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今後14年以内にエネルギーと食料は無料になる ヴィヴェック・ワファ教授 Energy and food will be free within the next 14 years




利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立情報学研究所(NII)の研究センターであるコグニティブ・イノベーションセンターが、「未来の働き方」をテーマに、ラウンドテーブルを開催した。


カーネギーメロン大学のヴィヴェック・ワファ教授は、ワシントンポストのシンジケーションコラムニストの1人であり、技術の進化と、それにともなって起こりうるリスクを警告した「The Driver in the Driverless Car」の著者としても知られる。

また、TIME誌の「Tech 40」の1人にも選出されており、現在はシリコンバレーを拠点として、ロボティクスや人工知能、コンピューティングなどの分野において活動。米国政府への助言もしている。
ワファ教授の著書であるThe Driver in the Driverless Car


「The Driver in the Driverless Car」のなかでワファ教授は、技術の進化は、スタートレックか、マッドマックスかの道を選択することになると比喩。今回の来日でも、「いまは、マッドマックスの道を歩んでいる」とした。



















ワファ教授は「テクノロジーの進化は、メリットよりもリスクを考えてほしい。ただ、AIによってもたらされる問題をとらえると、失業は全体の5%でしかない。もっと大きな問題があることを知って欲しい」と提言する 。



“Within the next 14 years, energy will be free and food will be free. Digital and medical care and education will be free” (Prof. Vivek Wafa, Carnegie Mellon University)

The Cognitive Innovation Center, a research center of the National Institute of Informatics (NII), held a roundtable on the theme of “working in the future”.

At the roundtable, NII is led by Prof. Vivek Wafa, a Distinguished Fellow of Carnegie Mellon University's Department of Engineering, who is a leading expert in singularity research, and Mr. Yasunori Ito, counselor of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau. Twenty people participated, including Yusuke Kitsuregawa, General Manager of Yamato Holdings Chairman Satoshi Kikawa, and Katsunori Tanizaki, Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group.

Carnegie Mellon University's Professor Vivek Wafa is one of the Washington Post syndication columnists and is also known as the author of "The Driver in the Driverless Car" who warned of the evolution of technology and the risks that could go along.

He has also been selected as one of TIME Magazine's “Tech 40” and currently works in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and computing based in Silicon Valley. He also advises the US government.

The Driver in the Driverless Car, written by Professor Wafa
Technological evolution is on the road to Mad Max

In "The Driver in the Driverless Car", Professor Wafa is a metaphor that the evolution of technology will choose between Star Trek and Mad Max. Even in this visit to Japan, he says, “We are now on the Mad Max road”.

The theme of this roundtable was “How to work in the future”, and the focus was on how AI affects companies.

Professor Wafa said, “With the evolution of AI, robots become secretaries, friends, coaches, and doctors,” says IBM, “By using Watson, all five years from now, all It is said that it will be able to diagnose diseases better than humans, and sensors will enter the human body, and AI will collect and analyze the measured data to make diagnoses and prescriptions. AI is better able to analyze data than humans, and will remember it much more, as employees move on to the next job in a few years or retire at the retirement age, knowing the company "AI can cover the problem of being lost without know-how and know-how being accumulated, leading to increased corporate productivity."

Mr. Yasunori Ito, counselor of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, said, “Robot is derived from the Czech language, meaning“ forced labor. ”AI and robots do forced work, and people are not forced. I have to go for creativity. "

In addition, Mr. Ito said, “Japan's advantage in the area of ​​AI and robots is preceded by the merit that AI can solve the shortage of labor rather than AI taking up human work, as the world says. In addition, the prototype of robot technology in Japan is Doraemon, which has the basic idea of ​​being close to humans and helping people.In addition, Japan has strengths in real technology.Robots and manufacturing technology are strong. The point is also an advantage. "

Professor Wafa also joked, “There is a problem unique to Japan in Japan's work style reform. Overseas, it is a problem that employees do not come to the company, but in Japan you can get home from the company, “Private enjoyment has become a problem,” he said. Here, AI and robots can also be used. This has also been shown to be different from the idea that AI takes human work, as in overseas.

All industries will stop growing in 5-10 years and management will be fired

On the other hand, Professor Wafa also points out:

“The good thing about Japan is that there are high-ranking government officials who know technology, and that many companies know what AI is. The Japanese government implements technology as a policy. That is proved: Japan has a chance to go one step further with AI and robots, which requires more learning. "

Also, “I often hear the word AI from many Japanese companies, but it is unfortunate that many companies think that the problem can be solved by purchasing AI. It is said that the problem can be solved by purchasing electricity. “Electricity is the same as not being able to brighten a room without lighting, and how AI is used is important.” I pointed out how Japanese companies were dancing with buzzwords.

In addition, Professor Wafa showed a surprising prediction.

“When I came to Japan in the 1990s, it was costing several thousand dollars just for an international call during my visit to Japan. But this time I can make a free international call,” he said. Thus, unlimited energy will be born within 14 years, and energy will be provided free of charge, the city will not need thermal power generation, food will be free, and digital doctors will appear “Even if digital is used, education will be free.”

Continuing, “These movements will cause disruption to the industry. Naturally, it will also affect Japan. Given the advancement and integration of technology, all industries will stop growing in 5 to 10 years, stock prices will fall, and management will continue. The team becomes fired and various tragedy occurs. "

Technology destroys the world

One of the changes that will happen soon is automatic driving.

“Autonomous cars will appear within three years. And five years later, autonomous cars will run in the city of Tokyo. In 10 years, people will not drive cars. "Toyota and Nissan will lose 90% of the current market."

“Similarly, if digital currency comes out, bankers will be unnecessary, and if robots produce things, the Chinese manufacturing industry will disappear and the Chinese economy will be sluggish.” “The good news in Japan is that aging is progressing and the rise of robots will improve productivity,” he said.

And “Many Japanese companies don't know that this will happen. Most US business owners do. Just people who feel like science fiction and fantasy,” he said. As you can see from the fact that companies are starting to eat big companies, technology will destroy industries and destroy the world, and this disruptive wave is rising to a different level every year. The existing AI is like Excel version 1.0, which is still only in its early stages, and it will change the world with the upcoming version. Only 1% of Japanese companies are aware and the remaining 99% are unaware. Only about 1-2% are aware in the United States. "

The fact that the “wave of destruction” is coming is a common perception for many managers. However, the magnitude of the wave and the prediction of the speed at which the wave will come will vary from person to person. There may be few managers who feel the “wave” as Professor Wafa points out.

Professor Wafa said, “Technology evolution is more about risk than merit. However, if you look at the problems caused by AI, unemployment is only 5% of the total. I want you to know that there is a bigger problem.” I suggest.

What kind of “waves of destruction” will come from now on? It is important to look closely

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