What's My Line?
Dorothy Are you in some form of entertainment world?
Bacall: Oui.
Dorothy : Are you a judging from the applause might be called a glamour girl?
John Daly. Yeah.
Dorothy: Are you or have you ever been in motion picture?
Bacall : Oh, oui.
Dorothy: Is that your current form of employment?
Bacall: Oui.
Dorothy : Are you more famous from for your work in movie and on the stage?
Bacall :
Dorothy: What's that?
John Daly: That's her. You never took Greek. That's yes.
Dorothy: Oh, excuse me. Have you ever done anything besides movie work?
Bacall: Oui.
Dorothy: Have you ever appeared in television?
John Daly: Small conference. Awfully sorry.
? : She wants to know if this counts.
Bacall. Oui.
Dorothy: Have you ever appeared on a regular program of on your own television?
John Daly: Did you ask the question that our guest appeared in a regular television program of her own?
Dorothy: Well. let's say a regular television program. I don't know how shady you are with definitions.
A regular weekly television program.
John Daly: A regular week, oh you mean regular weekly television program. That's one down and nine to go. Mr. Rally.
Dorothy Kilgallen女史が数多くの質問をします。 (中略)
Arlene Francis : Do you have some boxer dog?
Bacall: Oui, trois.
Arlene Francis : Three five. Are you here in New York because you have recently finished your picture that going to tell all the women of the world how to marry millionaire?
Are you one of the most devastating woman in pictures Lauren Bacall?
John Daly. That's right.
Arlene Francis氏が正解を出しました。
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