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深層意識をつかう瞑想法 "霊魂の旅:転生と進化の記憶、人間の深層意識の不思議   Meditation method that uses deep consciousness "Spiritual Journey: Memories of reincarnation and evolution, the wonders of human deep consciousness"



1. 深層意識を活用する瞑想法において、望む来世の境遇や状況を明確に観想し、人生の設計図を作ることが重要。
2. 人間の意識は表面意識・潜在意識・深層意識に分かれ、深層意識には霊魂が宿る。
3. 霊魂は魂塊とも呼ばれ、過去のすべての過去世の記憶が含まれている。
4. ヘッケルの生物発生法則によれば、個体発生は系統発生をくり返す。人間の胎児も進化の歴史を形態でたどる。
5. 胎児は形態に応じて過去の進化を経験し、ヘッケルによればそれは生物学的・解剖学的に立証されている。
6. 胎児は意識を持ち、その形態に応じた意識をたどる。過去の経験をくり返していると考えられる。
7. 胎児は十億年の進化の歴史を持つとされ、その記憶が霊魂に詰まっていると主張されている。
8. 人間の進化と転生の記憶が脳に残っていることが、現代の文明文化の原動力とされている。
9. 輪廻転生瞑想法では深層意識を用い、望む境遇や能力を強く念じて瞑想し、過去世の記憶がよみがえる可能性もある。
10. この瞑想修行は死の実態に迫り、自分が死ぬときの情景が浮かび上がることもあり、生と死を理解する究極の悟りをもたらす可能性がある。





人は前世の記憶を持つ ヘッケルの生物発生法則

一八六六年、ドイツの自然学者であり、生物学者であったヘッケル(EmstHeinrich HaeckeDが、こういう理論を発表した。











過イモリ  亀





The Ultimate Meditation Experience: Understanding Life and Death Through Reincarnation"


1. In meditation methods that utilize deep consciousness, it is important to clearly contemplate the circumstances and circumstances of your desired afterlife and create a blueprint for your life.
2. Human consciousness is divided into surface consciousness, subconscious mind, and deep consciousness, and the soul resides in the deep consciousness.
3. The soul, also called the soul mass, contains the memories of all past lives.
4. According to Haeckel's law of biological development, ontogeny repeats phylogeny. The human fetus also traces its evolutionary history through its morphology.
5. According to Haeckel, fetuses experience past evolution according to their morphology, and this is proven biologically and anatomically.
6. The fetus has consciousness and traces its consciousness according to its form. It is thought that he is repeating his past experiences.
7. It is said that the fetus has a billion years of evolutionary history, and that its memories are packed in the soul.
8. The memory of human evolution and reincarnation that remains in the brain is said to be the driving force behind modern civilization.
9. Reincarnation meditation uses deep consciousness and meditates while strongly thinking about the circumstances and abilities that one desires, and there is a possibility that memories of past lives may come back to life.
10. This meditation practice approaches the reality of death, and may bring to mind the scene of one's own death, leading to the ultimate enlightenment of understanding life and death.





[1. Meditation method that uses deep consciousness]
Following the meditation method I teach, you will clearly and strongly contemplate the circumstances and circumstances of your desired afterlife.
We create a blueprint for our lives: what kind of family we want to be born into, what kind of person we would like to be, and what kind of abilities and qualities we would like to have, and we visualize this blueprint vividly.
Human consciousness can be broadly divided into three layers: surface consciousness, subconscious mind, and deep consciousness.
Wear. It is in this realm of deep consciousness that the soul resides. In other words, the soul resides in a certain part of the brain. When a person reaches the end of their life, the soul leaves the body and goes to the spiritual world, where it eventually reincarnates.
A soul is also called a soul mass. The soul refers to the entire soul, and the temple refers to its core. If we were to compare it to a chicken egg, the whole egg would be the soul, and the yolk would be the mass. This hospital is filled with all the memories of that person. It is not only the experiences of the present life, but also the memories of all past lives, such as the previous life, the life before the previous, the third, fourth, fifth, etc., that remain.
No, not only our memories as humans are preserved, but also the memories of the evolution of life.

Haeckel's Law of Biogenesis: People Have Memories of Previous Lives

In 1866, German naturalist and biologist Emst Heinrich Haecke published this theory.
"The ontogeny of an organism repeats its phylogeny."
This is a famous law of biological development.

This means that the ontogeny of an organism follows its phylogeny.
According to this law, humans repeat their forms one after another in their mother's womb, from the time they were born to their current self. In other words, I am tracing my own history up to that point.
First of all, the origin of life in this world began with a single tiny atom in the primordial ocean.
It begins with the birth of Maeba. The amoeba was probably formed by coacervation, as Oparin says, but it gradually evolved from protozoa to fish, newts, turtles, rabbits, monkeys, and so on. This means that it has changed.
The origin of modern humans began as a single spermatozoa, which had a shape completely similar to that of an amoeba. The fetal fluid (amniotic fluid) in the mother's womb is similar to the components of the primordial ocean, so a single sperm worm begins to grow robustly like an amoeba that began to grow in the primordial ocean.
After three or four weeks, it clearly evolved into a fish shape. In other words, we have entered the age of fish. It has a flat, fish-like tail, four pairs of gill-like grooves on its throat, and its blood vessels are arranged just like a fish's. The heart is also a superior organ, like the one we have today, divided into left and right chambers.
It is not a real thing, but a single pump type similar to a fish.
After two months, their gills, heart, and tail are completely gone, and they become mammalian. We have finally evolved into the age of mammals. At this stage, humans, cows, dogs, and pigs look so similar that it's hard to tell them apart. After six months, they start to look like monkeys, and their feet and other structures make it easier to grasp things like monkeys. However, this will soon change and take on the shape of a human foot.
From around the middle of seven months, Bitto begins to exhibit the form of a human monologue, clearly different from the monkeys that are the closest relatives to humans. Not a primitive man
Although they may be deaf, they have clearly entered the human stage.
In this way, during the ten-month fetal period, humans repeat the long history of human development, which is estimated to be around a billion years.

As mentioned above, Haeckel proved this biologically and anatomically.
In other words, the human fetus follows the path of past evolution in its mother's womb in its original form. Haeckel, perhaps from the standpoint of a biologist, did not go any further. In other words, the fetus merely repeats history in terms of its form, but does not concern itself with the aspect of the fetus's consciousness.
Although a fetus has a memory of billions of years, it is inconceivable that a fetus could spend its entire life inside its mother's womb like a stone without any consciousness.
Based on Haeckel's theory, I believe that the fetus does not repeat the past history only in its form, but that it repeats the past history in its consciousness according to its form. be.
A fetus will naturally have consciousness as a fetus. if you have consciousness
Therefore, it is natural that we have consciousness that corresponds to the form we are in at that time. In other words, when the fetus has the same form as a fish, it has the consciousness it had when it was a fish, and when it has the same form as a monkey, it has the consciousness it had when it was a monkey. That's why there is.
By the way, memory is an accumulation of past experiences and consciousness.
When consciousness goes backwards and follows the path of development and development, it is essentially repeating the experiential consciousness, and in the end,
Newt Turtle
1st month
second month
third month
It means that you are retracing your past memories, and you are not experiencing the past.
Isn't that what it means?
In other words, the fetus evolved from the time of amoeba to humans.
In other words, they experienced the entire aftermath of the 2011 crisis in ten months.
Isn't this experience of life in the mother's womb exactly the same as the fact that life has continued to exist from the beginning of time to the present?
This is because being conscious of past experiences in the mother's womb means that one's consciousness of experience, whether in the mother's womb or outside the mother's womb, is
Above all, there is no change, and the fetus has the memory of living for billions of years in terms of experiential consciousness.
And isn't having the memory of having lived for a billion years the same as having lived for a billion years?

All the memories of that evolutionary process are packed into the soul. In short, memories from the era of amoebas, fish, crocodiles, horses, and monkeys are etched into this mass.
It is because these memories remain in the human brain that humanity was able to build the civilization we have today. I am convinced that the memory of human evolution and reincarnation is the driving force behind civilized culture. Reincarnation meditation uses the deep consciousness where all memories of one's life are recorded. In deep consciousness,
``I meditate with a strong belief that I will be reborn as a person who has been in this situation and has been waiting for this kind of ability.Since meditation uses deep consciousness, I am able to remember the past.
It may even bring back memories of the world.
This meditation practice is truly shocking. Is it a meditation that approaches the reality of death?
Sometimes, images of what it would be like to die may come to mind. Since life and death are two sides of the same coin, only by understanding the reality of death can we understand the reality of being born. Therefore, reincarnation meditation may be said to be a meditation that brings humans ultimate enlightenment.





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