

組織の歯車 cog in a machine

組織の歯車 a cog in the machine

Many people think that working a company means to become a cog in the machine.

思い出す remember



I remembered now.

ankle 足首、くるぶし ⇔ uncle 叔父、おじさん

ankle 足首、くるぶし ⇔ uncle 叔父、おじさん

ankle : the joint connecting the foot with the leg. The narrow part of the leg between the ankle joint and the calf.

uncle : the brother of one 's father or mother or the hasband of one's aunt.
(informal) an unrelated older male friend, especially of a child.

uncle's ankle is aching.

painful (形容詞)痛い、痛みを伴う

painful (形容詞)痛い、痛みを伴う

adjective (of a part of the body) affected with pain.

Her ankle was very painful.

外はまだ明るい It is still light outside.

外はまだ明るい It is still light outside.

bright (光を出して)輝いている、光っている。明るい、(色が)鮮明な、(天気、日などが)うららかな、(人・顔などが)イキイキした、晴れやかな、快活な(cheerful)

giving out or reflecting much light ; shining,
- full of light
- (of a period of time) having sunny, cloudness weather
- (of colour) vivid and bold
- having a vivid colour

intelligent and quick-witted
cheerful and lively


Today's moon is so bright.


salvage (名詞)引き揚げ、財産救出、(他動詞)持ち出す、救い出す、回収する

salvage (名詞)引き揚げ、財産救出、(他動詞)持ち出す、救い出す、回収する

(noun) the rescue of a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo from loss at sea. The cargo saved from a wrecked or sunken ship.

(verb) rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo) from loss at sea, retrieve or preserve (something) from potential loss or adverse circumstances.

I salvaged the people from the building.

補助金 subsidy

補助金 subsidy

sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low.

subsidize support financially

It should be prudent who we should give the subsidy.

hygiene 衛生

hygiene 衛生

conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleaniness.

hygienic 衛生的な

conducive to maintaing health and preventing disease, especially by being clean, sanitary

We need to mind the hygienic issue.


fort  とりで、要塞

fort  とりで、要塞

a fortified building or strategic position, a trading station,

This has been a fort for this country.

foregoing 先行の、前(上)述の(⇔ following)

foregoing 先行の、前(上)述の(⇔ following)

(adjective) just mentioned or stated, preceding

(noun) the things just mentioned or stated.

Please repeat foregoing phase.
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