

dilute 他動詞 〜を[〜で]薄める[by 〜] 

dilute 他動詞 〜を[〜で]薄める[by 〜] 

make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.

Please dilute the syrop by water.

hydoration 水和, 水化 

hydoration 水和, 水化 ⇔ dehydoration

hydorate (verb) cause to absorb water

hydoration is necessary for human life.


prosper 栄える、成功する、

prosper 栄える、成功する
succeed in material terms , be financially suceessful, flourish physically; grow strong and healthy.

Human being has prospered for the help of staple foods, barley, wheat, rice.


infection 伝染、感染、伝染病

infection 伝染、感染、伝染病

the process of infecting or the state of being infected, an infectious disease

To prevent infection, the furnishing the toilet is important.

thread 縫い糸、筋道、脈絡、人のように細いもの、インターネットの掲示板のスレッド ⇔ threat 脅迫、おどし、(悪い事のきざし、前兆)

thread 縫い糸、筋道、脈絡、人のように細いもの、インターネットの掲示板のスレッド ⇔ threat 脅迫、おどし、(悪い事のきざし、前兆)

thread : a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving, theme or characteristic running throughout a situation or piece of writing

threat : a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done, a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger

She made a muffler by spinning thread of wool.


生意気な saucy, impertinent, insolent, impolite, rude, bossy,

生意気な saucy, impertinent, insolent, impolite, rude, bossy,

saucy : 1) cheeky, or impertinent, 2) chiefly sexually suggestive in a light-hearted and humorous way.
3) chiefly having or expressing a bold, lively or spirited manner.

impertinent : not showing proper respect ; rude

It is so impertinet that the low ranked staff like you eats the most expensive food.


熟れた ripe

熟れた ripe

(adjective) (of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating, (of a cheese or wine) fully matured

ripe fruit


組織の歯車 cog in a machine

組織の歯車 a cog in the machine

Many people think that working a company means to become a cog in the machine.

思い出す remember



I remembered now.

ankle 足首、くるぶし ⇔ uncle 叔父、おじさん

ankle 足首、くるぶし ⇔ uncle 叔父、おじさん

ankle : the joint connecting the foot with the leg. The narrow part of the leg between the ankle joint and the calf.

uncle : the brother of one 's father or mother or the hasband of one's aunt.
(informal) an unrelated older male friend, especially of a child.

uncle's ankle is aching.
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