【新品/ラッピング無料/送料無料】喜劇の王様 チャップリン大全集 DVD10枚組 価格:2200円 |
The tailor's handyman burns a count's trousers while ironing them and is fired. His superior discovers a note explaining the count can't attend a party, and dresses up like one to take his place.
Chaplin also goes to the residence hosting the party, but runs into the tailor. They both then struggle to win the fair maiden, Miss Moneybags. Soon, Charlie is distracted by a gypsy girl and the tailor must fend off other suitors. The real Count finally arrives, learns of the imposters and calls the police. Chaplin makes a mad dash through the party and scampers away to safety.
Charlie Chaplin - Tailor's apprentice チャーリー・チャップリン
Edna Purviance - Miss Moneybags エドナ・パーヴァンス
Eric Campbell - Tailor エリック・キャンベル
Leo White - Count Broko レオ・ホワイト
Charlotte Mineau - Mrs. Moneybags シャーロット・ミノー
Albert Austin - Tall Guest アルバート・オースチン
John Rand - Guest ジョン・ランド