

tantrum 不機嫌、かんしゃく

tantrum 不機嫌、かんしゃく

an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, thypically in a young child.

A child burst into tantrum.

brew (他動詞) を醸造する、(茶、コーヒーなどを)を入れる

brew (他動詞) を醸造する、(茶、コーヒーなどを)を入れる

make (beer) by soaking, boiling, and fermentation, make (tea or coffee) by mixing it with hot water.

I brew greentea instead of buying pet bottle of greentea to save money.

thaw (自動詞) 解ける、液体になる(meltよりも堅い語)、穏やかになる、暖かくなってほぐれる

thaw (自動詞) 解ける、液体になる(meltよりも堅い語)、穏やかになる、暖かくなってほぐれる

(of ice, snow, or another frozen substance, such as food) become liquid or soft as a result of warming up.
The weather becomes warmer and causes snow and ice to melt.

I put frozen meet into refrigerator to thaw the meet.


相性 compatibility

相性 compatibility

able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict.

相性がいい:be compatible with each other

When we organize a team, we need to consider compatibility.

nurture (他動詞)を育てる、養育する、を促進する

nurture (他動詞)を育てる、養育する、を促進する

care for and encourage the growth or development of

I would like to nurture my children.

dismiss (他動詞)〜を捨てる、退ける、を解雇する

dismiss (他動詞)〜を捨てる、退ける、を解雇する

orderor allow to leave, send away, treat unworthly of serious consideration

He dismissed her idea without taking look at.

make amends つぐないをする

make amends つぐないをする

to do something for somebody in order to show that you are sorry for something wrong or unfair that you have done.

I made amends by giving fruit.

unsolicited (adjective)求められていない、望まれていない

unsolicited (adjective)求められていない、望まれていない

not asked for, given or done voluntarily

Unsolicited sexial appeal should be avoid.

口だけの人 XX is all talk and no action

口だけの人 XX is all talk and no action

You are all talk and no action.

poorly (adverb) 貧しく、みすぼらしく、みじめに、まずく、下手に、不完全に

poorly (adverb) 貧しく、みすぼらしく、みじめに、まずく、下手に、不完全に

in a way that is unsatisfactory or inadequate, with insufficient money.

He explained poorly. Then, it causes confusion in the market.
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