でも、ヘッダーのブログタイトル見にくい。 黒くするのにいろいろ試したけど、今日のところは断念。
以前は他のブログサービスを使ってたんだけど、ファンブログほど自由度は無かったなぁ。 A8からのサポートも随分助かっている。
ぶっちゃけ、アフィリエイトがやりたくて始めたブログだけど、勉強のために他の先輩ブロガーのブログを見ると、写真が多かったり、内容が具体的で分かりやすかったり、なにより、皆さんが 長く 続けている事が印象的だった。
でも、ヘッダーのブログタイトル見にくい。 黒くするのにいろいろ試したけど、今日のところは断念。
以前は他のブログサービスを使ってたんだけど、ファンブログほど自由度は無かったなぁ。 A8からのサポートも随分助かっている。
ぶっちゃけ、アフィリエイトがやりたくて始めたブログだけど、勉強のために他の先輩ブロガーのブログを見ると、写真が多かったり、内容が具体的で分かりやすかったり、なにより、皆さんが 長く 続けている事が印象的だった。
バフェットの手紙 2014 (9)
・ Last year we invested $3.5 billion in the surest sort of bolt-on: the purchase of additional shares in two wonderful businesses that we already controlled. In one case – Marmon – our purchases brought us to the 100% ownership we had signed up for in 2008. In the other instance – Iscar – the Wertheimer family elected to exercise a put option it held, selling us the 20% of the business it retained when we bought control in 2006.
These purchases added about $300 million pre-tax to our current earning power and also delivered us $800 million of cash. Meanwhile, the same nonsensical accounting rule that I described in last year’s letter required that we enter these purchases on our books at $1.8 billion less than we paid, a process that reduced Berkshire’s book value. (The charge was made to “capital in excess of par value”; figure that one out.) This weird accounting, you should understand, instantly increased Berkshire’s excess of intrinsic value over book value by the same $1.8 billion.
昨年我々は最もしっかりした性質のボルトオンに35億ドルを投じました:2つの素晴らしいビジネスへの追加の株式購入は既に我々の手でコントロールされているものでした。1つは Marmon で、購入は2008年にサインした同社の100%持分を我々にもらたすものです。他の1つは Iscar で、Wertheimerファミリーが所有していたプットオプションの権利行使の選択に伴い、我々にビジネスの20%を売ることになったもので、2006年に我々が会社の指揮権を購入したときに保有されていたものです。
それらの購入は我々の現在の収益力に、税引き前収益を3億ドル加えました。また、8億ドルのキャッシュをもたらしました。同時に、無意味な会計ルールは、昨年の手紙の中で詳述したように、 我々がそれらに支払った額よりも少ない18億ドルという額面で購入したように目録に記録するよう請求しました、このプロセスはバークシャーの簿価を減じることとなりました。(費用は『額面価値の超過分に該当する資産』に掛かる:図その1)この不思議な会計は、あなたも理解しなければなりません、即席に増えたバークシャーの本質的価値の簿価超過分は同じく18億ドルです。
These purchases added about $300 million pre-tax to our current earning power and also delivered us $800 million of cash. Meanwhile, the same nonsensical accounting rule that I described in last year’s letter required that we enter these purchases on our books at $1.8 billion less than we paid, a process that reduced Berkshire’s book value. (The charge was made to “capital in excess of par value”; figure that one out.) This weird accounting, you should understand, instantly increased Berkshire’s excess of intrinsic value over book value by the same $1.8 billion.
昨年我々は最もしっかりした性質のボルトオンに35億ドルを投じました:2つの素晴らしいビジネスへの追加の株式購入は既に我々の手でコントロールされているものでした。1つは Marmon で、購入は2008年にサインした同社の100%持分を我々にもらたすものです。他の1つは Iscar で、Wertheimerファミリーが所有していたプットオプションの権利行使の選択に伴い、我々にビジネスの20%を売ることになったもので、2006年に我々が会社の指揮権を購入したときに保有されていたものです。
それらの購入は我々の現在の収益力に、税引き前収益を3億ドル加えました。また、8億ドルのキャッシュをもたらしました。同時に、無意味な会計ルールは、昨年の手紙の中で詳述したように、 我々がそれらに支払った額よりも少ない18億ドルという額面で購入したように目録に記録するよう請求しました、このプロセスはバークシャーの簿価を減じることとなりました。(費用は『額面価値の超過分に該当する資産』に掛かる:図その1)この不思議な会計は、あなたも理解しなければなりません、即席に増えたバークシャーの本質的価値の簿価超過分は同じく18億ドルです。
バフェットの手紙 2014 (8)
We now own a wide variety of exceptional insurance operations. Best known is GEICO, the car insurer Berkshire acquired in full at yearend 1995 (having for many years prior owned a partial interest). GEICO in 1996 ranked number seven among U.S. auto insurers. Now, GEICO is number two, having recently passed Allstate. The reasons for this amazing growth are simple: low prices and reliable service. You can
do yourself a favor by calling 1-800-847-7536 or checking Geico.com to see if you, too, can cut your insurance costs. Buy some of Berkshire’s other products with the savings.
今や我々は例外的保険業務に広い多様性を持っています。最も有名なのはGEICOで、バークシャーが1995年の年末に全株式を取得した自動車保険会社です。(それに先じて部分的な権益はそれまで長いこと保持していました)GEICOは1996年のアメリカ自動車保険業界で第7位でした。現在、GEICOは第2位で、最近オールステートを抜きました。この素晴らしい成長の理由はシンプルで、『低価格の確実なサービス』ということです。あなた自身で 1-800-847-7536 に電話するか、Geico.com をチェックしてみて下さい。いずれの方法でも保険コストを削減でます。バークシャーのその他いくつかの産業を貯蓄するとともに買ってください。
・While Charlie and I search for elephants, our many subsidiaries are regularly making bolt-on acquisitions. Last year, we contracted for 25 of these, scheduled to cost $3.1 billion in aggregate. These transactions ranged from $1.9 million to $1.1 billion in size.
Charlie and I encourage these deals. They deploy capital in activities that fit with our existing businesses and that will be managed by our corps of expert managers. The result is no more work for us and more earnings for you. Many more of these bolt-on deals will be made in future years. In aggregate, they will be meaningful.
do yourself a favor by calling 1-800-847-7536 or checking Geico.com to see if you, too, can cut your insurance costs. Buy some of Berkshire’s other products with the savings.
今や我々は例外的保険業務に広い多様性を持っています。最も有名なのはGEICOで、バークシャーが1995年の年末に全株式を取得した自動車保険会社です。(それに先じて部分的な権益はそれまで長いこと保持していました)GEICOは1996年のアメリカ自動車保険業界で第7位でした。現在、GEICOは第2位で、最近オールステートを抜きました。この素晴らしい成長の理由はシンプルで、『低価格の確実なサービス』ということです。あなた自身で 1-800-847-7536 に電話するか、Geico.com をチェックしてみて下さい。いずれの方法でも保険コストを削減でます。バークシャーのその他いくつかの産業を貯蓄するとともに買ってください。
・While Charlie and I search for elephants, our many subsidiaries are regularly making bolt-on acquisitions. Last year, we contracted for 25 of these, scheduled to cost $3.1 billion in aggregate. These transactions ranged from $1.9 million to $1.1 billion in size.
Charlie and I encourage these deals. They deploy capital in activities that fit with our existing businesses and that will be managed by our corps of expert managers. The result is no more work for us and more earnings for you. Many more of these bolt-on deals will be made in future years. In aggregate, they will be meaningful.
バフェットの手紙 2014 (7)
・ Our many dozens of smaller non-insurance businesses earned $4.7 billion pre-tax last year, up from $3.9 billion in 2012. Here, too, we expect further gains in 2014.
・ Berkshire’s extensive insurance operation again operated at an underwriting profit in 2013 – that makes 11 years in a row – and increased its float. During that 11-year stretch, our float – money that doesn’t belong to us but that we can invest for Berkshire’s benefit – has grown from $41 billion to $77 billion.
Concurrently, our underwriting profit has aggregated $22 billion pre-tax, including $3 billion realized in 2013. And all of this all began with our 1967 purchase of National Indemnity for $8.6 million.
現在、我々の引き受け収入は2013年に実現した30億ドルを含め、総計で税引き前で220億ドルになります。これらのすべては1967年にNational Indemnity を860万ドルで購入したことが始まりでした。
・ Berkshire’s extensive insurance operation again operated at an underwriting profit in 2013 – that makes 11 years in a row – and increased its float. During that 11-year stretch, our float – money that doesn’t belong to us but that we can invest for Berkshire’s benefit – has grown from $41 billion to $77 billion.
Concurrently, our underwriting profit has aggregated $22 billion pre-tax, including $3 billion realized in 2013. And all of this all began with our 1967 purchase of National Indemnity for $8.6 million.
現在、我々の引き受け収入は2013年に実現した30億ドルを含め、総計で税引き前で220億ドルになります。これらのすべては1967年にNational Indemnity を860万ドルで購入したことが始まりでした。
バフェットの手紙 2014 (6)
NV Energy, purchased for $5.6 billion by MidAmerican Energy, our utility subsidiary, supplies electricity to about 88% of Nevada’s population. This acquisition fits nicely into our existing electric-utility operation and offers many possibilities for large investments in renewable energy. NV Energy will not be MidAmerican’s last major acquisition.
・ MidAmerican is one of our “Powerhouse Five” – a collection of large non-insurance businesses that, in aggregate, had a record $10.8 billion of pre-tax earnings in 2013, up $758 million from 2012. The other companies in this sainted group are BNSF, Iscar, Lubrizol and Marmon.
ミッドアメリカンは我々がパワーハウス・ファイブ(発電5)と呼ぶ会社の一つで ― 非保険業の大規模会社コレクションの一つで、総計で、2013年の税引前利益108億ドルを計上し、2012年の7億5800万ドルから上昇しました。この神聖なグループのその他の会社はBNSF(Burlington Northern Santa-Fe 鉄道)、Iscar(ISCAR Metalworking – イスラエル発祥の金属部品製造会社)、Lubrizol(特殊化学品・潤滑油製造供給会社)、Marmon(シカゴを拠点とする電気部品及びその他コングロマリット企業)、です。
Of the five, only MidAmerican, then earning $393 million pre-tax, was owned by Berkshire nine years ago. Subsequently, we purchased another three of the five on an all-cash basis. In acquiring the fifth, BNSF, we paid about 70% of the cost in cash, and, for the remainder, issued shares that increased the number outstanding by 6.1%. In other words, the $10.4 billion gain in annual earnings delivered Berkshire by the five companies over the nine-year span has been accompanied by only minor dilution. That satisfies our goal of not simply growing, but rather increasing per-share results.
If the U.S. economy continues to improve in 2014, we can expect earnings of our Powerhouse Five to improve also – perhaps by $1 billion or so pre-tax.
・ MidAmerican is one of our “Powerhouse Five” – a collection of large non-insurance businesses that, in aggregate, had a record $10.8 billion of pre-tax earnings in 2013, up $758 million from 2012. The other companies in this sainted group are BNSF, Iscar, Lubrizol and Marmon.
ミッドアメリカンは我々がパワーハウス・ファイブ(発電5)と呼ぶ会社の一つで ― 非保険業の大規模会社コレクションの一つで、総計で、2013年の税引前利益108億ドルを計上し、2012年の7億5800万ドルから上昇しました。この神聖なグループのその他の会社はBNSF(Burlington Northern Santa-Fe 鉄道)、Iscar(ISCAR Metalworking – イスラエル発祥の金属部品製造会社)、Lubrizol(特殊化学品・潤滑油製造供給会社)、Marmon(シカゴを拠点とする電気部品及びその他コングロマリット企業)、です。
Of the five, only MidAmerican, then earning $393 million pre-tax, was owned by Berkshire nine years ago. Subsequently, we purchased another three of the five on an all-cash basis. In acquiring the fifth, BNSF, we paid about 70% of the cost in cash, and, for the remainder, issued shares that increased the number outstanding by 6.1%. In other words, the $10.4 billion gain in annual earnings delivered Berkshire by the five companies over the nine-year span has been accompanied by only minor dilution. That satisfies our goal of not simply growing, but rather increasing per-share results.
If the U.S. economy continues to improve in 2014, we can expect earnings of our Powerhouse Five to improve also – perhaps by $1 billion or so pre-tax.
バフェットの手紙 2014(5)
Berkshire and 3G could also decide at some point that it would be mutually beneficial if
we were to exchange some of our preferred for common shares (at an equity valuation
appropriate to the time).
Our partnership took control of Heinz in June, and operating results so far are encouraging. Only minor earnings from Heinz, however, are reflected in those we report for Berkshire this year: One-time charges incurred in the purchase and subsequent restructuring of operations totaled $1.3 billion. Earnings in 2014 will be substantial.
With Heinz, Berkshire now owns 8 1⁄2 companies that, were they stand-alone businesses, would be in the Fortune 500. Only 491 1⁄2 to go.
我々のパートナーシップは6月にハインツをコントロール下におき、業務結果はこれまでのところ励みとなっています。 マイナス成長はハインツだけですが、このことは既にバークシャーに報告しており:今回の購入とその後のリストラ業務で被る費用は13億ドルです。2014年の収益は実体的となります。
we were to exchange some of our preferred for common shares (at an equity valuation
appropriate to the time).
Our partnership took control of Heinz in June, and operating results so far are encouraging. Only minor earnings from Heinz, however, are reflected in those we report for Berkshire this year: One-time charges incurred in the purchase and subsequent restructuring of operations totaled $1.3 billion. Earnings in 2014 will be substantial.
With Heinz, Berkshire now owns 8 1⁄2 companies that, were they stand-alone businesses, would be in the Fortune 500. Only 491 1⁄2 to go.
我々のパートナーシップは6月にハインツをコントロール下におき、業務結果はこれまでのところ励みとなっています。 マイナス成長はハインツだけですが、このことは既にバークシャーに報告しており:今回の購入とその後のリストラ業務で被る費用は13億ドルです。2014年の収益は実体的となります。
デジタル海運プラットフォームは、ミスにより生ずる6億8,300万ドルのコストを削減する (ブルームバーグより)
Digital Shipping Platforms Cut $684 Million in Errors
( 出典 : Bloomberg )
The shipping industry, which carries 90 percent of world trade, is finally going digital.
Until recently, if you wanted to send a couple pallets of television sets from Hong Kongto New York, you had to place your order over the phone with a human on the other end. Those humans make mistakes about 20 percent of the time, costing $684 million a year, according to Ocean Audit Inc., which examines invoices for retailers such as Macy’s Inc.
To cut this waste, customers and ship operators can now use digital platforms offered by Freightos, Amber Road Inc. and Inttra Inc. or by carriers including A.P. Moeller-Maersk (MAERSKB) A/S that make booking international freight as easy as reserving a hotel room or buying a sweater online.
“As an industry, I wouldn’t pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technology,” Carsten Frank Olsen, a senior director responsible for Maersk Line’s commercial business processes in Copenhagen, said in a June 12 phone interview. “To the extent that we can automate processes, we can speed up the processing time and make more accurate booking confirmations and invoices.”
Solutions range from shippers developing their own software to independent companies trying to make booking freight more like buying a plane ticket.
最近まで、もしあなたがパレットひと組分のテレビセットを香港からニューヨークに送る場合、もう片方の受取人に電話でオーダーを掛けなければならなかった。 Ocean Audit Inc によれば、これら人間は Macy's Inc と同様に20%の確率でそれら個人の送り状検査の中で何らかのミスを犯し、そのコストは年間6億8400万ドルにのぼるという。
このムダを除く為、今や荷主と船舶運航会社は Amber Road Inc 及び Inttra Inc の Freightos の提供するプラットフォームを利用したり、AP Moller-Maersk A/S の提供する船会社独自の国際輸送貨物ブッキングシステムを、ホテルの予約やセーターをオンラインで買うように利用できる。
「私はある産業の様に、我々の技術の前面にプライドを持ちたいとは思わない。」と、コペンハーゲンにあるマースクの営業担当役員であるカーステン・フランク・オールセンは6月12日の電話インタビューの中で語った。 また、「自動化システムの限界への挑戦は、我々の処理時間のスピードアップと更なる正確なブッキング確認と送り状作成を可能にする。」とも。
Long Delays
Zvi Schreiber, a British-Israeli software entrepreneur, created Hong Kong-based Freightos in 2012. He says he asked 15 companies in February how much it would cost to ship a couple pallets of cookware, clothing or electronics from China to New York, most of them took more than a week to reply.
About 160 million containers filled with goods crossed oceans last year, 13 percent of them bound for North America and 21 percent for Europe, according to London-based Clarkson Plc, the world’s largest shipbroker.
The ocean shipping industry hasn’t fully made the changeover because a single transaction usually involves multiple companies and jurisdictions with their own rules and procedures. Shippers prefer to keep privately negotiated rates secret, unlike airlines that publish fares.
Spokesmen for the World Shipping Council and the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement, trade groups representing shipping companies, declined to comment.
イギリスとイスラエルでソフトウェア会社を経営する Zvi Schreiber は2012年に Freightos を立ち上げた。彼は今年2月に15の会社に対して、もしもパレットひと組分の調理器具や洋服、電気機器などを中国からニューヨークを運送するとして一体いくら掛かるのかを問い合わせた。それに対する多くの答えが『一週間後にご連絡します』だった
約1億6000万個のコンテナが箱詰めされて昨年海を渡った、それらのうち13%が北米に、21%がヨーロッパに向かったとロンドンの世界最大の海運ブローカー Clarkson Plc は答えた。
‘Significant Improvement’ 重要な前進
Maersk now takes about 87 percent of its orders electronically, up from about 80 percent for the past four years, according to Frank Olsen. About 40 percent
of bookings on Maersk’s website are confirmed in 5 minutes to 19 minutes, and 90 percent are finished within two hours, a “significant improvement” from a year or two ago, he said.
In most cases, shipping a box load of goods around the world remains a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Orient Overseas (316)International Ltd. acknowledges online inquiries within 24 hours and then employees continue the booking process, according to Stephen Ng, the Hong Kong-based company’s director of trades.
Existing customers usually contact their account managers directly, Ng said in a June 9 e-mail. As companies develop their own approaches, it may be difficult to establish a uniform system, he said.
一番多いのが、世界のコンテナ貨物輸送は時間の消費と労働者集中の過程が残っていることだ。Orient Overseas (316) International Ltd. はオンラインの問い合わせに24時間承認し、雇用者はブッキングを処理し続ける、と香港にある貿易会社役員の Stephen Ng は言う。
‘Huge Drain’ 大規模な流出
The current system is too prone to error, according to Steve Ferreira, founder and president of Miami-based Ocean Audit. “We need to be concerned about this because it’s a huge drain on our economy,” he said in a May 27 telephone interview.
現在のシステムは間違い易いと、マイアミにあるOcean Audit 社長 Steve Ferreiraは言う。「我々はそれについて関与する必要がある、なぜなら我々の経済に大規模な流出を招くからだ。」5月27日の電話インタビューの中で答えた。
Ocean Audit reviews invoices to find mistakes in customers’ favor, taking 50 percent of the savings, Ferreira said. Other startups seek to stop the discrepancies before they happen.
Ocean Audit は顧客の利益を阻害するミスを見つける目的でインボイス(送り状)を見直すことでミスの50%を事前に抑止する、とFerreira は言う。その他のスタートアップは不整合が起こる前にそれらを阻止することを模索する。
The biggest is Parsippany, New Jersey-based Inttra, whose network now processes 22 percent of all containers shipped globally, according to Sandra Moran, chief marketing officer. The company began 13 years ago as a collaboration among the largest shipping companies, she said in a May 30 phone interview.
While Inttra shows quotes from multiple carriers,Amber Road (AMBR)’s service plugs in the terms of a company’s negotiated contract, Ty Bordner, vice president of solutions consulting based in McLean,Virginia, said in a May 30 phone interview.
最大はニュージャージーに本社を置くINTTRAの運用を手がける Parsippany である、同社のCMOの Sandra Moran によれば、今や世界のコンテナ輸送の22%を処理する。同社当時最大の船会社とのコラボレーションに参入するため13年前に始まった。と5月30日のインタビューで答えた。
INTTRA が複数の船社を参照する間、Amber Road のサービスはコンサルティング会社との交渉済みの契約条件でつながった、バージニアのまくりーんに本社を置くソリューションコンサルティング会社副社長 Ty Bordner は5月30日の電話インタビューで語った。
That allows users such as Honeywell International Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) to enter the cargo, origin and destination, push a button, and see all the available rates and schedules according to their contract, he said. They can also book directly through the software.
Best Price 一番良い価格
“Just like you and I would do on a travel site, you say, OK, I want to go that one,” he said. “These contracts are an inch thick sometimes if you printed them out on paper, so without a software system to help a user discern what’s the best way to move from point A to point B, you can’t look through a contract to do that.”
Amber Road, based in East Rutherford, New Jersey, and Freightos include air and ground transport too. Schreiber compared his service’s route options like driving directions on Google Inc.’s Maps. The company now has more than 20 vendors who pay $50 per user per month, he said.
“The shipping industry is at least a decade behind,” he said in a May 28 phone interview. “There are more complicated things in the world that the modern computer can handle.”
ニュージャージーのイーストルザフォードに本社を置く Amber Road と Freightos は航空貨物や陸上貨物も手がける。 Schreiber は彼のサービスルートのオプションとグーグル・マップのドライビング・ダイレクションとを比較する。同社は今や20以上の売り子を抱え、彼らはユーザー当たり50$を毎月支払う。と彼は言う。
To contact the reporter on this story: Isaac Arnsdorf in New York at iarnsdorf@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Millie Munshi at mmunshi@bloomberg.net Philip Revzin, Dan Stets
( 出典 : Bloomberg )
The shipping industry, which carries 90 percent of world trade, is finally going digital.
Until recently, if you wanted to send a couple pallets of television sets from Hong Kongto New York, you had to place your order over the phone with a human on the other end. Those humans make mistakes about 20 percent of the time, costing $684 million a year, according to Ocean Audit Inc., which examines invoices for retailers such as Macy’s Inc.
To cut this waste, customers and ship operators can now use digital platforms offered by Freightos, Amber Road Inc. and Inttra Inc. or by carriers including A.P. Moeller-Maersk (MAERSKB) A/S that make booking international freight as easy as reserving a hotel room or buying a sweater online.
“As an industry, I wouldn’t pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technology,” Carsten Frank Olsen, a senior director responsible for Maersk Line’s commercial business processes in Copenhagen, said in a June 12 phone interview. “To the extent that we can automate processes, we can speed up the processing time and make more accurate booking confirmations and invoices.”
Solutions range from shippers developing their own software to independent companies trying to make booking freight more like buying a plane ticket.
最近まで、もしあなたがパレットひと組分のテレビセットを香港からニューヨークに送る場合、もう片方の受取人に電話でオーダーを掛けなければならなかった。 Ocean Audit Inc によれば、これら人間は Macy's Inc と同様に20%の確率でそれら個人の送り状検査の中で何らかのミスを犯し、そのコストは年間6億8400万ドルにのぼるという。
このムダを除く為、今や荷主と船舶運航会社は Amber Road Inc 及び Inttra Inc の Freightos の提供するプラットフォームを利用したり、AP Moller-Maersk A/S の提供する船会社独自の国際輸送貨物ブッキングシステムを、ホテルの予約やセーターをオンラインで買うように利用できる。
「私はある産業の様に、我々の技術の前面にプライドを持ちたいとは思わない。」と、コペンハーゲンにあるマースクの営業担当役員であるカーステン・フランク・オールセンは6月12日の電話インタビューの中で語った。 また、「自動化システムの限界への挑戦は、我々の処理時間のスピードアップと更なる正確なブッキング確認と送り状作成を可能にする。」とも。
Long Delays
Zvi Schreiber, a British-Israeli software entrepreneur, created Hong Kong-based Freightos in 2012. He says he asked 15 companies in February how much it would cost to ship a couple pallets of cookware, clothing or electronics from China to New York, most of them took more than a week to reply.
About 160 million containers filled with goods crossed oceans last year, 13 percent of them bound for North America and 21 percent for Europe, according to London-based Clarkson Plc, the world’s largest shipbroker.
The ocean shipping industry hasn’t fully made the changeover because a single transaction usually involves multiple companies and jurisdictions with their own rules and procedures. Shippers prefer to keep privately negotiated rates secret, unlike airlines that publish fares.
Spokesmen for the World Shipping Council and the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement, trade groups representing shipping companies, declined to comment.
イギリスとイスラエルでソフトウェア会社を経営する Zvi Schreiber は2012年に Freightos を立ち上げた。彼は今年2月に15の会社に対して、もしもパレットひと組分の調理器具や洋服、電気機器などを中国からニューヨークを運送するとして一体いくら掛かるのかを問い合わせた。それに対する多くの答えが『一週間後にご連絡します』だった
約1億6000万個のコンテナが箱詰めされて昨年海を渡った、それらのうち13%が北米に、21%がヨーロッパに向かったとロンドンの世界最大の海運ブローカー Clarkson Plc は答えた。
‘Significant Improvement’ 重要な前進
Maersk now takes about 87 percent of its orders electronically, up from about 80 percent for the past four years, according to Frank Olsen. About 40 percent
of bookings on Maersk’s website are confirmed in 5 minutes to 19 minutes, and 90 percent are finished within two hours, a “significant improvement” from a year or two ago, he said.
In most cases, shipping a box load of goods around the world remains a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Orient Overseas (316)International Ltd. acknowledges online inquiries within 24 hours and then employees continue the booking process, according to Stephen Ng, the Hong Kong-based company’s director of trades.
Existing customers usually contact their account managers directly, Ng said in a June 9 e-mail. As companies develop their own approaches, it may be difficult to establish a uniform system, he said.
一番多いのが、世界のコンテナ貨物輸送は時間の消費と労働者集中の過程が残っていることだ。Orient Overseas (316) International Ltd. はオンラインの問い合わせに24時間承認し、雇用者はブッキングを処理し続ける、と香港にある貿易会社役員の Stephen Ng は言う。
‘Huge Drain’ 大規模な流出
The current system is too prone to error, according to Steve Ferreira, founder and president of Miami-based Ocean Audit. “We need to be concerned about this because it’s a huge drain on our economy,” he said in a May 27 telephone interview.
現在のシステムは間違い易いと、マイアミにあるOcean Audit 社長 Steve Ferreiraは言う。「我々はそれについて関与する必要がある、なぜなら我々の経済に大規模な流出を招くからだ。」5月27日の電話インタビューの中で答えた。
Ocean Audit reviews invoices to find mistakes in customers’ favor, taking 50 percent of the savings, Ferreira said. Other startups seek to stop the discrepancies before they happen.
Ocean Audit は顧客の利益を阻害するミスを見つける目的でインボイス(送り状)を見直すことでミスの50%を事前に抑止する、とFerreira は言う。その他のスタートアップは不整合が起こる前にそれらを阻止することを模索する。
The biggest is Parsippany, New Jersey-based Inttra, whose network now processes 22 percent of all containers shipped globally, according to Sandra Moran, chief marketing officer. The company began 13 years ago as a collaboration among the largest shipping companies, she said in a May 30 phone interview.
While Inttra shows quotes from multiple carriers,Amber Road (AMBR)’s service plugs in the terms of a company’s negotiated contract, Ty Bordner, vice president of solutions consulting based in McLean,Virginia, said in a May 30 phone interview.
最大はニュージャージーに本社を置くINTTRAの運用を手がける Parsippany である、同社のCMOの Sandra Moran によれば、今や世界のコンテナ輸送の22%を処理する。同社当時最大の船会社とのコラボレーションに参入するため13年前に始まった。と5月30日のインタビューで答えた。
INTTRA が複数の船社を参照する間、Amber Road のサービスはコンサルティング会社との交渉済みの契約条件でつながった、バージニアのまくりーんに本社を置くソリューションコンサルティング会社副社長 Ty Bordner は5月30日の電話インタビューで語った。
That allows users such as Honeywell International Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) to enter the cargo, origin and destination, push a button, and see all the available rates and schedules according to their contract, he said. They can also book directly through the software.
Best Price 一番良い価格
“Just like you and I would do on a travel site, you say, OK, I want to go that one,” he said. “These contracts are an inch thick sometimes if you printed them out on paper, so without a software system to help a user discern what’s the best way to move from point A to point B, you can’t look through a contract to do that.”
Amber Road, based in East Rutherford, New Jersey, and Freightos include air and ground transport too. Schreiber compared his service’s route options like driving directions on Google Inc.’s Maps. The company now has more than 20 vendors who pay $50 per user per month, he said.
“The shipping industry is at least a decade behind,” he said in a May 28 phone interview. “There are more complicated things in the world that the modern computer can handle.”
ニュージャージーのイーストルザフォードに本社を置く Amber Road と Freightos は航空貨物や陸上貨物も手がける。 Schreiber は彼のサービスルートのオプションとグーグル・マップのドライビング・ダイレクションとを比較する。同社は今や20以上の売り子を抱え、彼らはユーザー当たり50$を毎月支払う。と彼は言う。
To contact the reporter on this story: Isaac Arnsdorf in New York at iarnsdorf@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Millie Munshi at mmunshi@bloomberg.net Philip Revzin, Dan Stets
6月22日ロイター記事の和訳 : 南ア鉱山関係の事件について
Four miners found shot dead at a South Africa gold mine
JOHANNESBURG Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:20am EDT
(Reuters) - Four suspected illegal miners were found dead with gun shots wounds to the head at a gold mine near Johannesburg, South African police said on Sunday.
The bodies were found by security guards employed at the mine on Saturday, police spokesman Lungelo Dlamini said, adding the motives for the killing were unknown.
Illegal mining of abandoned shafts is common in the gold mines around Johannesburg, with informal miners living underground in dangerous, cramped conditions for weeks on end as they dig out small parcels of gold-bearing ore.
Earlier this year, a dozen illegal miners were rescued after being trapped in an abandoned gold mine in the semi-rural Johannesburg suburb of Benoni, where gold had been mined for decades.
( 出典 : REUTERS )
遺体は鉱山に勤める警備員によって日曜に発見され、警察広報の Lungelo Dlamini 氏によれば、動機は不明とのこと。
今年の初め、数人の違法採掘者がヨハネスブルグ近郊の地方都市である Benoni の廃坑の落とし穴にいたところを救助された。 ここでは数十年に渡って金採掘が行われていた。
JOHANNESBURG Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:20am EDT
(Reuters) - Four suspected illegal miners were found dead with gun shots wounds to the head at a gold mine near Johannesburg, South African police said on Sunday.
The bodies were found by security guards employed at the mine on Saturday, police spokesman Lungelo Dlamini said, adding the motives for the killing were unknown.
Illegal mining of abandoned shafts is common in the gold mines around Johannesburg, with informal miners living underground in dangerous, cramped conditions for weeks on end as they dig out small parcels of gold-bearing ore.
Earlier this year, a dozen illegal miners were rescued after being trapped in an abandoned gold mine in the semi-rural Johannesburg suburb of Benoni, where gold had been mined for decades.
( 出典 : REUTERS )
遺体は鉱山に勤める警備員によって日曜に発見され、警察広報の Lungelo Dlamini 氏によれば、動機は不明とのこと。
今年の初め、数人の違法採掘者がヨハネスブルグ近郊の地方都市である Benoni の廃坑の落とし穴にいたところを救助された。 ここでは数十年に渡って金採掘が行われていた。
バフェットの手紙 2014 (4)
Berkshire is the financing partner. In that role, we purchased $8 billion of Heinz preferred stock thatcarries a 9% coupon but also possesses other features that should increase the preferred’s annual return to 12% or so. Berkshire and 3G each purchased half of the Heinz common stock for $4.25 billion.
Though the Heinz acquisition has some similarities to a “private equity” transaction, there is a crucial difference: Berkshire never intends to sell a share of the company.
What we would like, rather, is to buy more, and that could happen: Certain 3G investors may sell some or all of their shares in the future, and we might increase our ownership at such times.
Though the Heinz acquisition has some similarities to a “private equity” transaction, there is a crucial difference: Berkshire never intends to sell a share of the company.
What we would like, rather, is to buy more, and that could happen: Certain 3G investors may sell some or all of their shares in the future, and we might increase our ownership at such times.
The Year at Berkshire
On the operating front, just about everything turned out well for us last year – in certain cases very well.
Let me count the ways:
We completed two large acquisitions, spending almost $18 billion to purchase all of NV Energy and amajor interest in H. J. Heinz. Both companies fit us well and will be prospering a century from now.
With the Heinz purchase, moreover, we created a partnership template that may be used by Berkshire in future acquisitions of size. Here, we teamed up with investors at 3G Capital, a firm led by my friend, Jorge Paulo Lemann. His talented associates – Bernardo Hees, Heinz’s new CEO, and Alex Behring, its Chairman – are responsible for operations.
On the operating front, just about everything turned out well for us last year – in certain cases very well.
Let me count the ways:
We completed two large acquisitions, spending almost $18 billion to purchase all of NV Energy and amajor interest in H. J. Heinz. Both companies fit us well and will be prospering a century from now.
With the Heinz purchase, moreover, we created a partnership template that may be used by Berkshire in future acquisitions of size. Here, we teamed up with investors at 3G Capital, a firm led by my friend, Jorge Paulo Lemann. His talented associates – Bernardo Hees, Heinz’s new CEO, and Alex Behring, its Chairman – are responsible for operations.