カナダ留学記 3
あたらしい寮生のための歓迎会がありました。夕方からディナークルーズです。 オンタリオ湖にて
The orientation for new comers in residence. Dinner cruise in the evening @ Lake Ontario.
カナダのシンボルタワーCNタワー(Canadian National Tower)上海や横浜等色々な所にこんなようなタワーがあり
A landmark in Canada, the Canadian National Tower. Shanghai, Yokohama... I guess we see one of these big guys in every city ;)
ちょうど満月が登り始めました。赤くてきれい The full moon is just about to rise; beautifully scarlet, it was!
When the sun goes down, the night scenery reveals its beauty as well.
The orientation for new comers in residence. Dinner cruise in the evening @ Lake Ontario.
カナダのシンボルタワーCNタワー(Canadian National Tower)上海や横浜等色々な所にこんなようなタワーがあり
A landmark in Canada, the Canadian National Tower. Shanghai, Yokohama... I guess we see one of these big guys in every city ;)
ちょうど満月が登り始めました。赤くてきれい The full moon is just about to rise; beautifully scarlet, it was!
When the sun goes down, the night scenery reveals its beauty as well.