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四種の呼吸法  four breathing techniques






二、長 出息呼吸法


四、強短息呼吸法 (火の呼吸法)



簡単に説明すると、一の長出入息呼吸法は、出る息、入る息、どちらも、で きるだけ細く長く深く呼吸する。一呼吸に二十秒から三十秒、一分くらい、時 間をかける。

二の長出息呼吸法は、出る息のみをできるかぎり細く長く吐いて、吸う息は ふつうに吸う。



四の強短息呼吸法は、「火の呼吸法」 とよび、片方の鼻孔を指で押さえて閉 片方の鼻孔で強く短く呼吸する。



趺坐、あるいは椅子、いずれにしても、頭部、頸部をごく自然に、まっす ぐ、きちんとした姿勢をとる。ただし、あまり緊張しすぎて力んだり、硬直し たりしてはいけない。ゆったりと、リラックスすることが大切である。

そのためには、頭部、頸部の緊張を解くために、前頭部を心もち前に出し、 下顎を少し中へ引くようにして、頭部をやや下げるようにするとよい。 同時 に、前胸部も少しひっこめるようにし、腹部は少し前に出し、両肩は力を入れ ず、自然な姿勢をとる。 背中は心もち前に曲げ、腹部の容積を大きくするよう


る程度にひとすじの隙間を残す。 すなわち半眼にして、視線は、鼻の先、鼻頭 に持っていく。


まず、最初、軽く息を吸い、ついで口をすぼめ開き、力いっぱい吐き出す。 下腹部に力をこめ、上体を少し前に折りかがめるようにしながら、吐いて吐い 吐き尽くす。このとき、前に書いたように、体中の悪気、不浄の気をことご

吐き出してしまう気持ちで、鳩尾が背骨にくっついてしまうくらいに、吐 くのである。 吐き尽くしたら、また大きく吸い、二、三回、これをくり返す。 大事なことは、呼吸法をはじめるときには、かならず、まず最初に息を吐く ことである。 まず吐いて、つぎに吸うときから第一回の呼吸がはじまるのであ る。

歯は軽くかみ合わせて、かみ合わせた歯の間を通して、ゆっくりと息を吐 く。歯は上下が軽くふれるかふれない程度で、決して強くかみ合わせてはいけ



歯の間を通してゆっくりと息を吐き終わったら、今度は唇を閉じ、歯をきち んと合わせて、鼻からゆっくりと吸うのである。


少しずつ、時間をかけて、鼻から空気を吸う。このとき、鼻から入ってくる 空気の量をできるだけ少なくするために、鼻をすぼめて鼻腔をせまくする。こ うすると、入ってくる空気の量が少なくなるだけではなく、せまくなった鼻腔 の壁が空気でマサツされて、その刺激が脳に伝わり、脳の興奮を静める効果も あるのである。


また、息を吸い込むとき、舌の先を、上顎部(上の正面の歯ぐきのやや上部、 つまり、督脈ルートの交のところである)につける。 なぜつけるのかというと、わ

たくしは、さきに、任脈と督脈のニルートは、元来一本の線であるとのべた。 しかし、じつは、口のところでとぎれているのである。これを、舌の先で接続




このとき、息を吸い込む鼻の奥から、(任脈ルートの) 鳩尾中

を通って、男性は気臍の下約四センチ)、女性は関元(臍の下約八センチ)のと ころまで、一本の気管(プラーナ管)が通じていると観想せよ。 太さは細めのス



らいの特殊な細胞の場のあることを意識せよ。 胞嚢という、うすいオレンジ色 を帯びた透明の袋と考えてもよい。鍛錬によって収縮・拡大するから、と考 えたほうが把握しやすい。




をかけ、少し力を入れる。 息が吸い込まれるにしたがって、鳩尾はふくらみ、

収縮していた胞嚢もふくらんでいく。 (注意。あとでのべる「反式呼吸法」のとき は、この逆になる)息を吸い終わったら、もう一度、軽く息をのみ、鳩尾は十分に落とし、肛門 をぐっと閉じ、胞宮にウムと力を入れる。この力を入れるとき、同時にかなら ず鼻からちょっと息を漏らす。これが非常に大切で、これをやらないと、胸か ら頭部にかけて圧がかかり、体を痛めるおそれが出てくる。 腹式呼吸をやっ 頭痛を起こしたり、内臓下垂で苦しんだりするのは、これを知らないから である。 禅宗の原田祖岳老師が、原田山和尚の極端な下腹入力禅をやったとこ ろ、頭が鳴って苦しくなった。また腸の位置が変則的になって難病をしたと本 書いておられる。注意が必要である。



宮に一段と力をこめ、下腹部を収縮させながら、どこまでも腹の力をもっ 静かに息を吐き出していく。ふくらんでいた胞嚢がしだいにしぼられ、収縮

このとき、息を吐き出しながら、それまで、上顎部につけていた舌を離し、 吐き出す息に乗せるような気持ちで、低い声で真言を誦する。


真言を誦しながら息を吐き出していく。静かに、ゆっくりと、できるだけ細 長く吐き出していく。息がすっかり出てしまうと、下腹はくぼみ、腹壁が背 骨にくっつくような気持ちになる。つまり、そうなるような気持ちで吐き出し ていくのである。

吐き出し終わったら、また、静かに鼻で吸う。吸うときは、舌を上顎につけ ること。前とおなじである。

吸い込んだら、前と同じ動作で吐き出していく。 前とおなじように、吐き出







「オン、 シンタマニ、ダト、ウン」


この真言は、守護仏、仏舎利尊(輪廻転生瞑想法の本尊、準尊の本体)の真言 である。深く念ずることにより、守護仏の加護を得て、魔境に陥ることなく、 無事、修行を成就するのである。

この長出入息呼吸法は、一呼吸についての時間は問わない。 できるだけ細く 長く、長出入息させるのである。


four breathing techniques


The meditation breathing techniques taught in this book consist of four types of breathing techniques.


1. Long in-breath breathing method

2. Long exhalation breathing method

3. Reverse breathing method

4. Strong Short Breathing (Fire Breathing)




Briefly, one long in-breath breathing technique, both out-breath and in-breath, he takes as long and deep a breath as possible. Take 20 to 30 seconds, about 1 minute, for each breath.

In the second long exhalation breathing method, he exhales only the exhalation as long as possible, and he inhales normally.

The third anti-breathing method is different from normal breathing.

Hold and expand your belly as you exhale. It is just the opposite.

The fourth strong short breath method is called “Fire Breathing Method” and closes one nostril with a finger and takes a strong short breath through the other nostril.

Now, let me explain the four types of breathing exercises.

Long in-breath breathing training

Cross-legged or chair, either way, the head and neck should be in a very natural, upright, neat position. However, don't get too tense and strain or stiffen. It is important to take it easy and relax.

To do this, it is advisable to bring the forehead slightly forward, pull the lower jaw slightly in, and lower the head slightly in order to release tension in the head and neck. At the same time, the front chest should be slightly retracted, the abdomen should be slightly forward, and the shoulders should be in a natural posture. Bend your back slightly forward to increase the volume of your abdomen.

The lips are lightly closed quite naturally. Both eyes are lightly closed, but the outside light is faintly felt.

Leave as much space as possible. In other words, the eyes are half closed and the line of sight is brought to the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose.

Tighten the anus and pull it up.

First, take a deep breath in, then open your mouth and exhale forcefully. Tighten your lower abdomen and bend your upper body slightly forward while exhaling and exhaling. At this time, as I wrote before, remove all the bad and unclean energy from your body.

With the feeling of throwing up, I threw up until the pigeon tail stuck to my spine. After exhaling, take another big breath and repeat two or three times. The important thing is that he always exhales first when he starts the breathing method. The first breath begins when you exhale first and then inhale.

Gently squeeze your teeth together and exhale slowly through the gap between your teeth. The top and bottom of the teeth may or may not touch lightly, and should never be tightly clenched.

Naturally, move to long in-breath breathing.

First, take a deep breath.

When you have finished exhaling slowly through your teeth, close your lips and put your teeth together, then inhale slowly through your nose.


Take your time and breathe in air through your nose. At this time, in order to reduce the amount of air entering through the nose as much as possible, the nose is pursed to narrow the nasal cavity. This not only reduces the amount of air coming in, but also has the effect of squeezing the walls of the narrowed nasal passages with the air and transmitting the stimulation to the brain, which has the effect of calming the excitement of the brain.


Also, when inhaling, touch the tip of the tongue to the upper jaw (slightly above the gums in the upper front, that is, at the intersection of the gynecological route). As for why I wear it, I

Takushi said earlier that the niroot of the line of ren and the line of command was originally a single line. However, in fact, it is interrupted at the mouth. Connect this with the tip of the tongue

Let it be. By this, in fact, the Niroot

It becomes the route of (Here we enter joint training with intention.)

Then, breathe in naturally.

At this time, from the back of the nose that breathes in,

Visualize that a single trachea (prana tube) runs through the man's neck (about 4 cm below the navel) and the woman's neck (about 8 cm below the navel). Thin thickness

It is about the size of a straw and is red.

At the base of this trachea, that is, the root canal (kikai, sekimoto), there is a three-centimeter

Be aware of the special cell field of leprosy. You can think of it as a cyst, a transparent bag with a light orange tint. It's easier to understand if you think of it as shrinking and expanding through training.


Take a deep breath in quietly. Breath is drawn straight through the trachea into the cyst

I'm getting lost. At the beginning of inhalation, the pigeon tail is slightly withdrawn, and at this time, the uterus is strongly conscious.

and apply a little force. As the breath is drawn in, the dovetail expands,

The constricted cyst also swells. (Caution: In the case of the “anti-breathing method”, which will be discussed later, this is reversed.) After you have finished inhaling, breathe in again lightly, let the dovetail drop fully, close the anus tightly, and exhale into the uterus. force. When applying this force, be sure to exhale a little through your nose at the same time. This is very important because if you don't do it, you could put pressure on her chest or her head and risk hurting her body. It is not knowing this that causes headaches and suffers from ptosis. When Sogaku Harada Roshi of Zen Buddhism did the extreme abdominal input Zen of Osho Haradayama, his head pounded and became painful. In addition, it is written in the book that the position of the intestines became irregular and caused an intractable disease. Caution must be taken.

Tighten the anus and apply pressure to the uterus two or three times.

Next, move on to long breath breathing.

Put more force into the temple, contract the lower abdomen, and exhale quietly with the strength of the abdomen as far as possible. The swollen aneurysm is gradually squeezed and shrinks

At this time, while exhaling, release the tongue that has been attached to the upper jaw until then, and recite the mantra in a low voice with the feeling of putting it on the exhaled breath.


Breathe out while reciting the mantra. Exhale quietly, slowly, and as long as you can. When the breath is completely exhaled, the lower belly is depressed and the abdominal wall feels like it is pressing against the spine. In other words, I spit it out with such a feeling.

After exhaling, gently inhale again through your nose. When you inhale, keep your tongue on your upper jaw. Same as before.

After inhaling, exhale using the same motion as before. exhale as before

while reciting the mantra.

The mantra continues,




Then recite one verse with each exhaled breath.

"On Shintamani Dato Un"


This mantra is the mantra of the guardian buddha, Bussharison (principal deity of reincarnation meditation method, main body of secondary deity). By contemplating deeply, you will receive the protection of the guardian Buddha, and you will be able to complete your training safely without falling into a demonic realm.

This long in-breath breathing technique does not matter how long one breath lasts. Breathe in and out as thinly and long as possible.

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