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The Birds (1963) 鳥



Melanie Daniels is the modern rich socialite, part of the jet-set who always gets what she wants. When lawyer Mitch Brenner sees her in a pet shop, he plays something of a practical joke on her, and she decides to return the favor. She drives about an hour north of San Francisco to Bodega Bay, where Mitch spends the weekends with his mother Lydia and younger sister Cathy. Soon after her arrival, however, the birds in the area begin to act strangely. A seagull attacks Melanie as she is crossing the bay in a small boat, and then, Lydia finds her neighbor dead, obviously the victim of a bird attack. Soon, birds in the hundreds and thousands are attacking anyone they find out of doors. There is no explanation as to why this might be happening, and as the birds continue their vicious attacks, survival becomes the priority. Written by garykmcd

Tippi Hedren as Melanie Daniels ティッピ・ヘドレン
Rod Taylor as Mitchell "Mitch" Brenner ロッド・タイラー
Jessica Tandy as Lydia Brenner ジェシカ・タンディ
Veronica Cartwright as Cathy Brenner ヴェロニカ・カートライト
Suzanne Pleshette as Annie Hayworth スザンヌ・プレシェット

Academy Awards
Best Visual Effect

映画の終わりにはThe Endの文字がありません。鳥との戦いはまだ終わっていないという意味なんでしょうか・・・

posted by jimmy8989 at 21:42| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 映画


Ship of Fools (1965) 愚か者の船



The characters board a German ocean liner in Veracruz, Mexico, for a voyage to Bremerhaven, Germany, along with 600 displaced workers in steerage, being deported from Cuba back to Spain, and a not-so-exotic band of entertainers, for whom the voyage is just a job. Some are happy to be bound for a rising Nazi Germany, some are apprehensive, while others appear oblivious to its potential dangers.

The ship's doctor, Schumann (Oskar Werner) (with dueling scar), takes a special interest in La Condesa (Simone Signoret), a countess from Cuba who has an addiction to drugs and is being shipped to a Spanish-run prison on Tenerife. Her sense of certain doom is contrasted by the doctor's determination to fight the forces of oppression, embodied by his insistence that the people in steerage be treated like human beings rather than animals. The doctor himself has a secret, a terminal heart condition, and his sympathy for the countess soon evolves into love.

Several passengers are invited to dine each night at the captain's table. There, some are amused and others offended by the anti-Semitic rants of a German businessman named Rieber (José Ferrer) who – although married – is beginning an on-board affair with a busty blonde (Christiane Schmidtmer). The Jewish Lowenthal (Heinz Rühmann) is invited instead to join a dwarf named Glocken (Michael Dunn) for his meals, and the two bond over their exclusion. Eventually a passenger named Freytag (Alf Kjellin) seems shocked to find himself ostracized when Rieber learns that his wife is Jewish.

Others aboard include a young American couple, David (George Segal) and Jenny (Elizabeth Ashley), who bicker because David is unhappy at his lack of success with painting. A divorcée, Mary Treadwell (Vivien Leigh), drinks and flirts, on a quest to recapture her youth in Paris. Bill Tenny (Lee Marvin) is a former baseball player disappointed in the way his career never quite took off. They are distracted by the music and the professional dancers, whose flirtations seem to skirt the edges of solicitation, or dive right in to the seedy side of oblivion.

When the passengers disembark, two are no longer with them – the countess, who has been taken to an island prison, and the doctor, who has died.
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Fools_(film)

Vivien Leigh as Mary Treadwell ヴィヴィアン・リー
Jose Ferrer as Siegfried Rieber ホセ・フェラー
Lee Marvin as Bill Tenny リー・マーヴィン
Simone Signoret as La Condesa シモーヌ・シニョレ
Oskar Werner as Dr. Wilhelm "Willi" Schumann オスカー・ウェルナー
Elizabeth Ashley as Jenny Brown エリザベス・アシュレー
George Segal as David Scott ジョージ・シーガル

Academy Awards
Best Art Direction (Black and White)
Best Cinematography (Black and White)

Best Actor (Oscar Werner)
Best Supporting Actor (Michael Dann)
Best Actress (Simone Signoret)
Best Costume Design (Black and White)
Best Picture
Best Adapted Screenplay


posted by jimmy8989 at 15:17| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 映画


Holiday Inn (1942) スイング・ホテル


Jim Hardy (Bing Crosby), Ted Hanover (Fred Astaire), and Lila Dixon (Virginia Dale) have a musical act popular in the New York City nightlife scene. On Christmas Eve, Jim prepares to give his last performance as part of the act before marrying Lila and retiring with her to a farm in Connecticut. At the last minute, Lila decides she is not ready to stop performing, and that she has fallen in love with Ted. She tells Jim that she will stay on as Ted's dancing partner. While heartbroken, Jim follows through with his plan and bids the act goodbye.

One year later on Christmas Eve, Jim is back in New York City. Farm life has proven difficult; he plans to turn his farm into an entertainment venue called Holiday Inn, to be be open only on public holidays. Ted and his agent Danny Reed (Walter Abel) scoff at the plan, but wish him luck. Later, at the airport flower shop while ordering flowers for Lila from Ted, Danny is accosted by employee Linda Mason (Marjorie Reynolds) who recognizes him as a talent agent and begs him for a start in show business. Danny refers her to Holiday Inn and gives her a pass to Ted's club. That night, Linda sits at the performer's table with Jim, who pretends he owns a big club and isn't sure he could use an act like Hanover and Dixon. Linda pretends she's a celebrity and friend of Ted's, then escapes when the two performers come to Jim's table.

The next morning, Christmas Day, Linda arrives at Holiday Inn, where she meets Jim−both realizing they were fooling each other the previous evening. Jim is preparing the place for New Year's Eve, and they take to each other immediately. Jim sings her his new song, "White Christmas," which he would have performed had the inn been open that night. Later that week, on New Year's Eve, Holiday Inn opens to a packed house.

Meanwhile, in New York City, Ted learns that Lila is leaving him for a Texas millionaire. Drinking heavily, he drives up to Holiday Inn to talk with Jim, arriving at midnight. While wandering aimlessly across the dance floor, Ted sees Linda, who remembers him from Christmas Eve. They dance, with Ted bringing down the house despite his inebriated state. Danny arrives just as the dance ends and is ecstatic that Ted found a new partner. The next morning, however, Ted remembers very little and doesn't remember Linda at all. Jim doesn't say anything and hides Linda away, afraid that Ted will steal her away from the inn.

At the next performance, Lincoln's Birthday, Ted and Danny return to Holiday Inn in search of Linda. Jim is ready for them and decides to run the night's big minstrel show number "Abraham" with disguised performers, including Linda, in an effort to foil the search. While applying Linda's blackface makeup, Jim asks if she will stay with him between holidays, and Linda takes this as a proposal. Having come up empty, Ted and Danny will not give up and plan to be back for the next holiday.

During rehearsals for the Valentine's Day performance, Jim presents Linda with a unique Valentine, a new song called "Be Careful, It's My Heart." While Jim sings with his back to her, Linda begins dancing alone, and as Ted enters, he spots Linda and launches into an impromptu romantic dance with her. Convinced that Linda is the girl he danced with on New Year's Eve, Ted demands that Jim provide a number for them to perform on the next holiday, and Jim reluctantly agrees.

On Washington's Birthday, Ted and Linda perform in elaborate 18th century period costumes, while Jim attempts to sabotage their dance, changing the tempo from a minuet to jazz every time the couple attempts to kiss. Afterwards, Ted asks Linda to join him as his new dance partner. Linda refuses, saying she has promised to stay at the inn and that she and Jim are to be married. When Ted asks him about the marriage, Jim plays it off, but Ted is unconvinced, telling Danny he will continue to pursue Linda.

At Easter, romance continues to blossom between Jim and Linda as they travel home from church in a carriage. When they reach the inn, Ted is sitting on the porch waiting for them. Ted asks Jim if he can remain in his shows, claiming he wants to experience "the true happiness" they've found at the inn. Linda is charmed, but Jim is suspicious.

Jim's suspicions are confirmed on Independence Day when he overhears Ted and Danny discussing an offer Ted received from Hollywood representatives, who will attend that night's show and determine if Ted and Linda are suitable for motion pictures. Desperate, Jim bribes hired hand Gus (Irving Bacon) to ensure that Linda does not arrive at the inn. After Gus drives the inn's car into a creek attempting to delay her, Linda tries to return to the inn and is picked up by Lila, who left the Texas millionaire after his tax problems were revealed. Lila tells Linda, who is pretending to be a waitress, about the studio tryout and that Lila will be Ted's partner. Assuming that Jim arranged for her to take Linda's place, Linda directs Lila into the same river.

Back at the inn, Ted is forced to perform a solo dance. When Linda eventually makes her way to the inn, she finds that Ted has impressed the studio honchos with his improvised solo and the opportunity stands. Irritated with Jim for not trusting her to make her own decision, Linda takes the offer and leaves for Hollywood. The producers want to make a film about Holiday Inn, and Jim reluctantly agrees.

At Thanksgiving, the inn is closed and Jim is depressed and sullen, barely touching the turkey dinner prepared by his housekeeper Mamie (Louise Beavers). Jim is prepared to mail to Hollywood a recording of his new Thanksgiving song, but, before he does, he plays it on a record player and makes negative comments over the positive ones in the recording. Realizing what is wrong and ignoring decorum, Mamie implores him to travel to California to win Linda back by telling her how he really feels.

Jim arrives at the studio on Christmas Eve, just as Ted is preparing to leave with Linda to get married. Jim confronts Ted in his dressing room, then locks him in it. Before Linda films the final scene for her movie, which features a recreation of Holiday Inn, Jim walks around the set with the director, who boasts it is the most exact recreation ever created for a motion picture. Jim leaves his pipe on the set's piano and hides nearby. Linda enters the room and sits at the piano, performing "White Christmas". Startled by the pipe's presence, she falters, then continues as Jim's voice joins her. Jim appears and Linda runs to him as the director yells, "Cut!" Meanwhile, Ted and Danny finally understand Jim's plan, but they are too late to stop him.

At Holiday Inn on New Year's Eve, Ted is reunited with Lila, who is ready and willing to perform with him again. Jim and Linda prepare to stay together and run the inn.
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holiday_Inn_(film)

Bing Crosby as Jim Hardy ビング・クロスビー
Fred Astaire as as Ted Hanover フレッド・アステア
Marjorie Reynolds as Linda Mason マージョリー・レイノルズ
Virginia Dale as Lila Dixon ヴァージニア・デール
Walter Abel as Danny Reed ウォルター・エイベル

Academy Awards
Best Original Song

Best Musical Score
Best Story

今日の映画はスイング・ホテル。原題はHoliday Inn。なぜ日本語のタイトルをホリデイ・インにしなかったんでしょうか。よくわかりません。
特に"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas "で始まるホワイト・クリスマスという曲が特に有名です。

posted by jimmy8989 at 19:14| Comment(1) | TrackBack(0) | 映画


Airport (1970) 大空港


Plot from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airport_(1970_film)

Chicago is paralyzed by a snowstorm affecting Lincoln International Airport. A Trans Global Airlines (TGA) Boeing 707 flight crew misjudge their turn from Runway 29 onto the taxiway, becoming stuck in the snow and closing Runway 29. Airport manager Mel Bakersfeld (Burt Lancaster) is forced to work overtime, causing tension with his wife, Cindy (Dana Wynter). A divorce seems imminent as he nurtures a closer relationship with a co-worker, TGA customer relations agent Tanya Livingston (Jean Seberg).

Vernon Demarest (Dean Martin) is a TGA captain scheduled to be the checkride captain for TGA to evaluate Captain Anson Harris (Barry Nelson) during TGA's Flight 2 to Rome. Flight 2, TGA's flagship service named The Golden Argosy, is being operated by a Boeing 707. Although Demarest is married to Bakersfeld's sister, Sarah (Barbara Hale), he is secretly having an affair with Gwen Meighen (Jacqueline Bisset), chief stewardess on the flight, who informs him before takeoff that she is pregnant with his child.

Bakersfeld borrows TWA mechanic Joe Patroni (George Kennedy) to assist with TGA's disabled plane. Meanwhile Bakersfeld and Livingston also deal with Mrs. Ada Quonsett (Helen Hayes), an elderly lady from San Diego who is a habitual stowaway.

Demolition expert D.O. Guerrero (Van Heflin), down on his luck and with a history of mental illness, buys life insurance with the intent of committing suicide by blowing up The Golden Argosy. He plans to set off a bomb in an attaché case while over the Atlantic so that his wife, Inez (Maureen Stapleton), will collect the insurance money of $225,000. His erratic behavior at the airport, including using his last cash to buy the insurance policy and mistaking a Customs officer for an airline ramp agent, attracts airport officials' attention. Meanwhile Guerrero's wife finds a Special Delivery envelope from a travel agency and, realizing her husband might be doing something desperate, goes to the airport to try to dissuade him. She informs airport officials that he had been fired from a construction job for "misplacing" explosives and that the family's financial situation was desperate.

Mrs. Quonsett manages to evade the TGA employee assigned the task of putting her on a flight back to San Diego, talks her way past the gate agent (passenger security screening did not yet exist), boards Flight 2, and happens to sit next to Guerrero. When the Golden Argosy crew is made aware of Guerrero's presence and possible intentions, they turn the plane back toward Chicago without informing the passengers. Once Quonsett is discovered, her help is enlisted by the crew to get to Guerrero's briefcase, but the ploy fails when a would-be helpful male passenger unwittingly returns the case to Guerrero.

Captain Demarest then goes back into the passenger cabin and tries to persuade Guerrero not to trigger the bomb, informing him that his insurance policy will be useless. Guerrero briefly considers giving Demarest the bomb, but just then another passenger exits the lavatory at the rear of the aircraft, and the same would-be helpful passenger yells out that he should jump Guerrero, who has a bomb. Guerrero runs into the lavatory, locks it, and sets off the device. Guerrero dies instantly and is sucked out through the hole blown in the fuselage by the explosion. Gwen, just outside the door, is injured in the explosion and subsequent explosive decompression, but the pilots retain control of the airplane.

With all airports east of Chicago unusable due to bad weather, they return to Lincoln International for an emergency landing. Due to the bomb damage, Captain Demarest demands the airport's longest runway−Runway 29, which is still closed due to the stuck airliner. Eventually Bakersfeld orders the plane to be pushed off the runway by snowplows, despite the costly damage they would do to it. Patroni, who is "taxi-qualified" on Boeing 707s, has been trying to move the stuck aircraft in time for Demarest's damaged aircraft to land. By exceeding the Boeing 707's engine operating parameters, Patroni frees the stuck jet without damage, allowing Runway 29 to be reopened just in time for the crippled Golden Argosy to land.

In a brief epilogue, Ada Quonsett is enjoying her reward of free first-class travel on TGA. But as she arrives at the gate, she laments that it was "much more fun the other way."

Burt Lancaster as Mel Bakersfeld..........The manager of the airport.
Dean Martin as Vernon Demerest...........Captain for Trans Global Airlines......Brother in law of Mel
Jean Seberg as Tanya Livingston
Jacqueline Bisset as Gwen Meighen,.......The Chief stewardess
George Kennedy as Joe Patroni............. The Chief mechanic for Trans World Airlines
Helen Hayes as Mrs. Ada Quonsett..........A stowaway
Van Heflin as D. O. Guerrero..................Failed Contractor
Maureen Stapleton as Inez Guerrero,.......Wife of D.O. Guerrero

Academy Awards
Best Supporting Actress (Helen Hayes)

Best Picture
Best Supporting Actress (Maureen Stapleton)
Best Art Direction
Best Cinematography
Best Costume Design
Best Editing
Best Original Score
Best Sound Mixing
Best Adapted Story



posted by jimmy8989 at 14:07| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 映画


吉本新喜劇 にぎやかなアジト



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To Catch A Thief (1955) 泥棒成金


John Robie is a former jewel thief. Now, he lives in Riviera. In there, jewelry burglars happen which methods is similar with Robie used before, so police suspect him.

Cary Grant as John Robie ケーリー・グラント
Grace Kelly as Frances Stevens グレース・ケリー
Jessie Royce Landis as Jessie Stevens ジェシー・ロイス・ランディス
John Williams as H. H. Hughson ジョン・ウィリアムズ

Academy Awards
Best Cinematography

Best Art Direction
Best Costume Design


posted by jimmy8989 at 15:24| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 映画


吉本新喜劇 お正月スペシャル 「こども探偵・藍! 犯人はトリ逃がさない」




posted by jimmy8989 at 21:36| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 新喜劇

The Wrong Man (1956) 間違えられた男


Manny Balestrero (Henry Fonda), a down-on-his-luck musician at New York City's Stork Club, is in a money crunch. He lives with her wife Rose (Vera Miles) and two children. To borrow money for his wife, Manny visits insurance company, but Manny and a man who robed the office look alike, so he is arrested.

Henry Fonda as Manny Balestrero ヘンリー・フォンダ
Vera MIles as Rose Belestero ベラ・マイルズ
Anthony Quayle as Frank O'Connor アンソニー・クエイル


posted by jimmy8989 at 11:56| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 映画