


1 簡単な統計処理

1.1 データのバラツキ




Applications from the Magic Mountain9

 Thereby the preliminary works are calculated following the fuzzy logic. Hereinafter, the mode of operation is shown by means of a concrete numerical example.

Numerical example
IF Voice = 76 (dB) ,Disease = 3.5 (Index)

Hence it appears.
Appears μmild (76 dB) = 0.25, μgenteel (76 dB) = 0.75
Appears μlight (Index 3.5) = 0.67, μmiddle (Index 3.5) = 0.33

Thereby the following inference rules are applied:


WHEN voice is strong AND disease meduim THEN ironic distance is near.
WHEN voice is mild AND disease medium THEN ironic distance is medium.
WHEN voice is very soft OR disease light THEN ironc distance is very far.
Thereby μnear (Ironic distance) appears
=min {μgenteel(Voice); μmiddle (disease)}
=min {μgenteel (76 dB); μmiddle (index 3.5)}
=min {0.75; 0.33}

Analog to
μmiddle (Ironic distance)
=min {μmild (Stimme); μmiddle (disease)}
=min {μmild (76 dB); μmiddle (index 3.5)}
=min {0.25; 0.33}=0.25
μvery far (ionic distance)
=max {μvery soft (Voice); μlight (disease)}
=max {μvery soft (76 dB); μlight (index 3.5)}
=max {0; 0.67}

 When values are transferred to the membership function of the ironic distance, a constellation appears according to the figure.
 The centroid of the sample space can be thoroughly outside the area. The centroid here was assumed only by rough calculation. We obtain a centroid value of 3.6m on the x-coordinate, hence an ironic distance of 3.6m is adjusted!


Yoshihisa Hanamura (2005) An introduction to calculated literature – Thomas Mann’s irony and fuzzy theory (in German and Japanese) Shinpusha.
Thomas Mann (1986) Der Zauberberg, Frankfurt a. M., Fischer.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain8

 The inference rules can be represented in a table very clearly. Thereby, it can easily be overviewed which conjunctions exist or not. Arbitrarily, the minimum operator is selected for the AND conjunction, and the maximum operator is selected for the OR conjunction. The inference follows according to the Max/Min method, the defuzzification does according to the centroid method.

Table 1 Inference rules

Voice Very soft Disease light OR Ironic distance very far

Voice Soft Disease middle AND ironic distance far, Disease heavy AND ironic distance far

Voice Mild Disease middle AND ironic distance middle

Voice Strong Disease light AND ironic distance far, Disease middle AND ironic distance near, Disease heavy OR ironic distance near

 Thereby the preliminary works are calculated following the fuzzy logic. Hereinafter, the mode of operation is shown by means of a concrete numerical example.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain7

The disease (catarrh) of Hans Castorp and his distance from Joachim Ziemßen are considered dependent of the voice of Dr. Krokowski. The following arbitrarily selected a membership function applies to his voice.
The following arbitrarily selected a membership function applies to the disease.
The results adjusted for ironic distance between the cousines is shown in the following arbitrarily selected membership function.
Subsequently, a rough frame of rules is established, the rules don’t respond to completeness.


WHEN voice is very soft OR disease is light THEN ironic distance is very far.
WHEN voice is soft AND disease is medium THEN ironic distance is far.
WHEN voice is soft AND disease is heavy THEN ironic distance is near.
WHEN voice is mild AND disease is medium THEN ironic distance is medium.
WHEN voice is strong AND disease is light THEN ironic distance is far.
WHEN voice is strong AND disease is medium THEN ironic distance is near.
WHEN voice is strong OR disease is heavy THEN ironic distance is near.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain6

Example 2

 Fuzzification of the distance of Hans Castorp, Dr. Krokowski and Joachim Ziemßen, with the voice of Dr. Krokowski being analyzed here. The features “soft”, “mild” and “strong” are considered. The flow of the membership function can be arbitrarily determined.

 Im Saal war Hans Castorp da, um den Vortrag von Dr. Krokowski zu hören. Der Titel war die Macht der Liebe. Seine schleppender Bariton, sein weich anschlagendes r tönte wie aus weiter Ferne in die Träumerei von Hans Castorp herein. Im Vortrag gebraucht Dr. Krokowski das Wort ≫Liebe≪ in einem leise schwankenden Sinn. Diese schlüpfrigen anderthalb Silben mit dem Zungen-, dem Lippenlaut und dem dünnen Vokal in der Mitte wurden ihm auf die Dauer recht widerwärtig, eine Vorstellung verband sich für ihn damit wie von gewässerter Milch, - etwas Weißbläulichem, Labberigem, zumal im Vergleich mit all dem Kräftigen, was Dr. Krokowski genaugenommen darüber zum besten gab.(Der Zauberberg: 177)

... Dieser Widerstreit zwischen den Mächten der Keuschheit und der Liebe - denn um einen solchen handle es sich-, wie gehe es aus? Er endige scheinbar mit dem Siege der Keuschheit... Die unterdrückte Liebe sei nicht tot, sie lebe, sie trachte im Dunklen und Tiefgeheimen auch ferner sich zu erfüllen. In Gestalt der Krankheit wiederkehre die unzugelassene Liebe.(Der Zauberberg: 180)

 Das Krankheitssymptom sei verkappte Liebesbetätigung und alle Krankheit verwandelte Liebe...Nach dem Vortrag blieb Hans Castorp stehen im Strom, seine Stuhllehne in der Hand. Ich bin nur zu Besuch hier, dacht er, ich bin gesund,... und den nächsten Vortrag erlebe ich gar nicht mehr hier... Dabei bemerkte er nicht, daß Joachim zwischen den Stühlen auf ihn zukam.
≫Du kamst aber im letzten Augenblick≪, sagte Joachim. ≫Bist du weit gewesen? Wie war es denn?≪
≫Oh, nett≪, erwiderte Hans Castorp. ≫Doch, ich war ziemlich weit. Aber ich muß gestehen, es hat mir weniger gutgetan, als ich erwartete... Ich werde es vorläufig nicht wieder tun.≪
Ob ihm der Vortrag gefallen, fragte Joachim nicht, und Hans Castorp äußerte sich nicht dazu.”(Der Zauberberg: 184)

 ≫Sie scheinen überrascht, mich zu sehen, Herr Castorp≪, hatte Dr. Krokowski mit baritonaler Milde, schleppend, unbedingt etwas geziert und mit einem exotischen Gaumen-r gesprochen, das er jedoch nicht rollte, sondern durch ein nur einmaliges Anschlägen der Zunge gleich hinter den oberen Vorderzähnen erzeugte; ≫ich erfülle aber lediglich eine angenehme Pflicht, wenn ich bei Ihnen nun auch nach dem Rechten sehe. Ihr Verhältnis zu uns ist in eine neue Phase getreten, über Nacht ist aus dem Gaste ein Kamerad geworden...≪ (Das Wort ≫Kamerad≪ hatte Hans Castorp etwas geängstigt.)
≫...Und also ist Ihr Katarrh in meinen Augen eine Erscheinung dritter Ordnung≪, hatte Dr. Krokowski sehr leicht hinzugefügt...
... Es war also vier Uhr, wenn der Assistent wieder auf den Balkon zurücktrat, - das heißt tiefer Nachmittag,... der sich übrigens ungesäumt ins annähernd Abendliche vertiefte: denn bis der Tee getrunken war, drunten im Saal und auf Nummer 34, ging es stärkstens auf fünf Uhr und, bis Joachim von seinem dritten Dienstgange zurückkehrte und bei seinem Vetter wieder vorsprach.(Der Zauberberg: 269)

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain5

 The fuzzy set of the output value can be cut off at the high point of the membership grade (the output of WHEN-THEN processing rules) (Max/Min method). It is a possibility to transfer the membership grade of the outputs to the individual fuzzy sets of the membership functions of the output value.
The following flow of the membership functions of the ironic distance (arbitrarily selected flow) is given additionally.

μnear (Distance)= 0
μmiddle (Distance) = 0.6
μfar (Distance) = 0.4

So that
μnear (Ironic distance)= 0.4
μmiddle (Ironic distance) = 0.6
μfar (Ironic Distance) = 0

 It appears next to the Max/Min method.
 The sub-areas are outlined to a total area so that we obtain the fuzzy sample area (indicated as the gray area). The concrete value of the distance is determined by applying defuzzification.
Defuzzification is the transformation of a loose fact to a concrete number and value. Generally, one can say that defuzzification provides good results by means of the centroid area.


μ result l ➔
μ result 2 ➔
μ result 3 ➔

 Defuzzification of the distance is applied here, because the distance must be adjusted by the near-far equation. Let’s introduce a defuzzification method called the “mean of maximum” here. This method is suited for rough calculations and the x-coordinate is used as the output value in the middle of the maximum of the sample space.
 We get an ironic distance of 4m.
*Note that an overlapping of sub-areas isn’t applied for this method.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain4

 With a distance of 3.4m, it is classified that 60% is middle, 40% as far and 0% as near. The sum of the individual membership shows just 1 (100%) again, but it has proved as a special practice in control engineering (However 100% isn’t a special point.)
 The defined rules are applied to the function grade (μi) determined in the fuzzification at the inference.
The inference of the membership grade for distance (3.4m) is dealt with, and it should be determined how near or far the distance is.
 First the processing rules are determined. The rules are mostly based on experiences. For example, WHEN THEN . A set of easy rules could look like the following for ironic distance.


μA➔ WHEN...THEN. ➔μErgrbnis 1
μB➔ WHEN...THEN. ➔μErgrbnis 2
μC➔ WHEN...THEN. ➔μErgrbnis 3

a. WHEN Distance is near THEN ironic Distance is far.
b. WHEN Distance is middle THEN ironic Distance is middle.
c. WHEN Distance is far THEN ironic Distance is near.

 The measure of how near, middle or far the distance must be becomes the membership grade again.
Then, when conjunctions such as AND, OR etc. appear in the set of rules, an appropriate operator (minimum operator, maximum operator,...) must be selected. In practice, the minimum operator for AND conjunction and the maximum operator for the OR conjunction have proved themselves, because they solve many problems with slight calculation.
 Finally, the membership grade of the output subset is calculated. The value of the membership grade is assumed from the premise for the membership grade at the conclusion of that premise. However, an inference rule must exist for each fuzzy set.

(56) a. WHEN distance is middle THEN ironic distance is middle.
IFμmiddle (distance) = 0.6 ➔ μmiddle (ironic distance) = 0.6
(56) b. More premises:
WHEN distance is middle or far THEN ironic distance is near.
IF μmiddle (distance) = 0.6 and μfar (distance) = 0.4
➔ μnear (ironic distance)
= max {μmiddle (distance); μfar (distance)} = max {0.6; 0.4} = 0.6

 The maximum operator is selected for the OR conjunction.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain3

B) Ironic distance

Example 1

 Fuzzification of the distance from Hans Castorp to Frau Chauchat. With the features of “near”, “middle” and “far”, the flow of the membership function can be arbitrarily defined.

≫Du hast neues Kleid≪, sagte er, um sie betrachten zu dürfen, und hörte sie antworten:
≫Neu? Du bist bewandert in meiner Toilette?≪
≫Habe ich nicht recht?≪
≫Doch. Ich habe es mir kürzlich hier machen lassen, bei Lukaçek im Dorf. Er arbeitet viel für Damen hier oben. Es gefällt dir?≪
≫Sehr gut≪, sagte er, indem er sie mit dem Blick noch einmal umfaßte und ihn dann niederschlug. ≫Willst du tanzen?≪ fugte er hinzu.
≫Würdest du wollen?≪ fragte sie mit erhobenen Brauen lächelnd dagegen, und er antwortete:
≫Ich täte es schon, wenn du Lust hättest.≪
≫Das ist weniger brav, als ich dachte, daß du seist≪, sagte sie, und da er wegwerfend auflachte, fügte sie hinzu: ≫Dein Vetter ist schon gegangen.≪
≫Ja, er ist mein Vetter≪, bestätigte er unnötigerweise. ≫Ich sah auch vorhin, daß er fort ist. Er wird sich gelegt haben.≪
≫C'est un jeune homme très étroit, très honnête, très allemand.≪
≫Étroit? Honnêt?≪ wiederholte er, ≫Ich verstehe Französisch besser, als ich es spreche. Du willst sagen, daß er pedantisch ist. Hältst du uns Deutsche für pedantisch - nous autres Allemands?≪(Der Zauberberg: 466)

≫Das wollen wir≪, wiederholte Hans Castorp mechanisch. Sie sprachen leise, unter Tönen des Klaviers. ≫Wir wollen hier sitzen und Zusehen wie im Traum. Das ist für mich wie ein Traum, mußt du wissen, daß wir so sitzen,- comme un rëve singulièrement profond, car il faut dormir très profondément pour rêver comme cela≪...Le veux dire: C'est un rêve bien connu, rêvé de tout temps, long, éternel, oui, être assis près de toi comme àprésent, voilà réternité.
≫Poète!≪, sagte sie. ≫Bourgeois, humaniste et poète, - voilà l'Allemand au complet, comme il faut!≪(Der Zauberberg: 468)

 It is important to assign a membership grade to the given facts in a defined manner. The number and flow of the individual membership function can be still modified subsequently. In the flow of the membership function below (52), the distance of Hans Castorp to Frau Chauchat (3.4m) appears.

(52) Distance
μnear(3.4m) = 0
μmiddle(3.4m) = 0.6
μfar(3.4m) = 0.4

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain2

 For example, Hans Castorp and Joachim Ziemßen would nearly come into collision with Hofrat Behrens.

≫Hoppla, Achtung die Herren!≪ sagte Behrens. ≫Das hätte leicht schlecht ablaufen können für die beiderseitigen Hühneraugen.≪ Er sprach stark niedersächsisch, breit und kauend. (Der Zauberberg: 68)

 The identification of mistaking phonetic-similar sounds stems from the primary memory of Hans Castorp. The example leads to a special and interesting element of linguistics in the Magic Mountain.
As previously stated, words that are mistaken with similar meanings are recalled from the secondary memory.

 Alltäglich ließ sich Hans Castorp beim Coiffeur in der Hauptstraße von Dorf das Haar schneiden, .... - flog plötzlich mit einer Art von Schrecken, dem neugieriges Ergötzen beigemischt war, jener Schwindel ihn an: ein Schwindel in des Wortes schwankender Doppelbedeutung von Taumel und Betrug, das wirbelige Nicht-mehr-unterscheiden von Noch und Wieder, deren Vermischung und Verwischung das zeitlose Immer und Ewig ergibt. (Der Zauberberg: 753)

 The tertiary memory is important for repetitive, practiced forms of knowledge.

“Auf dem Bahnhof Davos-Dorf vernahm Hans Castorp plötzlig neben sich Joachim Ziemßens Stimme, seines Vetters gemächliche Hamburger Stimme, die sagte: ≫Tag, du, nun steige nur aus≪.” (Der Zauberberg: 14)

 Thomas Mann also gives a discreet indication of the dialectical coloration of Joachim‘s language.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

Applications from the Magic Mountain1

A) Memory

 As Hanamura (2005) explained, memory serves as the basis of ironic relations because inference is based on it. It is consciously simplified to avoid making the understanding of the fuzzy logic difficult.
 Memory is characterized by the ability to save information and recall it as needed. For this, there are two different methods: short-term memory and long-term memory. The former saves information for a few seconds to minutes, and the later retains it for a lifetime.
 There are two classifications for short term memory, sensory memory and primary memory.
Sensory stimuli are automatically saved in the sensory memory for a period of few hundred milliseconds to be coded for short-term storage, and to move into the most important features. The memory begins to fade immediately after the acceptance. The transmission of information from the short-term sensory memory to a stable memory can happen in two ways; the first is the verbal coding of the sensory data, the second is a non-verbal way that is little-known.
 Primary memory performs the temporary acceptance of verbally coded materials. Its capacity is smaller than sensory memory. Non-verbal coded material is simplified from the primary memory to the stable secondary memory during “exercises”, for example, repetition.
 There are also two classifications for long term memory, that is, secondary memory and tertiary memory.
 Secondary memory is a large and stable storage system. The difference from the primary memory can be identified clearly depending on the type of mistake the memory makes when recalling. Primary memory makes mistakes of phonetic-similar sounds such as “p/ b”, and the secondary memory confuses words that are of similar meaning.
 Another memory distinction is the time it takes to access. Primary memory recalls it quickly, and secondary memory more slowly. The loss of secondary memory retention seems to depend on the interference of the learning process during the learned knowledge. First a proactive inhibition and then a retroactive inhibition. Proactive inhibition is the more important factor because we have to control a large stock of learned knowledge. Therefore, this is the largest culprit of memory extinction.
 The tertiary memory deals with engram, for example, one’s own name, skill to read and write or other practiced forms that are permanently retained from many years of practice, even if all other memory contents are lost somehow. The engram is also distinguished as having an extremely quick access time, as it is saved in a special memory form, the tertiary memory.
 But a very good consolidated engram can also work with the secondary memory. The model of long-term memory corresponds to the secondary memory plus the tertiary memory.

花村嘉英(2005)「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」より英訳 translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

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花村嘉英(はなむら よしひさ) 1961年生まれ、立教大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程(ドイツ語学専攻)在学中に渡独。 1989年からドイツ・チュービンゲン大学に留学し、同大大学院新文献学部博士課程でドイツ語学・言語学(意味論)を専攻。帰国後、技術文(ドイツ語、英語)の機械翻訳に従事する。 2009年より中国の大学で日本語を教える傍ら、比較言語学(ドイツ語、英語、中国語、日本語)、文体論、シナジー論、翻訳学の研究を進める。テーマは、データベースを作成するテキスト共生に基づいたマクロの文学分析である。 著書に「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」(新風舎:出版証明書付)、「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品−魯迅をシナジーで読む」(華東理工大学出版社)、「日本語教育のためのプログラム−中国語話者向けの教授法から森鴎外のデータベースまで(日语教育计划书−面向中国人的日语教学法与森鸥外小说的数据库应用)」南京東南大学出版社、「从认知语言学的角度浅析纳丁・戈迪默-ナディン・ゴーディマと意欲」華東理工大学出版社、「計算文学入門(改訂版)−シナジーのメタファーの原点を探る」(V2ソリューション)、「小説をシナジーで読む 魯迅から莫言へーシナジーのメタファーのために」(V2ソリューション)がある。 論文には「論理文法の基礎−主要部駆動句構造文法のドイツ語への適用」、「人文科学から見た技術文の翻訳技法」、「サピアの『言語』と魯迅の『阿Q正伝』−魯迅とカオス」などがある。 学術関連表彰 栄誉証書 文献学 南京農業大学(2017年)、大連外国語大学(2017年)