宝生如来(ほうしょうにょらい、梵: रत्नसम्भव [ratnasambhava]、ラトナサンバヴァ
密教における金剛界五仏の一で、金剛界曼荼羅では大日如来の南方(画面では大日如来の向かって左方)に位置する。唯識思想における仏の悟りの境地のひとつ「平等性智」(びょうどうしょうち)を具現化したものである。これは、全ての存在には絶対の価値があるということを示す。 印相は、左手は腹前で衣を掴み、右手は手の平を前に向けて下げる「与願印」(よがんいん)を結ぶ。
Ratnasambhava, Ratnasambhava: रत्नसम्भव [ratnasambhava], Ratnasambhava
Cintamani is a three-valve jewel. The seed (seed character) is त्राः (Talark, trāḥ).
It is one of the five Buddhas of the Kongokai in esoteric Buddhism, and is located to the south of Dainichi Nyorai (on the screen, to the left of Dainichi Nyorai) in the Kongokai Mandala. It embodies one of the boundaries of Buddha's enlightenment in consciousness-only thought, "equality wisdom." This shows that all beings are of absolute value. Mudra ties a "Yoganin" with his left hand holding his clothes in front of his abdomen and his right hand lowering his palm toward the front.
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