HAWAII お気に入りのビーチ
kauai 編
A beach on Kauai I always go to...
ポリハレビーチPoli Hale Beach
The long white sand beaches; there are usually not that many people ;)
「もし誰か溺れている人を見かけても、you don't see nothing!見なかったことにしろ。。。」と言われました。つまり流れが速すぎてあなたが泳いで助ける事は不可能だというのです。
I had no clue until I went on the Napali Coast Rafting Tour: swimming here is suicidal. They said, "Even if you see'um drownin', jus act like you don't see nothin'." i.e. the current is dangerously swift so there is no hope of saving someone drowning by swimming to them...
馬鹿なわたしは子供が小さいときその急な流れを利用?して子供に浮き輪をつけて右から左へ流して遊んだものでした。。。知らなかったとはいえ ハヂカシー (*/。\*)
And I'd actually had my kids out there in the current when they were little; I thought the rapid currents taking them from one side of the shore to the other was fun... Well, I didn't know.
日本まで流れていかないでよかったあWell, we're still here now.
★ナパリコースト カウアイ島の北西にある断崖の続く海岸線がナ・パリ・コーストです。数百万年前の火山活動によってできた崖やいくつもの滝があり、車で行くことはできません。海からのみアクセス可The Na Pali's Cliffs on the northwestern side of Kauai harbors the secret shores of the Na Pali coast. Millions of cliffs and waterfalls made from volcanic activity has made this place beautiful, but only accessible by sea (sorry, no cars...).
A beach on Kauai I always go to...
ポリハレビーチPoli Hale Beach
The long white sand beaches; there are usually not that many people ;)
「もし誰か溺れている人を見かけても、you don't see nothing!見なかったことにしろ。。。」と言われました。つまり流れが速すぎてあなたが泳いで助ける事は不可能だというのです。
I had no clue until I went on the Napali Coast Rafting Tour: swimming here is suicidal. They said, "Even if you see'um drownin', jus act like you don't see nothin'." i.e. the current is dangerously swift so there is no hope of saving someone drowning by swimming to them...
馬鹿なわたしは子供が小さいときその急な流れを利用?して子供に浮き輪をつけて右から左へ流して遊んだものでした。。。知らなかったとはいえ ハヂカシー (*/。\*)
And I'd actually had my kids out there in the current when they were little; I thought the rapid currents taking them from one side of the shore to the other was fun... Well, I didn't know.
日本まで流れていかないでよかったあWell, we're still here now.
★ナパリコースト カウアイ島の北西にある断崖の続く海岸線がナ・パリ・コーストです。数百万年前の火山活動によってできた崖やいくつもの滝があり、車で行くことはできません。海からのみアクセス可The Na Pali's Cliffs on the northwestern side of Kauai harbors the secret shores of the Na Pali coast. Millions of cliffs and waterfalls made from volcanic activity has made this place beautiful, but only accessible by sea (sorry, no cars...).