As a child, Barbara is orphaned when her settler parents perish trying to cross a California desert. She is rescued and raised by Jefferson Worth, who dreams of irrigating the desert. Fifteen years later, Willard Holmes, the chief engineer of a company intent on diverting the Colorado River to do just that, arrives and is smitten with Barbara. However, he has a rival for her affections: local cowboy Abe Lee, who realizes, toward the end of the picture, that Barbara's love for him will never be anything more than the love a sister feels for a brother. Willard Holmes's greedy employer, meanwhile, refuses to spend the money to reinforce his gigantic water project. This results in a catastrophic flood, the visual and dramatic highlight of the film. Barbara is impressed by Willard's heroism, and he promises to return to marry her after he has conquered the Colorado River and turned the desert into a bountiful paradise.
Ronald Colman as Willard Holmes ロナルド・コールマン
Vilma Bánky as Barbara Worth ヴィルマ・バンキー
Gary Cooper as Abe Lee ゲイリー・クーパー
Charles Willis Lane as Jefferson Worth チャールズ・ウィリス・レーン
Paul McAllister as The Seer ポール・マッカリスター
E. J. Ratcliffe as James Greenfield E・J・ラトクリフ
Clyde Cook as Tex クライド・クック
Erwin Connelly as Pat Mooney アーウィン・コネリー
Ed Brady as McDonald エド・ブレイディ
Sammy Blum as Horace Blanton サミー・ブルーム
Fred Esmelton as George Cartwright
Bill Patton as Little Rosebud ビル・パットン
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