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八面六臂の大活躍 第6の栄養素食物繊維  A big success of Hakaku Rokuchi No.6 nutrient fiber

食べ物から得られる栄養素のうち糖質、脂質、タンパク質、ミネラル、ビタミンは5大栄養素といわれ、私たちの体にとって大切な役割を担っていますが、これに加えて『第6の栄養素』と呼ばれるものがあります。それが“食物繊維”。かつては、便通をよくするぐらいにしか見られていませんでしたが、現在では、動脈硬化や胆石の予防に加え、腸内でのガン細胞の発生を抑制したり、発ガン物質をはじめとする有害物質を体外に排出する働きを持つことなどが認められています。 そこで今回は、数ある栄養素の中から、この食物繊維を取り上げ、これら八面六臂の活躍ぶりを探ってみることにしましょう。





食物繊維を含む食品を単品で摂るよりも、いろいろな種類を組み合わせた方がより多く食物繊維を摂れます。 ほうれん草・豆腐・しめじ・にんじん・こんにゃくを取り合わせて和えたもの。 豆と昆布を煮たもの。


大塚製薬 ネイチャーメイド 食物繊維 240粒

(2020/5/20 11:16時点)





























ディアナチュラスタイル 48種の発酵植物×食物繊維・乳酸菌 240粒 (60日分)

(2020/5/20 11:17時点)


Of the nutrients obtained from food, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins are said to be the five major nutrients, which play an important role in our body, but in addition to this, it is called the "sixth nutrient". There are things. That is "dietary fiber". In the past, it was only seen to improve bowel movements, but now, in addition to preventing arteriosclerosis and gallstones, it suppresses the generation of cancer cells in the intestine and carcinogens and other substances. It is recognized as having the function of discharging harmful substances out of the body. So, let's take this dietary fiber out of the many nutrients and explore the performance of these eight sides.
Excretion of harmful substances along with dietary fiber and stool that help prevent obesity
The treasure trove of dietary fiber is the so-called "flavor of your baby", such as kinpira burdock (upper left), dried daikon (upper right), and boiled hijiki (lower center). Why don't you take the challenge actively?
In short, dietary fiber is something that is not digested in the body. To be more specific, it refers to food ingredients that are not decomposed by human digestive enzymes. Therefore, instead of being digested and absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, it reaches the large intestine as it is, and eventually becomes feces and leaves the body.
Dietary fiber is roughly divided into those that are soluble in water and those that are insoluble. Both of them have the characteristic of absorbing water and expanding, so even if they are taken into the body, the food will increase in bulk and you will feel full. Therefore, for dieting, if you do not forcefully reduce the amount of food, you can use the ingredients containing it in your diet to prevent obesity without overdosing energy.
It is also known that it absorbs harmful substances such as carcinogens and discharges them out of the body. It grows good bacteria in the intestine and creates an environment in which carcinogens are less likely to be produced.
On the other hand, these two types are also known to have different characteristics and functions. Now let's look at each category.

What dissolves in water
Removes cholesterol, prevents arteriosclerosis, enhances peristalsis of the large intestine, and promotes defecation
Koya Tofu is also a recommended dish
You can get more dietary fiber by combining various kinds of foods than by eating foods containing dietary fiber alone.
A mixture of spinach, tofu, shimeji mushrooms, carrots and konjac.
Boiled beans and kelp.
It absorbs excess cholesterol in the intestine and excretes it with stool. As a result, the proportion of cholesterol present in the blood and bile is reduced, resulting in the prevention of arteriosclerosis and gallstones.
In addition, it also has the function of accumulating water and increasing the bulk. As a result, it more effectively digests and absorbs food and increases peristaltic movement of the large intestine (which is digestive movement in the gastrointestinal tract), resulting in faecal excretion.

Main ingredients
● Glucomannan
It is included in konjac. Since it reaches the intestines without being digested by the stomach, the intestines work actively. Then, the action of absorbing waste products in the intestine and excreting them out of the body is promoted, which is also useful for eliminating constipation.
● Sodium alginate
It is contained in seaweeds such as kelp and seaweed. When these are dipped in water, they become slimy because they contain this ingredient.
● Gum quality
Included in beans such as pods.
Insoluble in water
Absorbs water in the intestine to help relieve constipation, smooth defecation, and help prevent colon cancer
As it absorbs water in the intestine and swells greatly, the stool becomes bulky. Then, the intestines are stimulated and the peristaltic movement becomes active, and since it contains water, it softens the stool. It is because of these functions that dietary fiber promotes defecation and eliminates constipation.
By the way, it is said that carcinogens are likely to be produced in the intestines if you continue to eat high-fat and high-protein diets. Therefore, the effect of adsorbing harmful substances such as carcinogens and discharging them out of the body, which I mentioned at the beginning, is effective. In other words, if the ingestion of dietary fiber makes defecation smooth, the harmful substances that have stopped in the intestine will go out of the body along with the feces. This is where dietary fiber is said to play a role in preventing colon cancer.

Sweet potatoes that are high in fiber are effective in improving bowel movements. It's good to eat as a snack.
Main ingredients
● Cellulose
Vegetables, sweet potatoes, brown rice and black bread are also included.
● Hemicellulose
It is contained in unpolished grains.
● Lignin
It is included in burdock. In recent years, it has been confirmed that it has a function of suppressing the development of cancer cells.
● Chitin
It is included in shrimp and crab shells.
Pectin contained in apples-For constipation and diarrhea ◎
In addition, one that is soluble in water and one that does not dissolve in water, and one that belongs to both categories, is called pectin contained in apples and bananas. This ingredient absorbs a lot of water in the intestine, so it softens the stools that are trying to become hard, and makes defecation smooth. Therefore, it is useful for eliminating and preventing constipation.
Conversely, it also plays a role in controlling diarrhea. This is because it does not stimulate the intestines so much and protects the intestinal wall.
By the way, there are jams that people often eat with bread, but the reason why they are in such a drunk state is that the fruit that is the raw material contains pectin.

If you eat apples and bananas
● One way to eat apples
When eating an apple, it is better to eat it with the skin than to peel it. This is because the skin contains more pectin than fruit. You can eat it as it is, but if you can, grate it and eat it. The action of pectin, which is effective for constipation and diarrhea, is enhanced. Especially recommended when you have diarrhea.
Constipation mechanism
Constipation is said to be a condition in which stools are hard and difficult to discharge. So how can we soften a stiff stool? It requires the intake of fluid.
Water is absorbed by the large intestine, but where it comes from is digested food. However, if you don't drink too much water, you will absorb water from your stool and it will become harder.
Then, as I mentioned earlier, it becomes difficult for stools to be discharged, and eventually it leads to constipation.

Dietary fiber for fluid intake
Therefore, taking enough water is the first step in eliminating constipation (prevention). However, even if you think you are drinking a lot of water, in the large intestine, it will be immediately absorbed through the intestinal wall.
Therefore, we borrow the function of dietary fiber. In other words, when ingesting dietary fiber, it absorbs water in the intestines and swells greatly, which softens stool and promotes defecation.

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