Intel RealSense 3D depth camera fitted into smartphone
【国内正規品】Lytro Light Field Camera ライトフィールドカメラ LYTRO ILLUM (イルム) 9.5‐77.8mm F2.0 LYTRO ILLUM 新品価格 |
Lytro ライトロ Light Field Camera ライトフィールドカメラ Red Hot 16GB 並行輸入 新品価格 |
◆アウトレット◆ Lytro ライトロ Graphite 8GB グラファイト デジタルカメラ◆並行輸入品◆ 新品価格 |
Intel has revealed a version of its 3D depth camera that is small and thin enough to be fitted into a 6in (15.2cm) smartphone.
The RealSense sensor can be used to recognise hand and head movements and makes it possible to change the focus of photos after they have been taken.
The prototype was unveiled by the company chief executive Brian Krzanich at an event in Shenzhen, China.
One expert noted that questions remained about its power demands.
Although Mr Krzanich showed off an example of a RealSense-enabled phone, he did not demonstrate it working, which may indicate it is still at an early stage of development.
"The device which was shown on stage at the Intel Developer Forum was a prototype that was created in collaboration with a Chinese firm, whom we are not naming," said a spokeswoman for the company.
"The device is meant to show the different types of apps, usage models and form factors that RealSense tech can be integrated into and to encourage innovation."・・・
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