』だった
約1億6000万個のコンテナが箱詰めされて昨年海を渡った、それらのうち13%が北米に、21%がヨーロッパに向かったとロンドンの世界最大の海運ブローカー Clarkson Plc は答えた。
‘Significant Improvement’ 重要な前進
Maersk now takes about 87 percent of its orders electronically, up from about 80 percent for the past four years, according to Frank Olsen. About 40 percent
of bookings on Maersk’s website are confirmed in 5 minutes to 19 minutes, and 90 percent are finished within two hours, a “significant improvement” from a year or two ago, he said.
In most cases, shipping a box load of goods around the world remains a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Orient Overseas (316)International Ltd. acknowledges online inquiries within 24 hours and then employees continue the booking process, according to Stephen Ng, the Hong Kong-based company’s director of trades.
Existing customers usually contact their account managers directly, Ng said in a June 9 e-mail. As companies develop their own approaches, it may be difficult to establish a uniform system, he said.
一番多いのが、世界のコンテナ貨物輸送は時間の消費と労働者集中の過程が残っていることだ。Orient Overseas (316) International Ltd. はオンラインの問い合わせに24時間承認し、雇用者はブッキングを処理し続ける、と香港にある貿易会社役員の Stephen Ng は言う。
‘Huge Drain’ 大規模な流出
The current system is too prone to error, according to Steve Ferreira, founder and president of Miami-based Ocean Audit. “We need to be concerned about this because it’s a huge drain on our economy,” he said in a May 27 telephone interview.
現在のシステムは間違い易いと、マイアミにあるOcean Audit 社長 Steve Ferreiraは言う。「我々はそれについて関与する必要がある、なぜなら我々の経済に大規模な流出を招くからだ。」5月27日の電話インタビューの中で答えた。
Ocean Audit reviews invoices to find mistakes in customers’ favor, taking 50 percent of the savings, Ferreira said. Other startups seek to stop the discrepancies before they happen.
Ocean Audit は顧客の利益を阻害するミスを見つける目的でインボイス(送り状)を見直すことでミスの50%を事前に抑止する、とFerreira は言う。その他のスタートアップは不整合が起こる前にそれらを阻止することを模索する。
The biggest is Parsippany, New Jersey-based Inttra, whose network now processes 22 percent of all containers shipped globally, according to Sandra Moran, chief marketing officer. The company began 13 years ago as a collaboration among the largest shipping companies, she said in a May 30 phone interview.
While Inttra shows quotes from multiple carriers,Amber Road (AMBR)’s service plugs in the terms of a company’s negotiated contract, Ty Bordner, vice president of solutions consulting based in McLean,Virginia, said in a May 30 phone interview.
最大はニュージャージーに本社を置くINTTRAの運用を手がける Parsippany である、同社のCMOの Sandra Moran によれば、今や世界のコンテナ輸送の22%を処理する。同社当時最大の船会社とのコラボレーションに参入するため13年前に始まった。と5月30日のインタビューで答えた。
INTTRA が複数の船社を参照する間、Amber Road のサービスはコンサルティング会社との交渉済みの契約条件でつながった、バージニアのまくりーんに本社を置くソリューションコンサルティング会社副社長 Ty Bordner は5月30日の電話インタビューで語った。
That allows users such as Honeywell International Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) to enter the cargo, origin and destination, push a button, and see all the available rates and schedules according to their contract, he said. They can also book directly through the software.
Best Price 一番良い価格
“Just like you and I would do on a travel site, you say, OK, I want to go that one,” he said. “These contracts are an inch thick sometimes if you printed them out on paper, so without a software system to help a user discern what’s the best way to move from point A to point B, you can’t look through a contract to do that.”
Amber Road, based in East Rutherford, New Jersey, and Freightos include air and ground transport too. Schreiber compared his service’s route options like driving directions on Google Inc.’s Maps. The company now has more than 20 vendors who pay $50 per user per month, he said.
“The shipping industry is at least a decade behind,” he said in a May 28 phone interview. “There are more complicated things in the world that the modern computer can handle.”
ニュージャージーのイーストルザフォードに本社を置く Amber Road と Freightos は航空貨物や陸上貨物も手がける。 Schreiber は彼のサービスルートのオプションとグーグル・マップのドライビング・ダイレクションとを比較する。同社は今や20以上の売り子を抱え、彼らはユーザー当たり50$を毎月支払う。と彼は言う。
To contact the reporter on this story: Isaac Arnsdorf in New York at iarnsdorf@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Millie Munshi at mmunshi@bloomberg.net Philip Revzin, Dan Stets
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