Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
The film starts with Charlie Chaplin walking down the road. He doesn't see a car come by and he barely manages to escape. A few seconds later, another car floors Charlie.
Not being able to fathom what just happened, he dusts himself off and decides to seek refuge in a nearby farm. There, he does the classic gag of doffing his hat to a tree. He sits underneath it and decides to eat his sandwich.
However, a hobo exchanges Charlie's sandwich for a brick, so Charlie must eat grass. Charlie sees this, and knows he cannot do anything, so he just sits there. The same hobo, however, molests a farmer's daughter (Edna Purviance), and she runs up to Charlie, who comes to her aid with the help of the brick. The hobo tries getting Charlie out of the way, but Charlie kicks him off.・・・・・・
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Charlie Chaplin as The Tramp チャーリー・チャップリン Edna Purviance as Farmer's daughter エドナ・パーヴァイアンス Lloyd Bacon as Edna's fiancé/Second thief ロイド・ベーコン Leo White as First thief レオ・ホワイト Bud Jamison as Third thief Ernest Van Pelt as Farmer, Edna's father Paddy McGuire as Farmhand Billy Armstrong as Minister
1915年のチャップリン作品「チャップリンの失恋」 "The Tramp"です。 チャップリンがお馴染みの「小さな放浪者」"Tramp"を演じてる作品。 チャップリンはこれ以前は、スラップスティック・コメディと呼ばれるコメディを作っていました。 説明が難しいですがトタバタ劇と言っておきましょうか。 単に笑わせるというおかしなキャラクター像から、脱却した作品が本作。