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力をあたえる五力法と七覚支法  The Five Powers and Seven Gakushuho that give you strength



  1. 修行者は七科目、三十七教程の成仏法を完璧に修行する必要はなく、導師が最適な教程を選ぶ。

  2. 代表的な修行法には「五力法」と「七覚支法」があり、五力法は基礎訓練に利用される。

  3. 五力法には信念力法、精進力法、念力法、定力法があり、これにより信念が強化され、念力が発達する。

  4. 念力の強化によりクンダリニー・ヨーガの課程に進み、異常なほどの念の力を身につける。

  5. 七覚支法はクンダリニー・ヨーガと組み合わせて行われ、高度な智慧や法覚、力法の訓練が含まれる。

  6. 修行の最終段階では、仏陀釈尊の成仏法に辿り着くために、クンダリニー・ヨーガが必要であることを発見。

  7. 「択法覚支」から高い智慧を身につけ、念力法や念覚支法を通じて予知力や予感を得る。

  8. 修行者は軽安党支や捨覚支を通じて心の平静を保ち、定方法により感覚器官を増幅し、超人的な能力を得る。

  9. 修行の極限では不可視光線や超音波を感知し、天災地変を予知することが可能となる。

  10. 念力法や念覚支法を修行した者は、仏陀の弟子たちのように信じられないような念の力を持つ。

  11. これが真実の仏教であり、創作経典ではないことに注意が必要。


The Five Powers and Seven Gakushuho that give you strength


Practitioners do not have to perfect the seven subjects and thirty-seven courses of the Dharma for Buddhahood; the master chooses the most suitable course.
Typical training methods include ``Gorikiho'' and ``Shichikakushoho'', and Gorikiho is used for basic training.
The five power methods include the belief power method, the diligent power method, the psychokinesis method, and the fixed power method, which strengthen one's beliefs and develop psychokinesis.
By strengthening his mental powers, he progresses to the course of Kundalini Yoga, and acquires an extraordinary amount of mental power.
The Seven Awakening Dharma is practiced in combination with Kundalini Yoga and includes training in advanced wisdom, dharma awareness, and force.
At the final stage of his training, he discovered that Kundalini Yoga was necessary in order to reach Buddha Shakyamuni's Buddhahood Dharma.
He acquires high wisdom through ``choho-gakusho'' and obtains precognitive powers and premonitions through psychokinesis and nen-kakusho.
Practitioners maintain calmness of mind through Light Antouchi and Sakugakusho, amplify their sense organs through established methods, and gain superhuman abilities.
At the ultimate level of training, it becomes possible to detect invisible light and ultrasonic waves and predict natural disasters.
Those who have practiced the psychokinesis method or the nenkakusho method have incredible mental powers, just like the Buddha's disciples.
It is important to note that this is true Buddhism and not an invented scripture.




導師が教示してくれた主要な一科目を中心に、いくつかの教程を併合したものを修行して ゆくのである。

弟子によって、みな、素質・能力・環境等 (総称して、“因縁”という)が違うので、導師 がそれらを勘案して、最も適切な教程を作製してさずけるのである代表的な修行法を、つぎに示そう。

















力法 (智力法ともいう)







最初、私は、仏陀の成仏法に挑戦して、まったく歯が立たなかった。手も足も出なかった。 なんとか手がかりをつかもうと、四苦八苦しているうちに、阿含の文献の中に、「ゴータマ・


この事を考えているうちに、この“ヨーガ" は、ラージャヨーガと、クンダリニー・ヨーガに違いないと、思いあたった。






「択」とは 「えらぶ」という意味で、あらゆるもの(法)の中から真実のものをえらび出し、 真実ならざるものは捨て去る智慧の獲得である。


軽 安党支



精進努力し、能力が増加、あるいはあたらしい能力を身につけることに喜びを感じます ます訓練に精勤するようになる。 どんなにきびしい修行でも、喜びをもって受け入れるよう

それは、クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを動かすことにより、訓練が楽しくなるホルモ ンを湧出させるからである。

常に、身心を軽快明朗にして、心が悟冥 (暗く濁る)したり、渋滞したりしない修行。 喜覚支をさらに進めたもので、クンダリニー・ヨーガと併合した、特殊な訓練で得られる 能力である。







この修行の極限は、 不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くこと ができるようになる。その結果、天災地変も予知することが可能となる。 そこまで到達する ことは容易ではない。この修行によって、聖者たちは、大なり小なり、この能力を身につけ るのである。

初心者でも、予感や予知力が身にそなわる。 どんな初心者でも、とにかく「カン」が冴 えてくることはまちがいない。


この修行を完成した超人の力は、ふつうの人の「常識」を越え、常識を破壊してしまうだ ろう。たとえば、

これは、一つの例えであるが、かれの思念の力は、他人の内臓の中にできた腫瘍(ガンな ど)を、その念の集中力で、破壊、あるいは溶かしてしまうことも可能である。 仏陀やその 弟子たちは、そのようにして、病人を癒したものである。(ただ、この場合、ガンを破壊して も、破壊されたガン細胞が他に転移するおそれがあるので、ガン細胞そのものを死滅させる ほどの念の力が伴わなければ危険であり、軽々しくこれを行うことはできない。それほどの 力は、仏陀ご自身でなければ持てないのかもしれない。一つの可能性の例として、あげたわ けである

そんな力は例外としても、念力法、念覚支法を修行した場合、中等程度の者でも、常人の 信じられないような念の力を持つようになる。


これが、真実の仏教なのだ。 あなたがこれまで常識として考えていた仏教とは、大分ちが うのではなかろうか?

多くの人が仏教だと思っている『法華経』とか『阿弥陀経』は、仏陀釈尊がお説きになっ たものではないのである。これら「大乗経典」とよばれる経典は、仏陀がお亡くなりになっ 二、三百年もたってから、無名の人たちによって創作されたものである。だから、これら の経典は、学問的には「創作経典」とよばれているのである。

創作経典の中には、「成仏法」は全く欠落している。一行も書かれていない。当然であろう。 「成仏法」は、仏陀釈尊しか教えることが不可能だからだ。無名の人たちが勝手に創作した大 乗経典に「仏陀の成仏法」が全くないのは、当然至極というべきだろう。

日本の仏教は「大乗仏教」である。つまり、「創作仏教」であって、「仏陀の仏教」ではな い。従って、「仏陀の成仏法」は全くない、というわけである。

日本の仏教徒が、仏陀の成仏法を全く知らない、というのは、ここに原因があるのである。 私は、このことが心から残念でならないのだ。


First, I introduced the method of attaining Buddhahood, which consists of seven subjects and 37 teachings.

However, practitioners do not have to practice all of this.

He goes on to train by combining several courses, focusing on one main subject taught by his master.

Since each disciple has a different quality, ability, environment, etc. (collectively referred to as ``fate and fate''), the guru takes these into account and creates the most appropriate curriculum for the disciple.This is a typical training course. Let me show you the law next.

This is a combination of the ``Shichikakushoho'' and ``Gorikiho'' of the Buddhist attainment methods I mentioned earlier.

In this case, the Five Power Method is generally used for basic training.

The five powers are as follows.

Through this training, the power of belief will be developed to the extreme, and no matter what difficulties you encounter, you will not give in and will not compromise your beliefs.

diligence method

psychokinesis method

constant force method

The more difficulties you encounter, the more you will have the ability and character to concentrate on your goals and work hard.

His psychokinesis is abnormally strengthened.

He develops enough mental power to concentrate sunlight on a lens and ignite it.

The power of Nen strengthened by this method exhibits incredible power.

From this Dharma training, one enters the course of Kundalini Yoga.

With the power of strengthened Nen, he performs advanced meditation and special training.

Through this training, he begins to acquire powers that are incomparable to humans.

Special training in Kundalini Yoga begins.


Rikiho (also called Chiriho)

This is training to acquire advanced wisdom.

I will have you begin with the training of the Gumonjisomeiho.

Seven enlightenment methods

The above five power methods are used as basic training, and by building on this five power method, we move on to the next full-scale training.

All of the Seven Awakening Methods are combined with Kundalini Yoga training.

This is my discovery.

At first, when I tried the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, I was completely disappointed. I couldn't use my arms or legs. While I was struggling to find a clue, I discovered in Agon's literature, ``Gotama...

I found a text that says, "Buddha is called the Master of Yoga."

As I was thinking about this, it occurred to me that this "yoga" must be raja yoga and kundalini yoga.

Shojinto branch


Starting from that, it took me over ten years to uncover the secret of Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood.

Indeed, Buddha Shakyamuni was a master of Kundalini Yoga.

Without mastering Kundalini Yoga, you will not be able to touch the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood.

``Choose'' means ``choose,'' and it is the acquisition of wisdom that selects what is true from all things (dharma) and discards what is not true.

The power of ``clear recognition and foreknowledge of things'' that I mentioned earlier is obtained from this awareness of options.

Light Antai branch

sacrificial knowledge

established party branch

They work hard and feel joy when their abilities increase or acquire new abilities.They become more diligent in their training. No matter how tough the training, accept it with joy.

This is because by moving the Kundalini Yoga chakra, hormones that make training enjoyable are released.

Practice to always keep your body and mind light and clear, so that your mind does not become dark or cloudy or become congested. It is a further development of Kikakushi, and is an ability obtained through special training combined with Kundalini Yoga.

He develops an easy-going figure and a peaceful and calm face characteristic of a saint.

Once you are free from the thought of love for the monk, your heart will no longer be disturbed by anything, and your peace of mind will no longer be disturbed.

It is a training to let go of attachment to the object.

Following Karan Gakushu, the heart of a saint will emerge.

Following the regular method, his abilities as a superhuman are dramatically strengthened.

By thoroughly strengthening your fixed power (mental unity), your sense organs will be amplified.

The ultimate in this training is the ability to see invisible light (infrared, ultraviolet) and hear ultrasound. As a result, it becomes possible to predict natural disasters. It's not easy for him to get to that point. Through this training, saints acquire this ability, to a greater or lesser degree.

Even beginners can have premonitions and precognitive abilities. No matter how much you are a beginner, there is no doubt that your ``kan'' will become sharper.

What do you think?

The power of a superhuman who has completed this training will exceed the "common sense" of an ordinary person and destroy common sense. for example,

This is just an example, but the power of his thoughts can destroy or even dissolve a tumor that has formed inside someone else's internal organs (such as his cancer) with the concentration of his thoughts. It is. That's how Buddha and his disciples healed the sick. (However, in this case, even if the cancer is destroyed, there is a risk that the destroyed cancer cells will metastasize to other places, so it is dangerous if the power of mind is not strong enough to kill the cancer cells themselves. It is impossible to do this. Such power may only be possessed by the Buddha himself. I have given this as an example of one possibility.

Although such powers are an exception, if one practices psychokinesis or nenkakusho, even a moderately skilled person will be able to possess the power of nen that is unbelievable to an ordinary person.

This is the ``Buddhist Dharma'' that Buddha Shakyamuni taught to his disciples.

This is true Buddhism. Isn't there a big difference between Buddhism and what you used to think of as common sense?

The Lotus Sutra and the Amida Sutra, which many people think of as Buddhist, were preached by Buddha Shakyamuni and are not his own works. These sutras, called ``Mahayana sutras,'' were created by anonymous people two or three hundred years after the Buddha's death. Therefore, academically, these sutras are called ``creative sutras.''

The ``Dharma of attaining Buddhahood'' is completely absent from the created sutras. Not a single line was written. Of course. This is because the ``Dharma of attaining Buddhahood'' can only be taught by Buddha Shakyamuni. It is of course extremely important that there is no ``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood'' in the Mahayana sutras created by anonymous people.

Japanese Buddhism is ``Mahayana Buddhism.'' In other words, it is ``creative Buddhism,'' not ``Buddha's Buddhism.'' Therefore, there is no ``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood'' at all.

This is the reason why Japanese Buddhists have no knowledge of the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood. I am truly sorry about this.





Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai


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