

secondhand (adjective) 中古の、中古品を扱う

secondhand (adjective) 中古の、中古品を扱う

(of goods) having had a previous owner, not new

Secondhand goods are enough for us. It is not necessary to new ones.

devastate ~を荒らす、荒廃させる、打ちのめす

devastate ~を荒らす、荒廃させる、打ちのめす

destroy or ruin, cause (someone) severe and overwhelming shock or grief

The war devastated the cities.

renowned (adjective) 有名な、高名な

renowned (adjective) 有名な、高名な

known or talked about by many people, famous

This place is renowned for richness in nature.


defy ~を無視する、ものともしない、を拒む、受け入れない

defy ~を無視する、ものともしない、を拒む、受け入れない

openly resist or refuse to obeyappear to be challenging (someone) to do or prove something

He defies the nagative comments.

絶滅 extinction

絶滅 extinction

絶滅させる extinguish

extinction : the state or process of being or becoming extinct

extinct : no longer in existence.

extinguish : cause (a fire or light) to cease to burn or shine

The dinasor was extinguished by big meteor.

conjure up ~を思い出させる 

conjure up ~を思い出させる 

cause someone to think of (something)

This scene conjures up the memory in my young age.

優等生 honor student

優等生 honor student

Egg is called honor student in Japan. It is because the price remain same among a long period.


dilute (verb) を[〜で]薄める dilute [with, in]

dilute (verb) を[〜で]薄める dilute [with, in]

(verb) make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.

I dilutes coffee with hot water because this coffee is so strong.

blunt (adjective) 鈍い、とがっていない、(verb) を鈍らせる、を鈍くする

blunt (adjective) 鈍い、とがっていない、(verb) を鈍らせる、を鈍くする

(adjective) not having a sharp edge or point

(verb) make or become less sharp

War experience blunts feeling of death.

endorse (verb) を是認する、支持する、推薦する

endorse (verb) を是認する、支持する、推薦する

declare one's public approval or support of

I esdorse this candidate.
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