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オードリー・タン デジタルとAIの未来を語る』 Audrey Tang, Audrey Tang Talking about the Future of Digital and AI

こんな人材が日本にも欲しかった。オードリー・タン。2020年に全世界を襲った新型コロナウイルスの封じ込めに成功した台湾。その中心的な役割を担い、世界のメディアがいま、最も注目するデジタルテクノロジー界の異才が、コロナ対策成功の秘密、デジタルと民主主義、デジタルと教育、AIとイノベーション、そして日本へのメッセージを語る。本連載はオードリー・タン著『オードリー・タン デジタルとAIの未来を語る』(プレジデント社)の一部を抜粋し、再編集したものです。







オードリー・タン 台湾デジタル担当政務委員(閣僚)



















オードリー・タン 台湾デジタル担当政務委員(閣僚)


I wanted such a human resource in Japan as well. Audrey Tang. Taiwan succeeded in containing the new coronavirus that hit the world in 2020. The genius of the digital technology world, who plays a central role and is now the focus of the world's media, talks about the secrets of successful corona measures, digital and democracy, digital and education, AI and innovation, and a message to Japan. .. This series is an excerpt and re-edited version of Audrey Tang's "Audrey Tang Talking about the Future of Digital and AI" (President).




The office is where the Air Force Command was

Open government that begins with breaking boundaries

Let me tell you a little bit about my recent daily activities.

I wake up at 6:30 in the morning. I wear sneakers at work. Walk or jog to the Social Innovation Experiment Center, where the office is located, and head to work. Unless it rains heavily, my rule is to walk to work. Along the way, I sometimes meet and talk with friends to get more creative ideas about the latest policies.

When you arrive at the office, you measure your temperature yourself, tell the guards "Today is 36.7 degrees", and enter with your card key. After brewing coffee and adding ice, change from sneakers to business shoes. Then check if there are any replies on the net. If my colleagues are adding new tasks after I return the night before, I'll comment on them. Then check the schedule for the day.

Audrey Tang Taiwan Digital Minister Without Portfolio

The building where my office is located is where the Air Force Command once existed. I heard that during the Japanese colonial era, there were institutions such as the Industrial Research Institute. Originally, all sides of the building were completely surrounded by walls, and I couldn't see the inside from Ren'ai Road in front of me.

However, the walls have now been removed, making it a park-like place. It is even more open than Daan Forest Park, one of the largest parks in Taipei, and is a great place to take a break. The building can be seen from anywhere.


Several organizations will move into the basement of the building after the ongoing safety inspections by the fire department. Any organization that solves the problems related to the 17 items of "Sustainable Development Goals" set by the United Nations can be borrowed free of charge for one year.

In addition, if it is a one-off event such as an event, a press conference, or an exhibition, you can use it for free by applying in advance. However, there is a rule that the event must be in a style that anyone can participate in, and in a nutshell, this place is a place for innovation.

Reasons for increasing requests for visits with government officials

Next, as a fixed weekly schedule, there is an Executive Yuan meeting on Thursday morning. In the afternoon, we mainly go to the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan) for meetings. Since I became a Minister Without Portfolio, this twice-weekly regular meeting is the only fixed schedule.

Other days have different schedules and it's hard to explain what we're doing, but most of Wednesday we're in the office of the Social Innovation Experiment Center, and everyone comes here from morning till night to talk. I am trying to do it. Sometimes I talk remotely. However, recently, the number of people who want to visit has increased, and if I have time to spare, I will be listening here on Tuesdays and Saturdays as well.

There are probably two reasons why people want to talk to me:

First, it has become widely known that digital technology is no longer just a "top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top" vertical. I think it's gradually become understood that simply connecting different vertical systems across the board can produce completely different results.


It may be because many people were enlightened by seeing the example of Taiwan's mask sales system and the triple ticket for promotion issued for economic recovery. As a result, some people want to bring in similar ideas and discuss how they can apply digital to their work.

The second reason is that I was surrounded by walls on all sides and I didn't know what was going on inside, but there is also a reason that "it became easier to enter because the walls were removed." In the past, no one said, "I happened to come in and found out that it was such a place." First of all, I think that only people who wanted to find out what they were doing in this place and then "want to go to Audrey" came.

However, as the walls have been removed and events and exhibitions have become more frequent, more and more people passing by have come to visit, saying, "Oh, there's Audrey." .. In this physical sense, "removing boundaries" can be regarded as one of the open governments.

Only if there is a relationship of trust between the government and the people

Open government is only possible if there is a relationship of trust between the government and people. For some time, the Taiwanese government has stated that "people must be trusted." If you feel that the government doesn't understand people well, you can give the government a creative view from the people's side. Conversely, if the government does not understand people at all and feels that they do not need to participate in politics, they will eventually lose interest in politics.


Recently, it has been decided that the lay judge system will start in the field of justice in Taiwan as well. Again, this is not necessarily based on the idea that judges have the best understanding of things, but the idea that even if civilians participate as judges, they will be able to come up with their views from different angles. ..

In other words, he spends most of his time doing legal work and expects civilians to have a different view than judges, who may have little experience in life. This inclusive sense of not separating people by position or position is a very important factor in the realization of open government.

If the government does not have this feeling, no one will want to participate even if they create a lay judge system and ask people to "attend the court." I hear that the lay judge system has finally been recognized by people in Japan after spending a lot of time discussing "what the lay judge system is" and making it known to the people. It must also have been an essential process for people to understand the issues of the entire legal system in a simpler way.

It takes time like this to establish an open government, and above all, it is necessary to have an attitude of explaining and understanding people carefully.

Audrey Tang Taiwan Digital Minister Without Portfolio
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