

vigorous (adjective) 精力的な、元気はつらつとした、強健な

vigorous (adjective) 精力的な、元気はつらつとした、強健な

strong, healthy, and full of energy, forceful

He is vigorous.

小包 parcel, package

小包 parcel, package

an object or collection of objects wrapped in paper in order to be carried or sent by post.

I delivered the parcels via the convenience store.

公共料金 utility bills

公共料金 utility bills

utility (noun) the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial, a public utility,

I paid the utility bill at the convenience store.

defamatory (adjective) 中傷的な、名誉棄損の

defamatory (adjective) 中傷的な、名誉棄損の

defame (verb) damage the good reputation of (someone) slander or libel

It is better to refrain from making defamatory comments. Eventually, it protects us.

intimidated (他動詞) を(~で)脅迫する (with) 、〜をおびえさせる

intimidated (他動詞) を(~で)脅迫する (with) 、〜をおびえさせる

frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.

Customers sometimes intimidate the shop staff.

abusive (adjective) 口汚い、無礼な、悪い、罵倒の

abusive (adjective) 口汚い、無礼な、悪い、罵倒の

extremely offensive and insulting, engaging in or characterized by habitual violence and cruelty, involving injustice or illegality

We keep in mind not to say abusive words.

冷静に calmly

冷静に calmly

冷静な calm

(adjective) not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.

Please speak calmly.

grapple (自動詞) (〜を求めて)つかみ合う (with/for)、取り組む(with)

grapple (自動詞) (〜を求めて)つかみ合う (with/for)、取り組む(with)

engage in a close fight or struggle without wapons, struggle to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge)

Bank of Japan grapples with inflation and currency plummeting in value.

indefinitely (adverb) 無期限に、漠然と、不明確に、不定に

indefinitely (adverb) 無期限に、漠然と、不明確に、不定に

for an unlimited or unspecified period of time

The journey continues indefinitely.

agregious (adjective) 実にひどい、はなはだしい、目に余る

agregious (adjective) 実にひどい、はなはだしい、目に余る

outstandingly bad, shocking

Your attitude is agregious.
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