カナダ留学記 5
カナダトロントの costco
Costco in Toronto, Canada. (Up in North York by the way, could take the TTC, but best to have a car :))
Fresh new term w/room-mates and dorm-friends, but we still had a few necessities, so we decided to go out shopping.
日本でもおなじみ COSTCO安くて結構イケるフードコートですが、ここにはハワイにも日本にもない、ハンバーガーが!(◎皿◎)!!
Costco, just as popular as in Japan. The food court's cheap and not so bad ;) But wait, there's more! Hamburgers!--- not found in neither Hawaii nor Japan...
Take whatever topping you want; it's like a salad bar.
Also a short drive away was an Asian version of Costco (a little smaller, yes, but with the sample-ing and food-court), where they had these interesting shopping carts.
They have wheels on the bottom so you can drag it.