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apple VR・AR端末、再発明の名手アップル参入でどう変わるのか?






アップルが業界全体をリードする方法の解明を試みてみよう。製品の再定義に関して既に十分な実績を上げているアップルは、一体どのようにしてVR・ARを再発明しようとしているのだろうか? ヘッドセットや眼鏡をこれまで人が見たことのないものに変え、VR・AR製品をニッチなデバイスから誰もが欲しいと思える製品にするには、どうしたらよいだろう? どうすれば、技術やデザインの面に加え、ビデオゲーム以外でどのようなバリュープロポジションや使用法を考え出して、VRヘッドセットをアップル独自のユニークな製品とし、この製品分野に対する一般的な見方を競合他社に先駆けて大幅に定義し直すことができるだろうか?

Some details of Apple's virtual reality (VR) project were recently reported by Bloomberg. Apple has invested heavily in VR and has recently acquired several affiliates.

It seems that Apple is developing a VR headset similar to the products already released by many companies such as Oculus VR and HTC. The Apple version features a new microprocessor developed in-house in a fabric housing and a built-in fan (a strange decision given that Apple has been fanless in many products so far. ). Augmented reality (AR) products are scheduled to be launched following VR terminals, and the release dates may be 2022 and 2023, respectively.

Aside from the technical side, Apple's approach is interesting. VR and AR are currently attracting attention not as a product category but because of their potential for reinvention. VR and AR were relatively niche products for gaming and other activities (such as Google Glass, which was an obvious failure).

The similarities with past Apple products are clear. Until Apple launched its first personal computer, computers were highly specialized industrial machines. Apple's reinvention of the wheel has resulted in a true personal product that the average person wants. The company's MP3 player, the iPod, also succeeded by reinventing an existing product, despite thousands of competing products. The same is true for smartphones and tablets, and despite multiple competitors, none have been as successful as Apple's.

This type of reinvention is based on a major redefinition of value propositions for users. For the iPod, for example, I've changed my MP3 player from just a music player to a place to centrally manage my entire music collection with an application, and even buy new music. The iPhone was no longer a phone, but a pocket computer. Apple wasn't a pioneer, but it doesn't matter. Because many of the pioneers are already buried in history. It's not the pioneers that matter, but the redefinition of the product. It's not about "doing", it's about "doing well" and being able to demonstrate leadership in the product category and market.

Let's try to figure out how Apple can lead the industry as a whole. How is Apple, which has already achieved sufficient results in product redefinition, trying to reinvent VR / AR? How can we change headsets and eyeglasses to something that no one has ever seen, and turn VR / AR products from niche devices into products that everyone wants? How do you come up with what value propositions and uses other than video games, in addition to technical and design aspects, to make VR headsets Apple's unique product and give competitors a general view of this product area? Can it be significantly redefined ahead of time?
posted by gomabon at 18:14| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | デジタル






