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ハワイ滞在歴約10年。南国大好き。海外旅行大好き。RAP,R&B大好き 現在は日本在住。Hawaii の事、海外旅行の事、日々のグルメな事、のらりくらりと書かせて頂いています。たまに娘が英語でのコメントを書いてくれています。
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皆様いつもご訪問、あたたかいコメント本当にありがとうございます。すいませんThank you all for aleays stopping by and leaving me so many heart-full comments.

クタのビーチA beach in Kuta

明日から高校時代からの友人とバリに遊びに行ってきます。  バニー飛行機
I will be going to Bali with a friend from high school ages.
しばらくお留守にさせて頂きます。(*゜▽゜*)I won't be home for a while...

今回は5回目位の訪バリですが、初めてツアーで行ってきます。though this will be my 5th trip to Bali, This will be my first time going on a TOUR!!

ツアーはお得ですよね。毎朝食とミネラルウオーターついて、おまけにTours are such a good deal; Breakfast every morning, service mineral water, and...    

マッサージ2時間もつけてくれます。(≧▽≦)A MASSAGE COURSE for 2 HOURS as well.

我が家のバリコレクション(苦労したあ、重くて)Our homely Bali-collection )it was quite heavy...)

最近バリで日本人女性の巻き込まれる物騒な事件やスマトラで地震など、いろいろがありましたが、なんだか?私は大丈夫。。。な気がしています。(そう思う事も大事ですよね)Well, yes, though there has been quite a few reportings these days of Japanese ladies pulled into un-wanted incidents, earthquakes out in Smatra, etc. but I have a feeling I'lll be alright (and its important to think this way too, I guess).

街を普通に歩いていても、「お土産ヤスイよ〜」と声をかけられたことがなく、I never even get caught to be sold merchandise to,


「pagi~~!(現地語でのあいさつ)」○×▽ ☆ 
"Pagi~~!" (a greeting in their language; they usualy don't realize I'm a tourist...
帰ってきたら、またいろいろ報告をさせて頂きますね。I'd like to \write more about it when I get back!


素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 08:37 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
Backstreet Boys と握手!!!
今日10月1日 ラゾーナ川崎で Backstreet Boys のライブがありました。Oct. 1st, Lazona Kawasaki, Backstreet Boys live too place!

暇だったら行ってみようと思っていたら、やっぱり暇だったので、(≧▽≦)自宅から歩いて4分程の会場に入るとそこはもう東京ドームか武道館か???ってナほどI thought I'd take a look, only if I've got nothing to do, and turns out, I had nothing to do. so off with my 4-minute-walk to what turned out to be like some sort of Tokyo Dome.

えらい騒ぎじゃあーりませんか。困ったSO MANY people!

豆粒みたいに見えたけどのりのりの音楽4曲歌って踊ってくれて、充分楽しんだので、さっさとかえってこようとしたら。。。。'Course, they'd looked like a bunch of pebbles, so tiny and all, but with 4 very good songs, I had a stomach-full of delight; I'd headed for home...

な、なんと、(◎皿◎) ! ちょうど

Backstreet Boys  御一行様がお帰りになるところではあーりませんか!!
But just at that moment, the Backstreet Boys were also heading back!
裏道?(バックストリートなだけに。。。寒い!?(ノ∀`*)すいません)を使って出る所に、ちょうどタイミングよくい合わせた私は、ラッキーな事にOK握手(ブライアンと)までしてもらって、Taking the "back street" (haha), I was just in time to see them coming in my direction, and what luck! I got to shake hands with one of them, Brian in fact,

「超」得した気分でるんるんと帰ってまいりました。Now THAT really made my day.

下手なうつし方ですみません汗Sorry for no better pictures...

ちなみにお笑い好きの私はこっちも行きたいのですが。。。。By the way, for a comedy lover like me, I also plan to go to this one:

ラゾーナ川崎 Lazona Kawasaki

日程:10月4日(日) October 4th, Sunday
時間:12:00〜 starting at 12 o clock
場所:ルーファ広場 グランドステージ Lufa(?) Square Grand Stage
出演者:蛍原徹(雨上がり決死隊)/トータルテンボス/オリエンタルラジオ/ケンドーコバヤシ/河本準一(次長課長)/ブラックマヨネーズ/はんにゃ/博多華丸・大吉/エド・はるみ A bunch of comedians I won't bother translating because its 3 oclock in the morning.

Posted by MISHIA at 23:09 | この記事のURL
 ナイアガラ観光地にてAt the attractions at Niagara Falls

何ぢゃこりゃあ!!?? (◎皿◎) !!汗Oh, My, What is this?!

ゴキブリ?? みみず??こおろぎ????Roaches? No, crickets?!

、。。。。。メキシカンスパイス風味、塩コショウ味、サワークリームオニオン、ベーコンチーズ味 ... Mexican Spice, Salt&Pepper, Sour Cream&Onions, Bavom&Cheese...

実はこれはみんな食べ物です。 ぎょえ^^^(((( ;゚Д゚)))And they are all edible...


間違えて本物が紛れ込んでも知らぬ間に食べちゃうぢゃない。。。(T▽T) I guess you must finish it before live ones find their way in...


バカー ヾ(゚д゚)ノ゛

でもおもしろいかも。。。ププッ    ( ̄m ̄*)Quite interesting though...

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

ハーシーズ ストア
ナイアガラの滝の近くに可愛いお店がいろいろありました。There were many charming stores at the Niagara Falls.

観光地ですからね。(-^口^-)I guess it IS a tourist attraction sight.

食べ応え有りそうな大きさです。(≧▽≦)Very big, but I'd like to try...

このブロックでお菓子のおうちを作りたい〜〜It would be nice to build a house with these blocks~~

 知るひとぞ知る、おなじみreeses の特大版

写真を見ているだけでチョコレートの香りが漂ってきそうな専門店でした (*゜▽゜*)The pictures alone seem to give off the scent of chocolate.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Day trip to Niagara Falls on Sunday.


About a 2 hour drive from college residence, and we're there (how close!).


The falls are right at the border of US and Canada, but the scenery from the Canadian side is better ;)

こんなに近くで大丈夫???So close!

虹もきれい拍手にみれました。Rainbows can be seen from the mist as well.


The trees have begun to change color, and fall is coming near! Just a bit further and the falls come into view from here.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

皆様 いつもご訪問頂きありがとうございます。すいません

Thanks for always stopping by!

熱海温泉旅行満喫して帰ってまいりました。電車 温泉

Just got back from my Atami Hot Spring trip.

自宅から、約2時間程度で行ける気軽な旅行でしたが、何十年も?一緒にいる仲間たちとわいわいがやがや(まるで修学旅行の様に)騒いで食べて お風呂に入って。。。

About a 2 hour drive from home, and not bad of a distance, but with friends from [??]years back, it felt like a school field trip, eating, having fun, soaking in hot springs...


Very relaxing, it was!

ホテル自慢のローマ風呂は300人は入れるとの事ですが、(300人入ったらイモ洗いですよね。)「おもひでぽろぽろ」の映画にも登場した素敵な開放感溢れるいいお風呂でした。  泳いぢゃいました。  泳ぐ(/∀\*)キャ)The main attraction of the hotel, the Roman style springs, were said to have capacity for 300 people, but of course there weren't that many; otherwise I couldn't have swam in it like I did ;)


The food was... Okay, but that's about it. (We ladies are pretty strict on that).

I found a wasabi soda pop. It smelled wasabi-ish, but it was not spicy at all.


素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 17:52 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
きょうは中学時代からの友人ら5人と「熱海」温泉旅行に行ってきます。Today I will be going to the hot springs in Atami with 5 of my old friends back from Jr. High.

一泊2食付き 9800円との事なので、どんなものかじっくり見て体験してまいります。(*゜▽゜*)
Supposedly we are to get some extra discounts and service if we have five of us (so we were told), and the price is 9800 yen for a night and 2 meals, so I'd be off to check it out pretty well ;)

ホテル大野屋より。。。。From Hotel Onoya.

創業70周年だからこそ感謝の気持ちを込めた価格でご提供!!It being their 70th anniversary, the prices are special.

Only on weekdays (which include Sundays to Mondays), 9800 yen per person. Valid only for parties of 5!

  The room may be chosen between the popular and relaxing semi- Japanese/Western one, or the full Japanese style one.

●お食事は旬の山海の幸を盛り込んだお料理をお召し上がり頂きます。Meals include the best from both the seasonal greens and seafood.
Many Japanese style delicacies served traditionally, made readily at your room so you can sit back and enjoy the food! Sashimi and seasonal recipies guaranteed freshness. Breakfast meals are in the dining hall, served in a buffet style including Chinese home-made hTenshin.

The springs include the great Roman type bathing area which has a capacity of up to 300 people (a whole army to fight Troy?lol), and semi-outdoors spring pools. There are 6 extra privately reserve-able ones, absolutely free! This hotel draws its waters from 4 different spring locations, so one of the richest in amount of hot spring water in Atami.

Well that's what I hear~
  たのしみ〜〜〜(*゜▽゜*)How exciting!

by TREview

Posted by MISHIA at 20:30 | 国内旅行 | この記事のURL
カナダ留学記 10
ある日の学食A meal at the cafeteria

なかなかおいしそうです。(ボリュームもかなり (≧▽≦)。。。)Looks quite good actually, and notice the size...

右のお皿の中の物をパンにはさんで食べるようです。← はさみきれんん!!汗
It seems they are to put the food on their plate into their sandwiches... Does it fit?

でもごはん党のわたしは絶対白い御飯が恋しくなりそうです。But I do like rice, so I don't know how long I could go on sandwiches.


素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 11:50 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
龍の形をした雲 とある夕暮れ時たまたま目にとまった大きな雲。巨大な龍が沈む夕日に向かって降りて行く模様でした。 

A cloud that happened to catch the eye on a one peaceful twilight hour. A giant dragon seemed to be gliding down towards the sun as it set.


Posted by MISHIA at 12:45 | この記事のURL
カナダ留学記 9
トロント映画祭に突然誘われて行ってきた娘。。。。All of a sudden, She was invited to come along to the Toronto International Fill Festival (TIFF)...


How sudden you ask? Well, having gone to the cafeteria and finished dinner, was just about to head for home with a stolen apple and banana for the night's snack... "We have to go NOW." "?!"
リンゴとバナナを手に持ったまま走って会場に行ったそうな。。。走る走る No jackets, no, didn't even have the time to get them (though the Toronto night can be pretty cold); just the apple, the banana, and three little girls, running down Younge Street and into the night....Σ(°Д°;(部屋に置きに行くヒマすらなく。。。)

チケットは無料ですが、 なくなり次第配布終了The movie ticket is for free, just that the moment they're gone, that's the end.

友達のひとりは「スタバのドリンク」を持って入ろうとして、入口で差し押さえられたので、その場で一気飲み。(もったいないもんね)リンゴとバナナは手に持っていたがなんと  OK?だった。。。One friend tried to bring a Starbucks coffee she'd just bought (as mentioned, it WAS cold), but was not allowed in, so had to chug it down right there. But the staff seemed unconcerned with the apple and banana held in hand; they just went right through.

 上映終了後は宿題のレポート提出が、夜中の12時まで(パソコンから送る)だったらしく、またモーレツにダッシュして帰ったとの事。走る(もちろんリンゴとバナナは両手ににもったまま。。。ヒヨコAfter the movies, an essay was due by 12 o'clock midnight by e mail (and what was it, like 11 o'clock?), so RUN they did, once again, three little girls, and the apple, and the banana, held in hand.

学生生活はホントに楽しそうだ。学校(o^冖^o)University life does seem to be lots of fun ;)

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 23:07 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
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