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霊障を伴う因縁 "家族や愛にまつわる不思議な話:運命の反復現象って何?"   Fate with psychic disorders "Mysterious stories about family and love: What is the phenomenon of repeating fate?"





































心理学でいわれる反覆強迫観念による「運命の反復」現象である。 多くの人は、このことにあまりにも無知過ぎる。 人間の深層心理に目を向けた近代心理学は、まず、ジークムント・フロイトの、個人の無意識層分析から始まった。次いで、カール・グスタフ・ユングの集合的無意識層(群衆心理学)に進んだ。これに対し、リポット・ソンディは、この二つの層の中間にある「家族的無意識」という無意識の第三番目の領域を、研究対象としてとりあ げた。 つまり、それまでの「個人」と「群衆」の中間に、「家族」を発見したわけである。 これは、無意識の特別な領域であった。ソンディは、この学説を、   「運命分析心理学」   と名づけたが、それによると、 個人の無意識層のなかに抑圧されている特殊な祖先の欲求が、子孫の、恋愛・友情・職業・疾病および、死亡の形式における無意識的選択行動となって、その運命を決定する。 というのであった。 要するに、特殊な先祖の抑圧された欲望や葛藤が、子孫の無意識の意識にはたらきかけて、子孫の恋愛(結婚)・友情・職業・病気・死にかたまで運命的に決定してしまう、というのである。 その結果あらわれる現象が、「運命の反復」である。特定の先祖の運命を、そのまま繰り返すという現象である。   その繰り返しは、まったくおなじ運命を繰り返すという例と、まったくおなじではなく、あるワク内での相似した運命をたどるというものと、二種類あるが、いずれも、ソンディの発見した一つの原則にしたがってその反復現象は起きるのである。(ソンディは、かず多くの例をあげて論証しているが、特に、バルザック、ドストエーフスキーの二大作家の例証は有名である.   どうして運命の反復が起きるのか? ソンディは、その原因を、遺伝趣性にあるとする。 しかし、わたくしが考えるのに、この運命の反復のすべての原因を、遺伝塑性のみに帰するのは無理なのである。他にも原因を考えねばならぬのだ。 というのは、義父母、義祖父母、義祖々父母、等々というように、直接の血縁関係でなく、故に、遺伝子(DNA)が遺伝しない間柄においても、明白に   運命の反復現   象が起きているからである。つまり、遺伝子によって遺伝されなくても、特殊な祖先の抑圧された欲求や葛藤は、その子孫の無意識の意識にはたらきかけて、その運命を決定してしまうのである。その実例はいくつもあげられる。 これはいったいどういうことか? 端的に言おう。 「個人の無意識層の中に抑圧されている特殊な祖先の欲求」とは、或る個人の無意風のなかに、特殊な祖先(すでに死者となっている)の欲求 (怨念)が抑圧されていて、その個人(子孫)の行動を決定する、ということにほかならない。 つまり、死者の怨念が、生きている者の無意識の意識を動かして、死者の怨念(欲状)を満足させるための行動をとらせる。それが、死者の人生と同一の道をたどらせることになる。それが運命の反復だ。そして、ここで注目しなければならぬことは、 その死者の怨念の伝達機構である。かならずしも遺伝子によらぬとしたら、いったい、なにがその怨念を伝達するのか? 答は、一種のバイブレーション、というしかないであろう。 ところで、一つの国家、民族、種族は、運命共同体であり、一つの家族である。 運命の反復理論は、そのまま、これにあてはめることが出来るであろう。その場合、 「歴史はくり返す」という現象になってあらわれる。個人の場合は、運命の反復、国、。   「歴shi家・社会の場合は、繰り返される歴史となってあらわれるのである。 人類の歴史は、戦争の歴史である。 戦争による死者の怨念が、生きている人間たちを、次の戦争へと駆り立てる。かくて、はてしなく戦争の歴史が繰り返されるのである。 このままでは、戦争が止むとき、それは人類が絶滅したとき、ということになろう。 宇宙は、宇宙意識によってみたされている。その宇宙意識のバイブレーションの中から、全地球を覆う死者の怨念を消滅させぬかぎり、地球に平和と安穏は、永久に訪れることがないであろう。 以上げた二つの問題をどう解決するか、また、はたして解決することが出来るのか、次に起きる戦争こそ人類絶滅の戦争であると予言されているいま、人類にとってこの上なく切実、かつ緊迫した問題ではないか。 あなたはどう思うか?


















どうして運命の反復が起きるのか? ソンディは、その原因を、遺伝趣性にあるとする。





「個人の無意識層の中に抑圧されている特殊な祖先の欲求」とは、或る個人の無意風のなかに、特殊な祖先(すでに死者となっている)の欲求 (怨念)が抑圧されていて、その個人(子孫)の行動を決定する、ということにほかならない。












































「種の差別は業に由る」 とおっしやっておられる。




ヨコの囚縁とはなにか? 自分が前生でなした業である。





The fate of spiritual disorders
As I mentioned earlier, there are some causes that involve spiritual disorders.
“The cause of death”
“The cause of decline in family fortune”
“The relationship between blood relatives and rivals”
"The fate of lust"
Most of the time, the psychic hotoga is seen as a spirit.

○Captivity of horizontal death

○Prison Prison

○ Captivity of indebtedness

○ Captivity of blood relatives and rivals

○ Captivity that harms the husband's fortunes

○ Captivity of Onshu


○The prison of cancer

○ Captivity of declining family fortunes

○Prison Prison

○ Prisoner of midway failure

○ Captivity of lust

○ Imprisonment of circulatory system disorder

○Financial luck/book captivity

○ Prisoner of physical disability

○ Prisoner of brain damage

○ Captivity due to marital disorder

[Gotoshihe Kaku's captivity]

○ “Captivity” of indebtedness

○A weak fate

○ Captivity of Onshu

○ Marital bond broken

○Cause of gastrointestinal disease

○Captivity of misfortune

○The fate of lust

○ Captivity of squared personality

○ Prisoner of midway failure

○Cause of decline in family fortune

○ Prisoners of gynecological diseases

o The fate of dual personality

○Financial luck/water captivity

○ Captivity of Onshu

o A weak fate

○The fate of lust

○Causes of circulatory system disorders

This is a phenomenon known in psychology as ``repetition of fate'' due to obsession with repetition. Many people are too ignorant about this. Modern psychology, which focuses on the deep psyche of humans, first began with Sigmund Freud's analysis of the unconscious layer of individuals. Next, I moved on to Carl Gustav Jung's collective unconscious layer (crowd psychology). Ripot Sondhi, on the other hand, took up the third realm of the unconscious, the ``familial unconscious,'' which lies between these two layers, as his research subject. In other words, a ``family'' was discovered between the ``individual'' and the ``crowd.'' This was a special area of the unconscious. Sondhi named this theory ``fate analytical psychology,'' and according to it, the special desires of ancestors, which are suppressed in the unconscious layer of individuals, affect the love, friendship, occupation, and illness of descendants. And it becomes an unconscious choice action in the form of death, which determines one's fate. That's what it was. In short, the repressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors act on the unconscious consciousness of descendants, and fatefully determine their descendants' love affairs (marriage), friendships, occupations, illnesses, and death. be. The resulting phenomenon is "repetition of fate." It is a phenomenon in which a person repeats the fate of a particular ancestor. There are two types of repetition: one where the exact same fate repeats, and the other where a similar fate within a certain work is followed, but both are based on one principle discovered by Sondhi. Repetitive phenomena occur. (Sondi uses many examples to demonstrate this, but the examples of two great writers, Balzac and Dostoyevsky, are particularly famous. Why do fates repeat? Sondi explains why this happens, However, in my opinion, it is impossible to attribute all the causes of this repetition of fate to genetic plasticity alone.We must consider other causes as well. This is because even in relationships such as step-parents, step-grandparents, step-grandparents, etc., who are not directly blood related and therefore do not inherit genes (DNA), the phenomenon of repeating fate clearly occurs. In other words, even if they are not inherited by genes, the repressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors affect the unconscious consciousness of their descendants and determine their fate. I can list a number of them. What does this mean? Let me put it simply. ``A special ancestral desire that is suppressed in the unconscious layer of an individual'' This means that the desires (grudges) of ancestors (who are already dead) are suppressed and determine the actions of the individuals (descendants). In other words, the grudges of the dead influence the unconscious of the living. The consciousness of the deceased is moved to take action to satisfy the deceased's grudge (greed).This causes the deceased to follow the same path as his life.This is a repetition of fate.And here... What we must pay attention to is the mechanism by which the deceased's grudge is transmitted.If it is not necessarily genetic, then what is it that transmits the grudge?The answer is probably a type of vibration. By the way, a nation, ethnicity, or tribe is a community of destiny and a family.The theory of repeating fate can be applied to this as it is.In that case, ``history is over.'' In the case of an individual, it appears as a repetition of fate, or as a nation. In the case of a historical family or society, it appears as a repeating history. Human history is a history of war. Yes. The grudges of the dead caused by war drive the living humans to the next war. Thus, the history of war repeats itself endlessly. If things continue like this, when wars stop, it will be the end of humanity. The universe is filled with cosmic consciousness.Unless the grudges of the dead that cover the entire earth are extinguished from within the vibrations of cosmic consciousness, there will be no peace and tranquility on earth. It will never come again. How to solve the above-mentioned two problems, and whether they can be solved at all, is the most urgent and urgent question for humanity, as it is predicted that the next war will be the one that will wipe out humanity. mosquito. what do you think?




This is a phenomenon known in psychology as ``repetition of fate'' due to obsession with repetition.

Many people are too ignorant about this.


Modern psychology, which focuses on the deep psyche of humans, first began with Sigmund Freud's analysis of the unconscious layer of individuals. Next, I moved on to Carl Gustav Jung's collective unconscious layer (crowd psychology). Ripot Sondhi, on the other hand, focuses on the third area of unconsciousness, the ``familial unconscious,'' which lies between these two layers, as his research object.
Got it.

In other words, he discovered a ``family'' between the ``individual'' and ``the crowd.''

This was a special area of the unconscious. Sondhi describes this theory as

"Fate analysis psychology"

According to it, it was named

The desires of special ancestors, suppressed in the unconscious layer of individuals, become the unconscious choices of descendants in the form of love, friendship, occupation, illness, and death, and determine their destinies.

That's what it was.
In short, the repressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors act on the unconscious consciousness of descendants, and fatefully determine their descendants' love affairs (marriage), friendships, occupations, illnesses, and death. be.
The resulting phenomenon is "repetition of fate." It is a phenomenon in which a person repeats the fate of a particular ancestor.

There are two types of repetition: one where the exact same fate repeats, and the other where a similar fate within a certain work is followed, but both are based on one principle discovered by Sondhi. Repetitive phenomena occur. (Sondi uses many examples to demonstrate this, but the examples of two great writers, Balzac and Dostoyevsky, are particularly famous.

Why do fates repeat? Sondhi attributes the cause to genetic predilection.
However, I think it is impossible to attribute all the causes of this repeating fate to genetic plasticity alone. There are other causes to consider.
This is because even in relationships such as step-parents, step-grandparents, step-grandparents, etc., who are not directly blood related and therefore do not inherit genes (DNA), it is clear that

Recurrence of fate

Because the elephant is awake. In other words, even if they are not inherited by genes, the repressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors affect the unconscious consciousness of their descendants and determine their fate. Many examples can be given.

What on earth does this mean?
Let me put it simply.
``Desires of special ancestors that are suppressed in the unconscious layer of an individual'' are the desires (grudges) of special ancestors (who are already dead) that are suppressed in the unconsciousness of a certain individual. This is nothing more than determining the behavior of that individual (descendant).

In other words, the dead's grudges move the unconscious consciousness of the living, causing them to take actions to satisfy the dead's grudges (greeds). This causes them to follow the same path as the life of the deceased. That is the repetition of fate. And what we need to pay attention to here is that

It is a transmission mechanism for the dead's grudge. If it is not necessarily due to genes, then what is it that transmits this grudge?

The only answer is that it is a type of vibration.

By the way, a nation, ethnic group, and tribe are a community of shared destiny and a single family.

The theory of repeating fate can be applied directly to this. In that case,
This is manifested in the phenomenon of ``history repeating itself.'' In the case of the individual, the repetition of fate, the country;

``In the case of historical families and societies, it appears as history repeating itself.
Human history is a history of war.
The grudge of the dead from war drives the living to fight the next war. Thus, the history of war repeats itself endlessly.

If this continues, the only time the war will stop will be when humanity becomes extinct.
The universe is filled with cosmic consciousness. Peace and tranquility will never come to earth unless the grudges of the dead that cover the entire earth are extinguished from within the vibrations of cosmic consciousness.

How to solve the above-mentioned two problems, and whether they can be solved at all, is the most pressing and urgent question for humanity, as it is predicted that the next war will be the one that will wipe out humanity. mosquito.
what do you think?




Modern psychology is

(1) Freud's personally repressed unconscious layer;


(2) Jung's collective (crowd) unconscious layer;


I have walked two paths.


On the other hand,

[3] Sondhi discovered a layer of familial unconsciousness in between.

In other words, he discovered a ``sect'' between the individual and the crowd. This was, of course, something that was bound to happen. individual

There was not a single person in the crowd that wasn't part of the family. If this is the case, an unconscious mind must naturally exist (or be formed) there.

So, what did Sonde discover in that unconscious layer?

He discovered a special sense of oppression within the unconscious layer, which he called the "familial unconscious."

If I had to put it in one word, it would be,

The desires of the ancestors that are suppressed within the individual determine the destiny of the individual through unconscious choices in love, friendship, occupation, illness, and death.

That is what it means.



Sondi is like this.

Based on the analysis of choices in love, friendship, occupation, illness, and death, the root of choices is this family desire.''

In other words, it is the repressed consciousness of one's ancestors hidden deep within one's heart that determines everything from one's love life, friendships, occupation, illness, and even the manner of death.


This means that these selective actions that shape an individual's destiny are not determined by decisions based on conscious and rational considerations (which they do superficially, of course, but in reality). ) Choice behavior is an impulsive act, and it is driven by unconscious things that make impulsive choices. (Freud is almost the same up to this point. What differs from Freud is that his impulses are deeply related to and influenced by his ancestry.)


What this means is that what determines a person's fate is not only the suppressed desires of their ancestors. That's not all. That is a very big factor, but it is not the only one.

The reason is that, according to esoteric astrology, the "timing" of destiny is not determined.
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