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秘伝のチャクラ変身法:凡人から天才への道 The Gumonji Syoumeiho is based on the chakras of Kundalini Yoga and transforms ordinary people into geniuses.


1. 物質世界を超越し、時間と空間の制限を受けない。
2. ヨーガースートラによれば、自由に肉体を消失させ、ヒマラヤから東京に飛来し、一瞬でヨーロッパに去ることが可能。
3. 求聞持聡明法はクンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラに基づき、凡人を天才に変える。
4. 特にサハスラーラーチャクラ(頭頂チャクラ)の修行が重要であり、肉髭として表れる。
5. 求聞持聡明法はチャクラエネルギーを覚醒させ、特殊なルートを通じて体の各部に送り込み、大脳の中枢に千不ルギーを集中させる。
6. 方法は二つ:一、チャクラを覚醒させて変身于不ルギーを発生させる。二、発生した于不ルギーを体の各要所に送り込み、特に大脳に集中させる。
7. ムドラー・チャクラの発見により、チャクラの中心から透明な火焔(于不ルギー)が発生し、サマーナの気を統御して身体から火焔を発することが可能になる。
8. リードビーター僧正が実証したとされ、物質化学における電気の百万ボルトに匹敵する人体電気を持つことができる。

1. It transcends the material world and is not limited by time and space.
2. According to the Yoga Sutra, one can freely disappear from one's body, fly from the Himalayas to Tokyo, and instantly leave for Europe.
3. The Gumonji Syoumeiho is based on the chakras of Kundalini Yoga and transforms ordinary people into geniuses.
4. It is especially important to practice the Sahasrara Chakra (crown of the head chakra), which is manifested as a beard.
5. Gumonjisomeiho awakens chakra energy, sends it to each part of the body through special routes, and concentrates Senfurugi in the cerebral center.
6. There are two methods: 1. Awaken the chakra and generate the transformational energy. 2. Send the generated U-rugi to various parts of the body, especially concentrating it on the cerebrum.
7. With the discovery of the Mudra Chakra, a transparent flame (Yufurugi) is generated from the center of the chakra, and it becomes possible to control the energy of Samana and emit flame from the body.
8. It was said to have been demonstrated by Monsignor Leadbeater that the human body can have electricity comparable to a million volts of electricity in material chemistry.






うに、自由に自分の肉体を消失させ、一瞬のうちにヒマラヤの奥地から東京に 飛来し、一刹那のうちにヨーロッパヘ去る。彼は、四次元世界の時間と空間の 秘密を体得しているのである。二次元(平面)世界の生物にとって、三次元 (立体)世界の生物の行動はナゾとしか思えぬように、三次元生物のわれわれ には、四次元世界に住む超人の動きは全く理解できない。インドでは、仏陀が 超人であるとして、このチャクラの完成者であることを、形を以て示してる。

それは、仏像の頭頂がまるで帽子でもかぶったように大きく盛り上がっており、 これを「肉髭」と呼ぶ。サハスラーラーチャクラの修行が完成して頭骨がこの ように発達していることを示すのである。



 わたくしの開発した求聞持聡明法は、このクングリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ が持つ驚異的な変身千不ルギーを用いて、凡人を天才に変えるのだからである。

 それをひとロでいうと、わたくし独特の方法で覚醒させたチャクラエネルギー を、特殊なルートを使って、体の各要所に送りこみ、巡らせるのである。特 に、大脳の中枢部である間脳・視床下部に、この千不ルギーを集中する。これ により、肉体ぜんたいの構造を改善するとともに、大脳を変えてしまうのであ る。

























Kyokumei Satoshi Hodenden

Transcends the physical world and is not limited by time and space. It's in Yoger Sutra

As you can see, you are free to lose your own body, and in a blink of an eye you can fly from the hinterland of the Himalayas to Tokyo and leave to Europe in a moment. He knows the secrets of time and space in the four-dimensional world. Just as the behavior of the creatures in the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) world seems strange to the creatures in the two-dimensional (two-dimensional) world, we cannot understand the movements of superhumans living in the four-dimensional world. In India, the Buddha is said to be a superhuman, and he shows that he is the perfector of this chakra.

The top of the Buddha statue is raised as if it were wearing a hat, and this is called a "flesh beard". It shows that the training of the Sakhasler ratchakra is completed and the skull is developing in this way.

Above, I explained about the Kundalini yoga chakra with Nagana.


This is because the Kyokumei holding intelligent method developed by me uses the amazing transformation of Senju Rugey of this Kungrini Yoga chakra to transform an ordinary person into a genius.

In a nutshell, the chakra energy awakened in a unique way is sent to various points on the body through a special route and circulated. In particular, this Thousand Rugy is concentrated in the diencephalon, the hypothalamus, which is the central part of the cerebrum. This improves the structure of the body and changes the cerebrum.

Therefore, my method of seeking knowledge has been roughly divided into two methods.

1. A method of awakening the chakras and causing transformation into irrigation.

U, the method to send the generated unurgy to each point of the body and circulate it,

Especially the method of sending to the cerebrum.

Is. I'll explain this below, but before that, I need to talk a little more about chakras.

Discovery of Mudra Chakra

In the "Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism/Supernatural Powers", published 17 years ago, in 1972, I made the following announcement about my newly discovered chakra.

"I learned a very strange thing while training both ancient yoga practice and Shingon esoteric practice. Although I gained a great deal of training, I learned that There is no way to exert that power of

That is true. At first, I was wondering if I had the power to do it. However, as I felt the power of gradually increasing in my whole body, I finally became painful. I'd like to let this force fly out as much as I can with the tide and the rising tide. However, yoga doesn't have the method!

Speaking of which, you may have noticed it. The yoga chakra. Dharma-san. That is, there are no hands or feet. There is only a head and a torso.

My training gradually progressed, and I completely mastered the two chakras, Mu-Fu-Fu-Fu and Suvua-Kyu Aitana, and were in training for Manip-Fu-Fu Chakra. As the learning of this chakra gradually progresses, when it is settled, a transparent flame (such as Ururugi) is seen floating from the center of the chakra.

I got it. Say to Yoger Sutra. If I can control the energy of Samana, I can release a flame from my body."

there were. However, none of the mystery books describes how to concentrate the Samana's disappointing rugy on one point and ignite the target (dangi). I feel that the whole body is gradually filled with a large amount of rugy, centering around the Manipu soil Fuchakura, and the fire becomes a real fire. I struggled to find a way to “materialize”.

At that time, written by a person called CT Creek published in Europe

I had the opportunity to publish a book called "The Real Phase of Yoga". Among them, the lead beater monk, British, who was a member of the group of Ms. Brabatsky, a great theophilosopher. "Understanding the secrets of Kundalini Yoga, the secret of Kundalini, will allow us to have human body electricity that is equivalent to a million volts of electricity in material chemistry." That he demonstrated that

I read the text. After a while, I saw Debbie Tadashi put his palm on a thick oak board placed there, and after a while, when I saw it, it was like a baked gote, It was said that it was clearly attached to black.

Kiriyama Seio






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