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ウィリアム・ローレンス・ブラッグ【1890年3月31日 〜 1971年7月1日】


ブラッグの名前を英語でつづるとWilliam Lawrence Braggです。結晶によるX線回折についての法則「ブラッグの法則」でよく知られているオーストラリア生まれの物理学者です。英連邦から英国本国で学んで研究を進めた物理学者はラザフォード(ニュージーランド出身)が思い浮かびますが、ブラッグの場合はお父様と一緒にイギリスへ移住しています。ローレンスは優秀で14歳でアデレード大学に進学します。渡英後の1909年の秋には無試験で数学の奨学金を得てケンブリッジ大学トリニティ・カレッジに入学します。1911年に首席で物理学科を卒業。1914年にはトリニティ・カレッジのフェローシップに選ばれています。トリニティ・カレッジでのフェローシップでは論文の提出や試問に関わる自然科学系の受賞者として史上最年少記録として語り継がれています。



また一方でローレンスの研究は第一次世界大戦と第二次世界大戦のときに中断されました。戦時下では有能な才能が軍事的に貢献されることが好ましかったのです。ローレンス自身の当時の意向は調べ切れていませんが、それぞれの大戦でローレンスは敵兵器の場所を特定する音響測位法の研究に従事しました。海洋探査の現場で使われる方法で大気中で兵器の位置を測定をしようとしていたようです。第一次大戦の際にはミリタリー・関連の勲章と大英帝国勲章を受けています。また、1916年、1917年、1919年に3回、柏葉敢闘章 (Mentioned in Despatches) を授与されています。

1948年頃にはX線によるタンパク質構造の研究に関心を持ち、物理学の知識を生物学の研究に応用する研究グループを作ることに貢献している。1953年、所長を務めていたキャベンディッシュ研究所でフランシス・クリックとジェームズ・ワトソンがデオキシリボ核酸 (DNA) の二重らせん構造を発見した際にも重要な役割を演じています。










Bragg's name is spelled in English as William Lawrence Bragg. He is an Australian-born physicist well known for Bragg's Law, the law of X-ray diffraction by crystals. Rutherford (from New Zealand) comes to mind as a physicist who  studied in Britain from the Commonwealth of Nations, but in the case of Bragg, he moved to England with his father. Lawrence is excellent and goes on to the University of Adelaide at the age of 14. In the fall of 1909, after he arrived in the UK, he enrolled in Trinity College, University of Cambridge with an unexamined math scholarship. He graduated from the Department of Physics at the top of his class in 1911. He was selected as a Fellowship at Trinity College in 1914. His fellowship at Trinity College has been handed down as the youngest record in history as a natural science award winner for his dissertation submissions and questions.

His son, Lawrence Bragg, applied X-rays to the crystal lattice and came up with the idea of ​​X-rays diffracting the atoms that make up the lattice. In other words, I was able to imagine how photons are diffracted at an angle and direction of incidence when X-rays hit individual particles. He analyzed that if each particle had a crystal structure, the reflected wave should draw a specific pattern depending on the atomic arrangement. He told his father Henry Bragg the idea of ​​measuring (estimating) the arrangement of atoms in a crystal by measuring the "post-transmission pattern" of an X-ray beam diffracted according to the crystal pattern. His father, Henry, developed an X-ray spectrometer at the University of Leeds using the ideas of his son Lawrence. The device he developed made it possible to analyze various crystals. In 1915 (when his son Lawrence was 25) he won the Nobel Prize in Physics with his father Henry Bragg. This 25-year-old award is still the youngest in the field of natural sciences. It was a very sad event, but in the same year there was a sad incident in which the Lawrence brothers died in the Gallipoli Campaign. Immediately after that, parents and children heard the news of receiving the Nobel Prize in Physics.

In the first place, when Lawrence was 5 years old, he fell in a three-wheeled vehicle and broke his arm. At that time, my father Henry remembered the latest information, Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays, and applied it to the examination. The case of his father Henry was the first medical application of X-rays in Australia. From there, parents and children developed measurement and used X-rays as a tool for analysis as a tool for considering smaller crystal structures. The history of the family led to the Nobel Prize.

On the other hand, Lawrence's research was interrupted during World War I and World War II. During the war, Lawlence was preferred that talented talent contributed to the military. Although Lawrence's intentions at the time have not been fully investigated, in each war Lawrence was engaged in research on acoustic positioning methods to locate enemy weapons. He seems to have been trying to measure the position of weapons in the atmosphere using the methods used in the field of ocean exploration. He received military and related medals and the Order of the British Empire during World War I. He has also been awarded the Mentioned in Despatches three times in 1916, 1917 and 1919.

Around 1948, he became interested in the study of protein structure by X-rays and contributed to the formation of a research group that applied his knowledge of physics to the study of biology. In 1953, he also played an important role in the discovery of the double helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by Francis Crick and James Watson at the Cavendish Laboratory, where he was director.







