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英語 長文読解に挑戦しよう【第4回】


↓ 以下の長文は分かりやすくするため、つながっている部分は1文ごとに改行、段落は2個分改行を行います。

Native American and Canadian Indian tribes have passed down stories going back thousands of years about giant ape-men, or Bigfoot, living in the forest of the western United States and Canada.
They called these creature Sasquatch, Yerin, or Mountain Devils.
Regardless of the name, the descriptions of these animals are usually the same.
The Bigfoot is usually described as being very tall, well over two meters.
It is covered in thick, dark hair and usually gives off a bad odor.
The Bigfoot's body is usually very muscular and ape-like, yet it walks upright and has a face more similar to that of humans than of apes.
For the most part, these creatures appear not to be violent or aggressive.
Big foot sightings are usually of lone, or single, creatures, but there have been reports of people seeing groups, or families, of Bigfoot.

People in other countries also tell stories of similar ape-men.
In the Himalayas, a mountain range in Nepal, people call these creatures Yeti, or Abominable Snowmen.
The Africans call them Ngoloko, and the Chinese tell stories of Gin-sung, or Bearman.

Though sightings have been reported for centuries, is there any scientific evidence for the existence of these creatures?
Some say yes, and others say no.
Dr. Grover Krantz, a physical anthropologist at the University of Oregon, believes that Bigfoot may be a type of creature known as a Gigantopithecus.
A Gigantopithecus is an animal that lived in Asia over 300,000 years ago and looked like a mix between an ape and a very large man.
Dr. Krantz believes that these animals, which lived long before humans, may have migrated from Asia and decided to settle in the heavily wooded area of the Pacific Northwest, where food was plentiful.

Is it possible that creatures like these could have survived for so many years unknown to humans?
Cryptozoologists compare the case of Bigfoot to that of the coelacanth.
The coelacanth is a type of fish that was believed to have gone extinct over 70 million years ago, but this fish has been discovered to be still living off the coast of South Africa.
Cryptozoologists believe that the animals that we now call Bigfoot have been able to survive by living in an area that people, until recently, have seldom gone.

There are, however, some questions that science has been unable to answer.
For example, why have no dead Bigfoot bodies ever been discovered?
And where is the physical proof of their existence?
Bigfoot researchers point out that it is unusual to find the dead remains of any animal in the forest.
Most of the time, they say, other animals eat the remains soon after death; this may be the case for Bigfoot, too.
Many skeptics, people who do not believe in Bigfoot, say that the videos and photographs of Bigfoot are really pictures of people wearing ape costumes.
They also believe that the Bigfoot footprints are really the footprints of bears, or footprints made by tricksters trying to fool scientists.

It is possible that we may never know the truth about these animals.
If they have avoided being seen for the last several thousand years, then maybe they will stay hidden for another several thousand.
Or it may be that as we humans go deeper and deeper into the forest of Northwest America and Canada, we may finally come face to face with the elusive Bigfoot.



〇It is(=V) possible(=C) [≪that≫ we(=S) may never know(=V) the truth(=O) [about these animals](=truthの内容)](=S).


〇[≪If≫ they(=S) have avoided(=V) being seen(=O) [for the last several thousand years](=seenの内容)], then maybe they(=S) will stay(=V) hidden(=C)[ for another several thousand].

※「avoid」:避ける、回避する、「then maybe」:その後、おそらく


〇[Or it may be [that as we humans go deeper and deeper into the forest of Northwest America and Canada](=S)], we(=S) may ≪finally≫ come(=V) [face to face] [with the elusive Bigfoot].

※「come face to face with」:(慣用句)直接対面する、「elusive」:うまく逃げる
訳:私たち人間が「Northwest America」や「Canada」の森の奥深くまで行くとしたら、逃げるのが上手い「Bigfoot」を対面できたかもしれない



問 次の文章に続くものとして正しいものを選べ
[1] In stories about giant ape-men in the United Sates and Canada, we can see that

@Native American and Canadian Indian tribes have feared theese giant creatures and stayed away from them.

Apeople have given different names to giant creatures that have the same physical characteristics.
⇒「Sasquatch」「Yerin」「Mountain Devils」といった名前を付けていたのはホント

Bthe description of giant ape-men have changed, indicating that the creatures have evolved over time.
⇒「very tall」という「description」は「changed」していないため「☓」

Cmost giant ape-men appear to be gentle, but they become aggressive when trying to protect their families.

[2] Dr. Grover Krantz, a physical anthropologist at the University of Oregon,

@points out the possibility of Bigfoot being an animal that is known to have existed on earth.

Aargues that Bigfoot could be the name of an imaginary creature that looked like a mix between ape and a man.
⇒「imaginary creature」とは思っていなかったので「☓」

Bclaims that the Bigfoot and the Gigantopithecus are different in their appearances and migration patterns.

Cbelieves that humans forced the Gigantopithecus to migrate from Asia to Pacific Northwest.



↓ おすすめの参考書は載せておきますが、まずは自分のレベルに合った参考書を選びましょう。参考書の選び方はまた別の機会(サブブログ)でやろうと思います

2023年受験用 全国大学入試問題正解 英語(私立大編) [ 旺文社 ]

(2024/5/6 14:43時点)

posted by ねこ at 14:00 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語




@総合型選抜と公募推薦対策の専門塾 プロの講師がゼロからサポート

A中高一貫校生を"専門"にした個別指導塾 トータルサポートで成績UP!

Bオンライン家庭教師 自宅で学べるオーダーメイドカリキュラム!

C全国182教室 オンラインじゃなく、個別指導で実力UP!

D早慶上智といった難関校特化塾 オンライン/個別指導の選択可

Eオンライン講師多数在籍 好きな時に好きな分だけ学べる

E独自の指導メソッドで合格に導く! 説明会でメソッド公開中
