豚インフルエンザ 海外現地の声
BBC Swine flu: Your experiences (豚インフルエンザ:あなたの体験)
Right now, things are far from under control here. All the museums, zoos, and concert venues have been closed. Masses, football games, sporting activities, cultural activities, have all been cancelled. All schools will be closed until 6 May, from kindergarten to university. We don't know what to think, the truth is that the government isn't telling us the truth. This case is worst than we think, some people take this just like a joke but not me, this is serious! Als it seems clear that this illness doesn't appear to be affecting the whole country, just Mexico City, the State of Mexico and San Luis Potosi.
Carla, Mexico City
I work as a resident doctor in one of the biggest hospitals in Mexico City and sadly, the situation is far from "under control". As a doctor, I realise that the media does not report the truth. Authorities distributed vaccines among all the medical personnel with no results, because two of my partners who worked in this hospital (interns) were killed by this new virus in less than six days even though they were vaccinated as all of us were. The official number of deaths is 20, nevertheless, the true number of victims are more than 200. I understand that we must avoid to panic, but telling the truth it might be better now to prevent and avoid more deaths.
Yeny Gregorio Dávila, Mexico City
私はメキシコシティーで最も大きい病院の1つに医師として働いています、そして、悲しいことに、状況は全く「制御されていません」。 医師として、私は、メディアが事実を報道しないとわかります。 当局は結果なしですべての医療関係者にワクチンを分配しました、私たちが皆、予防注射されたように、彼らも予防注射されましたが、この病院(インターン)で働いていた私の2人のパートナーが、6日間未満でこの新種のウイルスに殺されたので。 死の公式の数は20です、それにもかかわらず、犠牲者の真の数が200以上です。 私は我々がうろたえることを避けなければならないと思います、しかし、真実にそれを話すことはより多くの死を防いで、避けるために現在よりよいかもしれません。
YenyグレゴリオDと#225; vila、メキシコシティー
I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.
There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here.
Antonio Chavez, Mexico City
豚インフルエンザのため非常事態にあります。 ますます多くの患者は、集中治療病棟に入院しています。 すべてのスタッフ(医師、看護師、専門家など)の努力にもかかわらず、患者は、必然的に死に続けています。 事実は抗ウイルス性の処置とワクチンが少しの影響も持つことになっていないということです。 それはスタッフの大きい恐怖です。 感染リスクは医師とスタッフにもあります。
他の病院では混沌とした状態にあります、そして、私たちは何をしたらよいかがわかりません。 スタッフはいなくなり始めています、そして、多くは引退するか、休暇を申請しています。
私が何とかうまくやっているこの病院でさえ、患者の死亡率が当局によって報告されているよりさらに高いのです。 毎日3、4人の患者が亡くなっています。その状態で3週間以上たとうとしています。 恥ずべきことです。
Friends working in hospitals say that the situation is really bad, they are talking about 19 people dead in Oaxaca, including a doctor and a nurse
Alvaro Ricardez, Oaxaca City
I think there is a real lack of information and sadly, preventative action. In the capital of my state, Oaxaca, there is a hospital closed because of a death related to the porcine influenza. In the papers they recognise only two people dead for that cause. Many friends working in hospitals or related fields say that the situation is really bad, they are talking about 19 people dead in Oaxaca, including a doctor and a nurse. They say they got shots but they were told not to talk about the real situation. Our authorities say nothing. Life goes on as usual here.
Young people are going to schools and universities. Buses and planes go and come from Mexico City as frequently as before. Even with two people dead locally, last night the local baseball stadium was full, mainly with young people. What's really happening? I know vaccines are good for nothing, and if you take care, maybe you won't die, so, why not acknowledge the real situation? I know that the economic situation is not the best, and it will worsen with panic. But panic comes from a lack of information. Many people travel for pleasure or without any real need. Stopping those unjustified trips can help a lot to ease the situation. We must do something!
Alvaro Ricardez, Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico
予防手段も情報も不足しており、 オアハカでは、豚インフルエンザに関連する死で閉鎖される病院があります。
けれど当局は沈黙したまま。 時間だけはいつものよう経ちます。
何が本当に起こっていますか? なぜ現実の状況を認めませんか? 私は、経済状況が最も良くなく、それがパニックで悪化するのを知っています。 しかし、パニックは情報不足から来ます。 多くの人々が喜びか少しも本当の必要性もなしで旅行します。 それらの不正な旅行を止めるのは、状況を緩和するのを大いに助けることができます。 私たちは何かをしなければなりません!
I'm a doctor responsible for managing vaccines in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon.
Over the last two weeks we started seeing patients with high fever, muscle aches, sore throats and coughs. Those symptoms seemed a bit odd for us, but we didn't diagnose them with swine flu as we didn't know about it.
On Sunday we had our first death in the area. It was someone who came from Mexico City. But we don't have the means to confirm whether it was as a result of swine flu.
We need to have the means to diagnose people and, most importantly, the means to offer them treatment
Dr Vicente Torres, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
ここ2週間、私たちは高熱、筋肉痛、咽喉炎、およびせきから患者を見始めました。 それらの兆候は私たちにとって少し奇妙に見えましたが、私たちは、豚インフルエンザに関して知らなかったため、豚インフルエンザとそれらを診断しませんでした。
日曜日に、私たちには最初の死がありました。 メキシコシティーから来たのは、だれかでした。 しかし、私たちには、それが豚インフルエンザの結果であったかを確認するための手段がありません。
何よりも、私たちは設備と実験室キットを欠いています。 私たちがすることができるのは、兆候を調べて、臨床診断をすることです。
薬局には、利用可能などんなタミフルもありません。 彼らには、別の薬物療法があるだけです、そして、それを十分さえ持っていません。
BBC Swine flu: Your experiences (豚インフルエンザ:あなたの体験)
Right now, things are far from under control here. All the museums, zoos, and concert venues have been closed. Masses, football games, sporting activities, cultural activities, have all been cancelled. All schools will be closed until 6 May, from kindergarten to university. We don't know what to think, the truth is that the government isn't telling us the truth. This case is worst than we think, some people take this just like a joke but not me, this is serious! Als it seems clear that this illness doesn't appear to be affecting the whole country, just Mexico City, the State of Mexico and San Luis Potosi.
Carla, Mexico City
I work as a resident doctor in one of the biggest hospitals in Mexico City and sadly, the situation is far from "under control". As a doctor, I realise that the media does not report the truth. Authorities distributed vaccines among all the medical personnel with no results, because two of my partners who worked in this hospital (interns) were killed by this new virus in less than six days even though they were vaccinated as all of us were. The official number of deaths is 20, nevertheless, the true number of victims are more than 200. I understand that we must avoid to panic, but telling the truth it might be better now to prevent and avoid more deaths.
Yeny Gregorio Dávila, Mexico City
私はメキシコシティーで最も大きい病院の1つに医師として働いています、そして、悲しいことに、状況は全く「制御されていません」。 医師として、私は、メディアが事実を報道しないとわかります。 当局は結果なしですべての医療関係者にワクチンを分配しました、私たちが皆、予防注射されたように、彼らも予防注射されましたが、この病院(インターン)で働いていた私の2人のパートナーが、6日間未満でこの新種のウイルスに殺されたので。 死の公式の数は20です、それにもかかわらず、犠牲者の真の数が200以上です。 私は我々がうろたえることを避けなければならないと思います、しかし、真実にそれを話すことはより多くの死を防いで、避けるために現在よりよいかもしれません。
YenyグレゴリオDと#225; vila、メキシコシティー
I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.
There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here.
Antonio Chavez, Mexico City
豚インフルエンザのため非常事態にあります。 ますます多くの患者は、集中治療病棟に入院しています。 すべてのスタッフ(医師、看護師、専門家など)の努力にもかかわらず、患者は、必然的に死に続けています。 事実は抗ウイルス性の処置とワクチンが少しの影響も持つことになっていないということです。 それはスタッフの大きい恐怖です。 感染リスクは医師とスタッフにもあります。
他の病院では混沌とした状態にあります、そして、私たちは何をしたらよいかがわかりません。 スタッフはいなくなり始めています、そして、多くは引退するか、休暇を申請しています。
私が何とかうまくやっているこの病院でさえ、患者の死亡率が当局によって報告されているよりさらに高いのです。 毎日3、4人の患者が亡くなっています。その状態で3週間以上たとうとしています。 恥ずべきことです。
Friends working in hospitals say that the situation is really bad, they are talking about 19 people dead in Oaxaca, including a doctor and a nurse
Alvaro Ricardez, Oaxaca City
I think there is a real lack of information and sadly, preventative action. In the capital of my state, Oaxaca, there is a hospital closed because of a death related to the porcine influenza. In the papers they recognise only two people dead for that cause. Many friends working in hospitals or related fields say that the situation is really bad, they are talking about 19 people dead in Oaxaca, including a doctor and a nurse. They say they got shots but they were told not to talk about the real situation. Our authorities say nothing. Life goes on as usual here.
Young people are going to schools and universities. Buses and planes go and come from Mexico City as frequently as before. Even with two people dead locally, last night the local baseball stadium was full, mainly with young people. What's really happening? I know vaccines are good for nothing, and if you take care, maybe you won't die, so, why not acknowledge the real situation? I know that the economic situation is not the best, and it will worsen with panic. But panic comes from a lack of information. Many people travel for pleasure or without any real need. Stopping those unjustified trips can help a lot to ease the situation. We must do something!
Alvaro Ricardez, Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico
予防手段も情報も不足しており、 オアハカでは、豚インフルエンザに関連する死で閉鎖される病院があります。
けれど当局は沈黙したまま。 時間だけはいつものよう経ちます。
何が本当に起こっていますか? なぜ現実の状況を認めませんか? 私は、経済状況が最も良くなく、それがパニックで悪化するのを知っています。 しかし、パニックは情報不足から来ます。 多くの人々が喜びか少しも本当の必要性もなしで旅行します。 それらの不正な旅行を止めるのは、状況を緩和するのを大いに助けることができます。 私たちは何かをしなければなりません!
I'm a doctor responsible for managing vaccines in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon.
Over the last two weeks we started seeing patients with high fever, muscle aches, sore throats and coughs. Those symptoms seemed a bit odd for us, but we didn't diagnose them with swine flu as we didn't know about it.
On Sunday we had our first death in the area. It was someone who came from Mexico City. But we don't have the means to confirm whether it was as a result of swine flu.
We need to have the means to diagnose people and, most importantly, the means to offer them treatment
Dr Vicente Torres, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
ここ2週間、私たちは高熱、筋肉痛、咽喉炎、およびせきから患者を見始めました。 それらの兆候は私たちにとって少し奇妙に見えましたが、私たちは、豚インフルエンザに関して知らなかったため、豚インフルエンザとそれらを診断しませんでした。
日曜日に、私たちには最初の死がありました。 メキシコシティーから来たのは、だれかでした。 しかし、私たちには、それが豚インフルエンザの結果であったかを確認するための手段がありません。
何よりも、私たちは設備と実験室キットを欠いています。 私たちがすることができるのは、兆候を調べて、臨床診断をすることです。
薬局には、利用可能などんなタミフルもありません。 彼らには、別の薬物療法があるだけです、そして、それを十分さえ持っていません。