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仏教とマヤの合統法養   Buddhist and Maya joint legal education


16世紀にスペインがマヤ地域を植民地化する際、同行した修道士ディエゴ・デ・ランダが現地の宗教を異端として、古代の神々への信仰を捨てさせるべくマヤ文字絵文書をことごとく焚書した[2]ため、現存するマヤ神話のオリジナル史料は非常に少ない。一方、征服者側のスペイン語によるマヤ地域の探検記録などは数も残っており、その中でグアテマラ地域にいた有力部族キチェ族の伝承や来歴について記された『ポポル・ヴフ(Popol Wuj)』が、現在まで伝わるマヤ神話の数少ない貴重な文献となっている。









There are 13 gods who live in 13 heavens and 9 gods who live in the darkness, in addition to Chaku, a god who has a pan-god view of finding gods in everything and lives in the four corners of the world. In addition, there are gods unique to various things such as natural elements, celestial bodies such as the sun and moon, climate such as storms and rain, corn, jaguar, suicide, etc., and the importance of these events in the Maya civilization. It is shown.

When Spain colonized the Maya region in the 16th century, the accompanying monk Diego de Landa burned all Maya scriptures to abandon his faith in the ancient gods, with the local religion as a heretic. [ 2] Therefore, there are very few original sources of Maya mythology that still exist. On the other hand, there are many records of exploration of the Maya region in Spanish on the conqueror's side, among which "Popol Wuj" describes the tradition and history of the influential tribe K'iche in the Guatemala region. However, it is one of the few valuable documents of Maya mythology that has been handed down to date.

In Popol Vuh, the creation myth that the beginning gods Tepeu and Kugumatz accomplish human creation through trial and error, and the legendary heroes Maya Hero Twins and Ishbaranke, the hero Tan who subdues the evil gods. It is contained [3]. This creation myth and hero Tan are the basis of Maya mythology, and sculptures with story motifs can also be seen at the Mayan ruins (Chichen Itza and others).

Several traces of sacrificial rituals have been found in the Mayan ruins [4], but one of the supporting backgrounds is the goddess Ixtab, who leads the soul of the person who committed suicide as a sacrifice to paradise. Exists in.

In the Maya mythological literature Popol Vuh, the two gods, Tepeu and Kugumatz (a snake-shaped god with wings, also known as Kukurkan), are the creators of this world and human beings. Those who are. "

After encountering the heavenly heart Furakan, the two gods decided to discuss and create the earth. When he shouted, "Leave the water, appear the earth," the ground emerged from the water and became mountains, forming valleys and rivers. [5] Subsequently, the two pillar gods created animals and plants. However, the animals did not speak the language and did not worship or respect God, so God set out to create an intelligent race, a human being, who worshiped them. [5]

At first he tried to create a human from mud, but it failed because it was soft and his eyes and nose dissolved in water. When made from wood, it became a human form, but because it was a failure without soul or wisdom, God caused a flood and destroyed them. [6] Third, the four pairs of men and women made from corn had the wisdom that Tepeu and Kugumatz wanted. However, the gods dared to cloud the human eye so that they could not see far, because they could see the whole world. [6]

The story of Popol Vuh is that this first human being includes four K'iche's ancestors, and since they left the legendary land of Turan, the history of the K'iche is more than myth. This is the main description.
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