タグ / 和訳
バフェットの手紙 2014 (15) [2014/07/30 10:19]
皆様、今日も暑いですね。 今回は簡単な部分だったので、結構長く訳せました。
Late in 2009, amidst the gloom of the Great Recession, we agreed to buy BNSF, the largest purchase in Berkshire’s history. At the time, I called the transaction an “all-in wager on the ec..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (14) [2014/07/29 22:17]
Our flexibility in capital allocation – our willingness to invest large sums passively in non-controlled businesses – gives us a significant advantage over companies that limit themselves to acquisitions they can operate. Woody Allen stated..
アメリカは仕事へ帰る / アメリカ株式市場に関するブルームバーグの記事より 最新 [2014/07/28 22:10]
Jobless Data Is Good News for Investors -- With Caveats
By Adam Johnson Jul 25, 2014 12:18 AM GMT+0900
America is goin..
外為市場ニュース 「米ドルは輝き、ユーロは沈む」 / ロイター [2014/07/28 10:26]
FOREX-Market takes a shine to the dollar, shuns euro
Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:36pm EDT
【出典 : ロイター / http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/27/markets-forex-idUSL4N0Q20P120140727 】
* Dollar index holding near a six-month peak
* Euro ..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (13) [2014/07/27 10:25]
The earnings that these four companies retain are often used for repurchases of their own stock – a move that enhances our share of future earnings – as well as for funding business opportunities that usually turn out to be advantageous.
バフェットの手紙 2014 (12) [2014/07/25 10:47]
The four companies possess excellent businesses and are run by managers who are both talented and shareholder-oriented. At Berkshire, we much prefer owning a non-controlling but substantial portion of a wonderful company to owning 100% of a..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (11) [2014/07/24 09:03]
・ Berkshire’s yearend employment – counting Heinz – totaled a record 330,745, up 42,283 from last year.
The increase, I must admit, included one person at our Omaha home office. (Don’t panic: The
headquarters gang still fits comfortably o..
バフェットの手紙 2014 (10) [2014/07/24 08:36]
・ Our subsidiaries spent a record $11 billion on plant and equipment during 2013, roughly twice our depreciation charge. About 89% of that money was spent in the United States. Though we invest abroad as well, the mother lode of opportunity..
アメリカ株式市場について / CNBC速報 [2014/07/21 22:38]
CNBC のマーケット速報 (出典:CNBCニュース)
タイトル : Early movers: GM, AGN, VRX, HAS, V, MA, IBM & more
(”動きの早い銘柄: GM, AGN, HAS, V, MA, IBM その他”)
General Motors−The company said it does not yet have a fix for Cadillac CTS cars recalled last month o..
GEの増収とシンクロニーIPO の件 [2014/07/20 16:48]
GE Profit Matches Estimates as Synchrony IPO Set for July
By Richard Clough Jul 18, 2014 7:49 PM GMT+0900
July 18 (Bloomberg) -- Scarlet Fu reports on GE’s earnings on “Bloomberg Surveillance.” (Source: Bloomberg)
EU首脳、トップの役割に関する合意に至らず、8月末に再度決定 (ロイター) [2014/07/17 10:31]
UPDATE 6-EU leaders fail to agree on top jobs, to decide end August
更新その6 - EU首脳陣、トップの仕事に関する合意に失敗、8月末に再度決定
Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:36pm EDT
* Leaders likely to meet again in August on top EU jobs
* East Europeans criticise Mogherini, ..
アメリカ株先物 イエレン証言を控え微動 (2) [2014/07/16 09:56]
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. are among those reporting financial results today. Some 58 companies on the S&P 500 (SPX) post earnings this week. Profit for the gauge’s members increased 4.5 percent in the second quarter, and reve..
CNBC FRB S&P500 アニュアルレポート アメリカ アメリカ株 ウォーレン・バフェット ニュース バフェット バークシャーハサウェイ バークシャー・ハサウェイ ファンダメンタル ブルームバーグ ヨーロッパ ロイター ヲーレン・バフェット 先物 北米市場 和訳 和訳 年次レポート 年次報告書 新規失業保険申請 日記 株 海 海運 為替 4大投資先