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ソンディの眼から見た遺伝子の舞台裏: 衝動感情と運命のパズル "Behind the scenes of genetics as seen through Sondi's eyes: The puzzle of impulse emotions and fate"

1. **精神分析学の基本仮説**
- 人間には無意識の過程があり、行動は無意識によって左右されるとする。
- フロイトはヒステリー治療を通じて、意識できない欲望が無意識に抑圧され神経症の症状として現れると提唱。

2. **ユング心理学**
- フロイトの精神分析学と共通点がありつつ、集合的無意識(普遍的無意識)の分析を含む。
- 能動的想像法や夢分析が重要視される。

3. **シャドウ(影)**
- 個人が認めたくない自分を指す。
- 西洋と東洋の神話に共通したテーマから、共通した集合的無意識が存在すると考えられる。

4. **レオポルド・ソンディ**
- ハンガリー出身の心理学者で運命分析学を創設し、『ソンディ・テスト』を開発。
- 家族的無意識概念を提唱し、先祖の抑圧された意識が子孫の運命に影響を与えると考える。

5. **集合的無意識**
- カール・ユングによって提唱され、個人的無意識と共通する普遍的な層を指す。
- 「元型(Archetype)」が基本的な形を共有し、意識化されない。

6. **ソンディの運命観**
- 遺伝子に基づく運命分析法で8つの遺伝子の働きとバランスを探る。
- 遺伝子には自我衝動、接触衝動、感情衝動、性衝動の要素がある。
- 目的は個人的無意識、家族的無意識、普遍的無意識の経験的・理論的な統合。

1. **Basic hypotheses of psychoanalysis**
- Assumes that humans have unconscious processes and that behavior is influenced by the unconscious.
- Through the treatment of hysteria, Freud proposed that unconscious desires are suppressed unconsciously and appear as symptoms of neurosis.

2. **Jungian Psychology**
- It has similarities with Freud's psychoanalysis, but includes analysis of the collective unconscious (universal unconscious).
- Emphasis is placed on active imagination and dream analysis.

3. **Shadow**
- Refers to the self that an individual does not want to admit.
- Common themes in Western and Eastern mythology suggest the existence of a common collective unconscious.

4. **Leopold Sondi**
- A Hungarian-born psychologist who founded fate analysis and developed the ``Sondi Test.''
-He proposed the concept of the familial unconscious, believing that the repressed consciousness of ancestors influences the fate of descendants.

5. **Collective unconscious**
- Proposed by Carl Jung, refers to a universal layer that is common to the personal unconscious.
- "Archetypes" share a basic form and are not made conscious.

6. **Sondi's outlook on fate**
- Explore the functions and balance of eight genes using gene-based fate analysis methods.
- Genes have elements of ego drive, contact drive, emotional drive, and sex drive.
- The purpose is the empirical and theoretical integration of the personal unconscious, family unconscious, and universal unconscious.













ハンガリー出身の心理学者レオポルド・ソンディ(Leopold Szondi,1893-1986)は、運命分析学という深層心理学の学派を創設したり、『ソンディ・テスト』という人物写真を利用した投影法の心理テストを開発したことで知られる。日本語での名前表記は、レオポルド・ソンディ以外にも、英語読みで『リポート・ソンディ』という風に表記されることも多い

集合的無意識(Kollektives Unbewusstes)」

とは、偉大な心理学者カール・ユング(Carl Gustav Jung)によって提唱された。
集合的無意識に共通する基本的形を「元型(Archetyp )」と呼び、この元型から集合的無意識が生じ、原始心像が意識化され、元型そのものが意識化されることは決してない。

ソンディ・テストで知られる精神医学者のレオポルド・ソンディ(Léopold Szondi)は













Psychoanalysis is based on the basic hypothesis that humans have an unconscious process and that human behavior depends on the unconscious. Freud, in the treatment of hysteria (currently dissociative and somatic symptom disorders), can unknowingly suppress desires that are painful for humans to change shape and neurosis. I thought that it would be expressed in the form of symptoms such as. Therefore, we made a treatment hypothesis that the symptoms can be resolved by being aware of the content of the conflict suppressed in the unconscious area, exposing it to the surface, and being aware of it.

Carl Gustav Jung

Jung's psychology (analytical psychology) is similar to Freud's psychoanalysis in that it analyzes the individual's consciousness and unconsciousness, but it is not limited to the individual unconsciousness, but is common to all humankind beyond the individual. It also includes an analysis of the collective unconscious (universal unconscious). Psychotherapy by Jung Psychology also incorporates the Active Imagination. The active imagination is a psychotherapeutic method that waits for the image from the unconscious to appear in the consciousness. In addition, Jung Psychology emphasizes dream analysis in clinical psychology more than other groups. Dreams are said to be a "phenomenon in which the archetype image is expressed on a daily basis" as a collective unconscious, and also a manifestation of the personal unconscious.

What is a shadow?

As I explained above, I call myself a "shadow" that I don't want to admit, but I will explain what a shadow is in the first place.

A shadow is a "shadow" that everyone has, and each person has a self that he or she does not want to admit.
The stronger the feeling of not wanting to admit, the darker the shadow and the stronger its influence.

Also, in the myths and legends of the West and the East,
Since there are many things that deal with common themes,
Deep in the hearts of mankind, regardless of the ocean
I thought that there was a common "collective unconscious".

As shown in the figure, in a layer deeper than consciousness or personal unconsciousness,
It exists universally regardless of ethnicity, nation, or race.

Leopold Szondi

Hungarian psychologist Leopold Szondi (1893-1986) founded a school of deep psychology called fate analysis and developed a projection psychological test using portraits called the Szondi test. Known for doing. In addition to Leopold Szondi, the name notation in Japanese is often written in English as "Report Sondy".

"The Collective Unconscious (Kollektives Unbewusstes)" was advocated by the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
The concept is that there is a personal unconscious in the depths of human consciousness, and there is a collective unconscious in the depths.
The collective unconscious is connected not only to the individual but also to the group, the people, the entire human race, and even the consciousness of the universe and the universe beyond time and space.
The basic form common to the collective unconscious is called the "archetyp", and the collective unconscious arises from this archetype, the primitive image is conscious, and the archetype itself is never conscious.

Léopold Szondi, a psychiatrist known for the Szondi test, proposed the concept of a family unconscious, which lies between Freud's personal unconscious and Jung's collective unconscious.
Sondy was a rare figure in the world of psychiatry, putting a scalpel into the field of "fate analysis," which has not yet been recognized for its academic value.
"Family unconscious" means that the fate is inherited by the offspring, with the idea that the suppressed consciousness of the ancestors has a significant impact on the fate of the offspring. The fate of illness and debt, which is called "the cause and effect of the parent rewards the child," is called "forced fate," and is always in conflict with the "free fate," which is born from the free will of the individual.

But the unfortunate life under the control of forced fate is not just due to ancestors.
By being born as a descendant of such an ancestor, the karma of the past life has been eliminated, so we must understand and accept it well and steer our lives toward free destiny.
The best way to eliminate karma is to learn how to look at yourself as a third party.

Sondy calls the consciousness (impulse) that offspring inherit from their ancestors from generation to generation, "impulsive emotion (impulsive consciousness)," and says that "human destiny is a choice." Based on the impulsive emotions (impulsive consciousness) inherited from our ancestors, human beings make important choices in the four fields of life: marriage choice, occupation choice, disease choice, and death form choice. Sondy's theory.

L. Sondy's view of fate has two elements: "elements that he chooses independently" and "elements that are determined by the consciousness and emotions of his ancestors." ) The following eight types of genes are considered to be factors. A psychological test called "fate analysis method" is said to be able to know the trend (strength) and balance of the functions of these eight types of genes.

Sch (ego impulse) …… p (existing gene), k (owned gene)

C (contact impulse) …… m (dependent gene), d (acquired gene)

P (emotional impulse) …… hy (moral gene), e (ethical gene)

S (sexual drive) …… s (attack gene), h (love gene)

The unconsciousness inherited from Leopold Szondi's envisioned ancestors is called the "family unconscious", wider than Sigmund Freud's "personal unconscious" and more than CG Jung's "universal unconscious (collective unconscious)" The range is believed to be narrow. The ultimate purpose of deep psychology, which brought Sondy's fate analysis to the fore, was "the empirical and theoretical integration of the personal unconscious, the family unconscious, and the universal unconscious."





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