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発注増と貿易成長率低下の裏に潜む海運業界に起こりつつあるリスク 09JUN14



幾つかの海運分野は、新しい需給バランスが出来上がるまで将来的な供給面での重要なheadwindsに直面することが予想される。 Danish Ship Finance (以下 DSF)からの最新レポートの中でその他の記事に混じって述べられているものの中に、『海運業界は環境要求と燃料効率の技術進歩の両方で移行過程の中にある』ということがある。







Risk is building up in the shipping industry on the back of increased shipbuilding orders and slower trade growth
in Hellenic Shipping News 03/06/2014
Several shipping segments are expected to face significant headwinds from future supply, until a new balance between supply and demand has been established. This, according to the latest annual shipping report from Danish Ship Finance, which stated, among others, that “the shipping industry is undergoing a process of transition driven by a combination of technological advances related to fuel efficiency and environmental requirements. Freight rate volatility may intensify in this period and older vessels are expected to be scrapped prematurely in several segments. Secondhand values are expected to mirror the market fragmentation between fuel efficient vessels and older vessels, and older vessels may face unusually high value depreciations. These extraordinary changes represent not only a threat but also an opportunity for the shipping industry”, said Danish Ship Finance.
According to the report, in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, “global trade volume growth has slowed substantially, mirroring the stronger than expected decline in economic growth across the globe. This deceleration has fuelled questions about whether international trade will re-main an engine of global growth. We truly believe so, but the short to medium-term outlook for the global economy suggests that world trade volumes will grow on a par with world GDP ra-ther than by a multiple, as in the past. This is not cause for alarm in itself, but in combination with several oversupplied shipping markets and strong contracting activity, risk seems to be building up”, Danish Ship Finance noted.
According to Danish Ship Finance, “the global yard industry is in the midst of a consolidation process whereby inefficient yards are closing and capacity is gradually adjusting to lower future demand. Newbuilding prices have been on a structural decline during the last five years and are expected to remain low until the consolidation process has come to an end. Still, the high contracting activity in 2013 has blurred the picture, as it has enabled newbuilding prices to increase at yards that have attracted new orders. To us, the price increases simply reflect the ongoing selection process whereby inefficient yards go out of business and sustainable yards attract new orders. By 2016, we expect global yard capacity to have returned to the 2008 levels. We argue that as long as global yard capacity has not adjusted to a lower future demand, newbuilding prices will remain on a structurally declining trend. Clearly, yard capacity varies greatly between ship segments, but for the low-spec vessels, we find it possible that newbuilding prices could decline as soon as in 2015″.
The annual report noted that the dry bulk market remains oversupplied. “Freight rates are low, but secondhand values are climbing, as strong contracting activity supported newbuilding price increases in 2013. Supply outgrew demand, but fleet growth was significantly lower than in previous years. For the first time in years, we see a glimmer of hope for the dry bulk market, as supply may grow less than distance-adjusted demand. Consequently, in a fleet growth scenario below 3%, freight rates and secondhand values could improve in 2014. But if improved market conditions motivate owners to increase speeds, the recovery could be short-lived. The outlook beyond 2014, however, is still dominated by a large orderbook and an uncertain outlook for Chinese dry bulk demand. Even though we do find evidence of potential market improvements, we remain sceptical about the long-term prospects”.
The crude tanker market is currently suffering from massive oversupply, as it did for most of 2013 as well. In 2013, freight rates plummeted to their lowest level in many years. However, towards year-end, a combination of record-high Chinese demand, weather-related delays and a slower fleet growth caused rates to soar and the Baltic Dirty Tanker Index surged above index 1,000. Consequently, positive sentiment returned to the market and so did contracting. In total, 17 million dwt was contracted in 2013, of which 9 million dwt was ordered in December alone, pushing both newbuilding and secondhand prices up-wards. The unexpected contracting boom at the end of 2013 dampened the market outlook. The crude tanker fleet is young and premature scrapping seems inevitable if future supply out-performs demand by a large margin. However, changing trade dynamics and longer travel distances could potentially absorb the increasing inflow of vessels.
After a very tough 2012, the product tanker market improved in 2013. Freight rates gained momentum, especially at the beginning of the year when a very cold and long winter in the northern hemisphere drove MR spot earnings to a level not seen since the heyday of 2008. However, around autumn the market turned and rates began to slide. This has been further exacerbated by the large number of newbuildings currently hitting the water at a rapid pace. Nevertheless, the massive inflow of new vessels is expected to continue, due to the substantial ordering activity that took place in 2013. Overall, close to 14 million dwt was contracted, more than in the past five years combined. Consequently, the market balance remains extremely fragile, but the growth in distance-adjusted demand seems capable of absorbing the fleet growth if older and inefficient vessels are scrapped.
The LPG market remains very tight. Spot rates are at record highs and asset values are increasing. Contracting activity soared in 2013: more capacity was contracted last year than during the previous six years combined, adding 4.4 million Cu.M. to the orderbook. Consequently, fleet growth is expected to reach double digits in 2015. Part of the fleet growth may be absorbed by the increase in long-haul trade between the US and Asia, as growth in the production of shale oil and shale gas has created a significant surplus of LPG in the US. However, at the beginning of 2016 the expansion of the Panama Canal is expected to be finalised, with the result that distances between the Atlantic and the Pacific will be reduced, consequently in-creasing cargo-carrying capacity. On the positive side, the expansion will also lower transportation costs, and thus may result in a higher frequency of trade between the two regions. It therefore remains to be seen if distance-adjusted demand will benefit from the expansion.
“The container market remains highly fragmented between mod-ern and old tonnage, smaller and larger vessels and liners and tonnage providers. The supply surplus is massive and everyone is struggling to optimise operations. In some segments tonnage providers are, to some extent, being penalised by the liners for the overcapacity, as trade routes are being optimised through operational consolidation and extensive cascading of larger vessels onto smaller vessels’ trade routes. The timecharter market remains depressed, reflecting the miserable situation many tonnage providers are facing.
Extensive scrapping within the Panamax-transitable segments has brightened expectations for some of these. However, the outlook for the Post-Panamax segment remains highly challenging, as the fleet is too young to provide an adequate number of scrapping candidates. Supply remains several years ahead of demand – and there are more vessels to come.
Still, liners have managed to keep box rates fairly high. It is difficult to imagine how the current box rate level can be sustained in the future. However, the last few years have shown that box rates can be maintained at high, albeit volatile, levels despite a significant supply surplus.
Timecharter rates are expected to remain low and the number of vessels idle or laid-up is expected to increase. Consequently, tonnage providers and owners with older and less efficient vessels will continue to suffer.
Post-Panamax secondhand values are expected to decouple from newbuilding prices. Secondhand prices have already started to reflect the fact that some sizes, ship designs and engine types are more suitable for the future market than others. But the issue to consider for future secondhand prices is how and when the market will factor in that many vessels are eventually expected to be scrapped prematurely. We expect to see extraordinary value depreciations for the more inefficient vessels within the next year or two” Danish Ship Finance concluded.
Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

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