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ハワイ滞在歴約10年。南国大好き。海外旅行大好き。RAP,R&B大好き 現在は日本在住。Hawaii の事、海外旅行の事、日々のグルメな事、のらりくらりと書かせて頂いています。たまに娘が英語でのコメントを書いてくれています。
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カナダ留学記 8

And now to the Karate Dojo in Toronto.

Training has been going on for years starting from when we were in Hawaii, so off to Canada with the karate gi.

会員カードがあれば、世界中どこの国でもビジターとして無料で通えます。With the membership card, training as a visitor should be available with no extra fees.

空手バカ一代?です。。。。ヽ (´ー`)┌  まあ ほどほどにやっていてください。

The love of Martial Arts... Well, just have some fun.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 14:01 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
HAWAII お気に入りのビーチ
 kauai 編

A beach on Kauai I always go to...

ポリハレビーチPoli Hale Beach

The long white sand beaches; there are usually not that many people ;)

「もし誰か溺れている人を見かけても、you don't see nothing!見なかったことにしろ。。。」と言われました。つまり流れが速すぎてあなたが泳いで助ける事は不可能だというのです。
I had no clue until I went on the Napali Coast Rafting Tour: swimming here is suicidal. They said, "Even if you see'um drownin', jus act like you don't see nothin'." i.e. the current is dangerously swift so there is no hope of saving someone drowning by swimming to them...

馬鹿なわたしは子供が小さいときその急な流れを利用?して子供に浮き輪をつけて右から左へ流して遊んだものでした。。。知らなかったとはいえ ハヂカシー (*/。\*)

And I'd actually had my kids out there in the current when they were little; I thought the rapid currents taking them from one side of the shore to the other was fun... Well, I didn't know.

日本まで流れていかないでよかったあ落ち込みWell, we're still here now.

★ナパリコースト  カウアイ島の北西にある断崖の続く海岸線がナ・パリ・コーストです。数百万年前の火山活動によってできた崖やいくつもの滝があり、車で行くことはできません。海からのみアクセス可The Na Pali's Cliffs on the northwestern side of Kauai harbors the secret shores of the Na Pali coast. Millions of cliffs and waterfalls made from volcanic activity has made this place beautiful, but only accessible by sea (sorry, no cars...).

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 19:01 | HAWAII | この記事のURL
娘のカナダ留学記について花About my daughter's study abroad journal

皆様いつも温かいコメントありがとうございます。すいませんGreat thanks to everyone, for always leaving heart-warming comments.

日本の大学に通っている娘が交換留学生という形でカナダのトロント大学に9月から通っています。While attending regular school in Japan, my daughter in now studying abroad as an exchange student at the University of Toronto in Canada starting this September.

英語には全く問題がないので(先日ためしに受けたTOEIC 990点でした(°Д°))、カナダのいいところや、親と離れて人間関係等を学んできてほしいと思っています。She doesn't really have any problems with English (we tried the Toeic exam, and results came back with a 990), but just wanted her to go and see the Canadian scenery and to learn interpersonal relationships away from home.

授業料は日本の大学に納めているので、改めてカナダの大学に払う事はありません。The tuition only has to be paid at her home school, so nothing really extra for the one in Canada.

カナダでの生活費は娘自身が勝ち取った?奨学金ですべてまかなっています。Everyday expenditures, she manages with the scholarship that she'd fought for (?) before leaving.

(親が出せる余裕はありません汗I couldn't pay it all off, oh no...

本人は自分のお金のなかから出しているという感覚なので、一生懸命節約しているようです。(学食のリンゴやバナナを持ち帰って週末の食事に充てる等。。。困ったShe is in charge of her own budget, so it seems she is working very hard on that; taking home apples and bananas from the cafeteria and eating it on weekends, etc...

こうやってすこしづつ生き方を学んで?いるようです。Seems to be learning how to live(?) well, a little every day.

わたしもカナダには行ったことはありませんが、毎日のようにスカイプで連絡取り合って写真の説明をしてもらっているうちにカナダに行った気分になり好きになってきました。I myself have never gone to Canada, but with the daily skype calls, and pictures sent over--- It feels like I'm there, and I'm really starting to like Canada.


Posted by MISHIA at 10:35 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
カナダ留学記 7
Although many places were visited, only very basic necessities had been bought.

A clothes rack to hang wet clothes; $4 each sharing with a roommate.


A solar panel-ed lamp for 1500 yen, and microwaveable dishes for 50 yen, mouthwash... For a student with a tight budget, not bad :)

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 09:45 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
カナダ留学記 6

Continuing with shopping; Toronto's IKEA.

ホットドッグはcostcoとおなじシステムでトッピング自由。やや小さめですが50¢(カナダドル)とは爆安です。笑顔 ○ >^*)パクッ

Hotdogs have the same system as costco; take all the toppings you want. A little small, yes, but only 50 cents.


Looks like beer, but it's swiss pear cider; a recomondation of a friend. It was very tasty.


A dog at the shopping center.

He was waiting for his owner, while being tied to the bench. He looked really happy.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 09:19 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
ハワイ島 サウスポイントに碧色の砂のビーチがあります。Island of Hawaii. Green Sand Beach at the Southern point of the island.

たどり着くには、ジープ等が良いです。ほんとにひどい道のりです。。。さすがアドベンチャーランドハワイ島!道が激しく凸凹しています。  (((( ;゚Д゚)))ガタガタ))))))頭を車の天井にぶつけながら、

行きは何とかたどり着きましたが、帰りはついにタイヤがとがった何かを踏んで、パンクしてしまいました。あまり車も通らないところでしたが、よその国の観光客に助けられました。(良い思い出です)To get there some sort of four-wheeler, a jeep for instance, because the road is just horrible.... But that's what we'd asked for, right?--- an Adventure! We were able to get to the beach safely, but on the way back... We got a flat tire from a piece of sharp metal (a giant nail?) sticking up from the ground. We were able to get help from passing-by fellow tourists, regardless of how deserted it was. In the end, all good memories.

砂全体が、あまりうまく写真に撮れていないかもしれませんが ミドリ色です。。。
The sand, though I couldn't get it to look like I'd want it to, is supposed to be green in the picture....

泳ごうと思えば、泳げます。泳ぐIt also possible to swim.

橄欖石(かんらんせき, olivine)が波で洗われていく過程で砂浜になったということだそうです。
でもなんだか訪れるたびに、砂浜が、小さくなっていっています。(´;ェ;`)It is said that olivine going through erosion had made such beautifully green colored sand. But it seems to be getting smaller and smaller every time we visit...(it has been made against the law, by the way, to take the sand home).

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 11:41 | HAWAII | この記事のURL
カナダ留学記 5

カナダトロントの costco

Costco in Toronto, Canada. (Up in North York by the way, could take the TTC, but best to have a car :))


Fresh new term w/room-mates and dorm-friends, but we still had a few necessities, so we decided to go out shopping.

日本でもおなじみ COSTCO安くて結構イケるフードコートですが、ここにはハワイにも日本にもない、ハンバーガーが!(◎皿◎)!! 

Costco, just as popular as in Japan. The food court's cheap and not so bad ;) But wait, there's more! Hamburgers!--- not found in neither Hawaii nor Japan...


Take whatever topping you want; it's like a salad bar.


Also a short drive away was an Asian version of Costco (a little smaller, yes, but with the sample-ing and food-court), where they had these interesting shopping carts.


They have wheels on the bottom so you can drag it.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 14:59 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
本日また一つ年を取りました。(*´д`)=зI just aged another year today...

きょうは世間では忙しい月曜日でございますが、日本に帰ってきてからはこのところ毎年恒例にしている「誕生日献血」を←(勝手に名前をつけるな ! (≧▽≦) へへっ)してのんびり過ごしました。
Today is "Busy Monday," or thats how the world puts it, but I've gone to my annual "Birthday Blood Donation" (just named it myself, there's no such thing ;)) today~.

When I used to live in a condo along the beach in Kahala, I'd walk to the nextdoor hotel's beach cafe for dinner. Such great memories (and not THAT expensive you know)! The scenery was what tasted the best!

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 10:21 | HAWAII | この記事のURL
カナダ留学記 4


I guess it might be that way in every college campus, but this campus was so big, only parts of it had been seen yet. There are days when classes finish at 9 at night, and you could get back in time for dinner; running across the field to get to the cafeteria is common, but I guess running on this nice grass is not too bad :)



素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 07:39 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
カナダ留学記 3
あたらしい寮生のための歓迎会がありました。夕方からディナークルーズです。 オンタリオ湖にて
The orientation for new comers in residence. Dinner cruise in the evening @ Lake Ontario.

カナダのシンボルタワーCNタワー(Canadian National Tower)上海や横浜等色々な所にこんなようなタワーがあり
A landmark in Canada, the Canadian National Tower. Shanghai, Yokohama... I guess we see one of these big guys in every city ;)

ちょうど満月が登り始めました。赤くてきれいキラキラ The full moon is just about to rise; beautifully scarlet, it was!


When the sun goes down, the night scenery reveals its beauty as well.


素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 18:12 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
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