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人間の霊的なレイヤー:肉体からコーザル体までの7つの次元とは?」     Human Spiritual Layer: What are the 7 dimensions from the physical body to the causal body? ”


  1. 「次元の旅:肉体、エーテル体、アストラル体からコーザル体までの秘められた存在」

  2. 「アセンションの道:次元と浄化の

“Dimensional Journey: The Hidden Existence of the Physical, Etheric, Astral and Causal Bodies”
“The Path of Ascension: Dimensions and Purification”
Human spiritual mass consists of the following seven layers:
etheric body (astral body)
Astral body (emotional body)
mental body (mental body)
Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body
Keishi body (soul)
Cored body (source of soul)
The etheric body overlaps with the physical body and is responsible for ``qi,'' ``vital force,'' and ``energy networks,'' and the concepts of ``meridians'' and ``qi'' are associated with treatment methods. Physical growth and illness are influenced by the etheric body, and the etheric body gradually disappears after death.
The astral body surrounds the etheric body and is also called the ``emotional body'', through which energy such as emotional manifestations, desires, and fears are expressed. The astral body is a freely moving consciousness that is responsible for receiving dreams and messages from the spiritual world.
The mental body is higher than the astral body, is called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for thinking and self-expression. The normal functioning of the mental body allows for clear thinking, and this is where reincarnation and accumulated talents come into play.
The causal body is at a higher level and is called the ``Buddha-nature'' or ``original self,'' and contains the soul. The liberated soul breaks the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher dimension.
When a human dies, the physical body, etheric body, and astral body remain in this world, while the mental body and causal body move to their respective dimensions. When there is emotional conflict, the astral body and soul remain in the astral plane.
After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul moves to the mental plane, where it reincarnates again and obtains a new body. Experience and knowledge are believed to be accumulated in the causal body and obtained through reincarnation.
Explanation about dimensions:
1st-2nd dimension: Earth's core and Gaia's consciousness
3rd-4th dimension: physical and etheric bodies in the lower planes of creation
5th to 9th Dimensions: Etheric, Astral, Mental, and Causal bodies in the middle planes of creation.
10th to 12th Dimensions: Cayce bodies and sources of light in the higher realms of creation.
Earth's ascension has progressed since 2012, and as of 2017 it is reported to be in the 16th dimension. Ascension means a rise in dimension, and the more purified the mind and body, the higher the vibration and dimension.
In addition to the physical body, the human spiritual mass is invisible to the naked eye, but actually consists of the following seven layers: etheric body, astral body, mental body, and causal body. 1. Physical body 2. Etheric body (astral body) 3. Astral body (emotional body) 4. Mental body (spiritual body) 5. Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body 6. Casey body (soul) 7. Cored body (The origin of the soul) ◇Etheric body The etheric body exists in a way that overlaps with the physical body, and is the ``spirit'', ``life force'', and ``energy network''. The concepts of ``meridians,'' called acupoints, and ``qi'' are therapeutic methods for the ``etheric body.'' When the physical body grows, the etheric body grows first, and then the real body is formed. Even in the case of illness, the etheric body is first damaged, and the organs in the damaged area become ill. In other words, the ether body is the constituent raw material of matter. Plants exist in the form of "material" and "etheric" bodies. The etheric body is also referred to by the word ``ki'' for some people, and it plays the role of balancing the functions necessary for living in the human world and taking in messages from the spiritual world. When the body grows or becomes ill, the etheric body is cultivated or damaged, and then the physical body is affected. As humans reach death and their physical bodies disappear, their etheric bodies also gradually disappear, and their souls can no longer return to their bodies. ◇Astral body The astral body exists as if it were wrapped around the etheric body, and is even higher. The astral body is also called the ``emotional body'' and is the medium for the expression of our emotions, and ``desires, moods, sensations, cravings, appetites, sexual desires, fears,'' etc. are also astral energy, and they are responsible for the expression of sensations, desires, fears, etc. Energy from the astral is also used as a medium. Furthermore, it is this astral body that experiences beings called living spirits and ghosts, as well as near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. The astral body is an independent "consciousness" that can move freely, and it is possible for a person to separate the astral body from the physical body while sleeping, which is why it is easy to receive messages from the spirit world in dreams. Sleeping is not only necessary to rest your brain and body, but also to separate and purify your physical, etheric, and astral bodies. Animals other than humans are composed of a physical body, an etheric body, and an astral body. ◇Mental Body The mental body is a higher entity than the astral body, and is also called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for human spiritual and intellectual thinking and self-expression. If your mental body is functioning properly, you will be able to think more clearly, and your astral body will be able to correct itself in the desired direction without being influenced by your emotions. However, the mental world has the drawback of uniting with "ism" and excluding others. The ``natural talents'' accumulated through past reincarnations and reincarnations are accumulated here. In the mental world where the mental body lives, there is a ``repository of the collective memory of the living entity''. ◇Causal body The causal body is a higher entity than the mental body, and is what we call the ``Buddha nature'' or ``original self.'' The soul exists in the causal body. However, the Causal World is not a perfect world. Souls that reincarnate are wrapped up in the causal body and do not go to higher dimensions. The true liberated soul breaks through the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher world. ⿴⿿⿿When a person dies, their ``physical body,'' ``etheric body,'' and ``astral body'' remain in this world. The ``mental body'' and ``causal body'' go to their respective worlds. Normally, the etheric body and astral body disappear immediately, but if there is an emotional conflict (grudge or regret) during life, the astral body does not disappear and the soul is dragged into the astral world. Stay in the spirit world. After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul finally goes to the mental plane. The mental world is called heaven, but we return to a new "body" as reincarnation. Experiences and knowledge gained through repeated lifetimes are stored at the level of the causal body. The causal body is a vessel for the soul, and the causal body and soul are always moving back and forth between Source and the third dimension as a set. The state where the causal body is no longer needed is 7th dimension or higher. Once you reach the 7th dimension or above, you can choose to end your reincarnation into this 3rd dimension. <Reference materials> ← Posted with my corrections and additions using this as a reference http://flatheat177.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=5712408%3ABlogPost%3A13492✼••┈┈┈┈••✼••┈ ┈┈┈••✼ About Dimensions 1st Dimension + Earth's Core Gravity Love 2nd Dimension + From outside the Earth's Core to the Earth's Surface Gaia's Consciousness. In these dimensions, the game of separation between good and evil is played out. Thoughts, emotions, windows to higher dimensions, template dimensions for the realization of thoughts. Dimension of awakening to oneself as a dimensional being Awakening as a lightworker Expression dimension of happiness, love, and harmony 6th dimension *Keith body + Dimension that consciousness creates through thought Dimension of synchronicity 7th dimension *Keith body + Dimension of limitless purification As an individual The highest dimension where you can realize the photon realm Divine infusion 8th dimension *Cassi body + collective consciousness, group soul dimension Touch the root of who you are A dimension where the sense of "I" disappears and you transcend yourself Toward the collective goal Active Galactic Energy Divine Order 9th Dimension *Cassih Bodies + Galactic Center Energy Eternal Joy Home of Spirit. ) There is a sense of me, but I am familiar at the earth level, and it is a completely different feeling from me.The 11th dimension *Cassi body + dimension of light before it takes shape, moment before creation, dimension of archangel existence, Akashic record, M of superstring theory ( From the membrane theory, the highest dimension that can be mathematically assumed is 12 dimensions *Cassi body + One dimension without separation. 12 dimensions or more *Cassi body Coard body + highest dimension of ascension 27 dimensions Dimension of the gods. Earth has been ascending since 2012 (Dimensional Ascension) is accelerating, and as of 2017, we have received reports that the 16th dimension exists. Souls who have reincarnated on the current Earth and desire ascension are beginning to ascend as the Earth ascends. Dimensions are differences in vibration. This refers to the difference in frequency bands in time and space. The higher the vibration becomes, the higher the consciousness will ascend. For ascension, it is important to cleanse the mind and body that have been polluted by modern society. As the purification progresses, entropy decreases. Your vibrations and dimensions will rise. The cleansing process will proceed like peeling the skin of an onion, and as you repeat the positive reactions, you will be able to detoxify deeper and deeper one step at a time. Cleansing is not just about doing one thing. Instead, daily choices are important, and we need to be conscious of taking a long-term view.
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