皆様いつもご訪問、あたたかいコメント本当にありがとうございます。Thank you all for aleays stopping by and leaving me so many heart-full comments.
クタのビーチA beach in Kuta
I will be going to Bali with a friend from high school ages.
しばらくお留守にさせて頂きます。(*゜▽゜*)I won't be home for a while...
今回は5回目位の訪バリですが、初めてツアーで行ってきます。though this will be my 5th trip to Bali, This will be my first time going on a TOUR!!
ツアーはお得ですよね。毎朝食とミネラルウオーターついて、おまけにTours are such a good deal; Breakfast every morning, service mineral water, and...
マッサージ2時間もつけてくれます。(≧▽≦)A MASSAGE COURSE for 2 HOURS as well.
我が家のバリコレクション(苦労したあ、重くて)Our homely Bali-collection )it was quite heavy...)
最近バリで日本人女性の巻き込まれる物騒な事件やスマトラで地震など、いろいろがありましたが、なんだか?私は大丈夫。。。な気がしています。(そう思う事も大事ですよね)Well, yes, though there has been quite a few reportings these days of Japanese ladies pulled into un-wanted incidents, earthquakes out in Smatra, etc. but I have a feeling I'lll be alright (and its important to think this way too, I guess).
街を普通に歩いていても、「お土産ヤスイよ〜」と声をかけられたことがなく、I never even get caught to be sold merchandise to,
「pagi~~!(現地語でのあいさつ)」○×▽ ☆ ですから。。。。("▽"*)
"Pagi~~!" (a greeting in their language; they usualy don't realize I'm a tourist...
帰ってきたら、またいろいろ報告をさせて頂きますね。I'd like to \write more about it when I get back!
クタのビーチA beach in Kuta
I will be going to Bali with a friend from high school ages.
しばらくお留守にさせて頂きます。(*゜▽゜*)I won't be home for a while...
今回は5回目位の訪バリですが、初めてツアーで行ってきます。though this will be my 5th trip to Bali, This will be my first time going on a TOUR!!
ツアーはお得ですよね。毎朝食とミネラルウオーターついて、おまけにTours are such a good deal; Breakfast every morning, service mineral water, and...
マッサージ2時間もつけてくれます。(≧▽≦)A MASSAGE COURSE for 2 HOURS as well.
我が家のバリコレクション(苦労したあ、重くて)Our homely Bali-collection )it was quite heavy...)
最近バリで日本人女性の巻き込まれる物騒な事件やスマトラで地震など、いろいろがありましたが、なんだか?私は大丈夫。。。な気がしています。(そう思う事も大事ですよね)Well, yes, though there has been quite a few reportings these days of Japanese ladies pulled into un-wanted incidents, earthquakes out in Smatra, etc. but I have a feeling I'lll be alright (and its important to think this way too, I guess).
街を普通に歩いていても、「お土産ヤスイよ〜」と声をかけられたことがなく、I never even get caught to be sold merchandise to,
「pagi~~!(現地語でのあいさつ)」○×▽ ☆ ですから。。。。("▽"*)
"Pagi~~!" (a greeting in their language; they usualy don't realize I'm a tourist...
帰ってきたら、またいろいろ報告をさせて頂きますね。I'd like to \write more about it when I get back!