豚インフルエンザ メキシコ住民の声
BBC Swine flu: Your experiences (豚インフルエンザ:あなたの体験)
I am a girl from Finland staying in a village in Oaxaca, Mexico, as an exchange student. On Monday, they told us that we would not be having classes until the 6th May. There are so many rumours here, but you do not know what is true, although it feels really creepy. I feel like its just a matter of time until we all get this flu. It seems like it spreads so quickly and so easily. This scares me a lot. I really want to stay here in Mexico, I have grown to love it so much during the eight months I have been here, but if this get worse I do not know if I have the guts to stay.
Josefin Horhammer, Helsinki, Finland
Josefin Horhammer、ヘルシンキ、フィンランド
I am living in Oaxaca state where reportedly the first death occurred from swine flu. The town here is known for its great surf and relaxed atmosphere, but even here the fear is beginning to enter people's daily conversation. The mentality of those living here is varied, some feel it is almost a joke and only media hype, but then you have people like myself who just booked the first flight available back to the United States.
Matthaios Tz, Puerto Escondio, Mexico
私は伝えられるところによれば豚インフルエンザによる最初の死が起こったオアハカ州に住んでます。 この町はいい波がくるのとゆったりとした雰囲気で普段は知られていますが、ここでさえ、人々の日常は恐怖に満たされています。 ここで生活している人々の精神状態は様々です。或る人は、ほとんど冗談とメディア誇大広告にすぎないと感じていますが、自分のように、アメリカへのフライトを予約した人々がいます。
I live in Mexico city...I am actually studying here! Mexico city isn't the cleanliest of places and people's attitude make it worse. Nearly half of the 20 million people are not wearing their masks and some are acting as if it's normal to have this flu with their 'I don't care' attitude. I give the Mexican government an E for effort. Rumours are flying everywhere and on the news here in Mexico its the same report over and over again. So yes, I am worried.
Rachael, Mexico City
私は、メキシコ都市に住んでいます...私は、実はここで勉強しています!メキシコ市は衛生的な場所ではありませんし、人々の態度によってより悪くなります。 2000万人の約半分はマスクを着けていません、そして、まるで「私は気にしない」と豚インフルエンザにかかるのが普通であるかのように行動しています。
Rachael, Mexico City
BBC Swine flu: Your experiences (豚インフルエンザ:あなたの体験)
I am a girl from Finland staying in a village in Oaxaca, Mexico, as an exchange student. On Monday, they told us that we would not be having classes until the 6th May. There are so many rumours here, but you do not know what is true, although it feels really creepy. I feel like its just a matter of time until we all get this flu. It seems like it spreads so quickly and so easily. This scares me a lot. I really want to stay here in Mexico, I have grown to love it so much during the eight months I have been here, but if this get worse I do not know if I have the guts to stay.
Josefin Horhammer, Helsinki, Finland
Josefin Horhammer、ヘルシンキ、フィンランド
I am living in Oaxaca state where reportedly the first death occurred from swine flu. The town here is known for its great surf and relaxed atmosphere, but even here the fear is beginning to enter people's daily conversation. The mentality of those living here is varied, some feel it is almost a joke and only media hype, but then you have people like myself who just booked the first flight available back to the United States.
Matthaios Tz, Puerto Escondio, Mexico
私は伝えられるところによれば豚インフルエンザによる最初の死が起こったオアハカ州に住んでます。 この町はいい波がくるのとゆったりとした雰囲気で普段は知られていますが、ここでさえ、人々の日常は恐怖に満たされています。 ここで生活している人々の精神状態は様々です。或る人は、ほとんど冗談とメディア誇大広告にすぎないと感じていますが、自分のように、アメリカへのフライトを予約した人々がいます。
I live in Mexico city...I am actually studying here! Mexico city isn't the cleanliest of places and people's attitude make it worse. Nearly half of the 20 million people are not wearing their masks and some are acting as if it's normal to have this flu with their 'I don't care' attitude. I give the Mexican government an E for effort. Rumours are flying everywhere and on the news here in Mexico its the same report over and over again. So yes, I am worried.
Rachael, Mexico City
私は、メキシコ都市に住んでいます...私は、実はここで勉強しています!メキシコ市は衛生的な場所ではありませんし、人々の態度によってより悪くなります。 2000万人の約半分はマスクを着けていません、そして、まるで「私は気にしない」と豚インフルエンザにかかるのが普通であるかのように行動しています。
Rachael, Mexico City