It`s really an attempt to justify the fact that they don`t want to deal with the truth.
They wouldn`t let their children have made this movie, I`m quite sure.
And I think Netflix is just… declare open sees on our children.
This is about the normalization of pedophilia….
But I`m here in California, we are dealing with FV145 (?) being pushed to the floor,
and that is truly about making pedophilia a normal sexual orientation.
So, where are we going with this? I don`t want to go with this.
They are trying to get kids used to, you know, minor attracted person`s maps.
This whole new category of what you call `grown-ups`, so we are attracted to children.
And when you start changing these names, Laura, you know, this is about taking the stigma
away from a word `pedophilia`.
You are not a pedophile, you are a map (?).
There is a massive effort underway for everyone who hasn`t been too into this,
we are going to cover this in-depth next week.
Massive effort underway in California to destigmatize pedophilia.
By lowering the age… by essentially getting rid of the age consent for certain sexual activity.
It is horrific and has be stopped.
Here is the director of the `Cuties`, she`s defending the film, take a look.
Cuties is a deeply feminist film with an activist message. We must all together figure out
what is the best for our children. As a director, as an artist, I`m doing my part with this film.
Politicians, education system, parents, children… I think all together, we have to fix what`s going wrong.
Cynthia, you consider this as a deeply feminist film, quickly?
Film that takes away the power that we fight for as women. I consider this film that tells little girls
that the best to get attention and the best way to feel powerful is to shake your butt.
And I … saying this film is bringing out this discussion of child sexual exploitation is belon (?).
Because you don`t exploit children to prove that we need to talk about exploit…children.
Cynthia, thank you so much, I know you are going to come back when we are….
● normalization 標準化、一般化
normalization of pedophilia でペドフィリア(幼児性愛症)の標準化という意味です。
● person`s maps こういう風に言ってると思います。違ったらごめんなさい。
● stigma 恥辱、汚名、不名誉、キリストの聖痕
● destigmatize 〜を恥ずかしいとこではないとする、汚名を返上する
● consent 同意、承諾、許可
It`s really an attempt to justify the fact that they don`t want to deal with the truth.
They wouldn`t let their children have made this movie, I`m quite sure.
And I think Netflix is just… declare open sees on our children.
This is about the normalization of pedophilia….
But I`m here in California, we are dealing with FV145 (?) being pushed to the floor,
and that is truly about making pedophilia a normal sexual orientation.
So, where are we going with this? I don`t want to go with this.
They are trying to get kids used to, you know, minor attracted person`s maps.
This whole new category of what you call `grown-ups`, so we are attracted to children.
And when you start changing these names, Laura, you know, this is about taking the stigma
away from a word `pedophilia`.
You are not a pedophile, you are a map (?).
There is a massive effort underway for everyone who hasn`t been too into this,
we are going to cover this in-depth next week.
Massive effort underway in California to destigmatize pedophilia.
By lowering the age… by essentially getting rid of the age consent for certain sexual activity.
It is horrific and has be stopped.
Here is the director of the `Cuties`, she`s defending the film, take a look.
Cuties is a deeply feminist film with an activist message. We must all together figure out
what is the best for our children. As a director, as an artist, I`m doing my part with this film.
Politicians, education system, parents, children… I think all together, we have to fix what`s going wrong.
Cynthia, you consider this as a deeply feminist film, quickly?
Film that takes away the power that we fight for as women. I consider this film that tells little girls
that the best to get attention and the best way to feel powerful is to shake your butt.
And I … saying this film is bringing out this discussion of child sexual exploitation is belon (?).
Because you don`t exploit children to prove that we need to talk about exploit…children.
Cynthia, thank you so much, I know you are going to come back when we are….
● normalization 標準化、一般化
normalization of pedophilia でペドフィリア(幼児性愛症)の標準化という意味です。
● person`s maps こういう風に言ってると思います。違ったらごめんなさい。
● stigma 恥辱、汚名、不名誉、キリストの聖痕
● destigmatize 〜を恥ずかしいとこではないとする、汚名を返上する
● consent 同意、承諾、許可
no image
no image
no image
no image
no image
No.30 ニューヨークタイムズがついにコロナのウソを認めた?
According to a bombshell new report, up to 90% of positive COVID19 tests in multiple states
in our country should have been negative.
And before Facebook censors this video, or Snopes or PolitiFact tries to slap a fact-check label on it,
this report came from the New York Times. That`s right, the New York Times.
According to the Times, (quote)`standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who
may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus, and or not likely to be contagious`(end quote).
Let me repeat that. The vast majority of positive COVID19 PCR tests in our country are
clinically insignificant, because the people who popped positive are not likely to be contagious.
Why? The answer is amplification cycles.
Let me explain. Because it`s actually quite simple.
A PCR test, which is the most common type of COVID19 test, the kind that you are familiar with,
identifies the virus`s genetic materials in a swab sample, and amplifies it over and over again,
until the machine can detect the DNA of the virus.
If the machine detects the virus`s DNA, then the test pops positive.
But the number of times, the genetic material on the swab sample is amplified hugely important,
because the core rates to (?)a viral load.
We are all familiar with the idea that if you get COVID19 in your asymptomatic, you likely have
a very small viral load in your system, or conversely if you get COVID19 severely,
you might have a higher viral load.
Well, if you amplify the genetic material of the swab sample enough times, you will detect the virus DNA,
even if the viral load in a person`s body is clinically insignificant,
meaning even if that person has only the traces of the virus in the body,
even if they are not symptomatic themselves, even if they are very unlikely to be contagious
and transmit the virus to other people.
So, the New York Times examined the COVID19 testing data for New York, Massachusetts,
and Nevada, and found and `up to 90% of people testing positive carry barely any virus`.
● censor 検閲する、(検閲して)削除する
熱とか光とかのいわゆる日本語のセンサーは sensor という綴りです。
● slap a fact-check label on it たぶんこう言っていると思います。
SNSの運営会社が怪しいと思う記事などに fact-check の印を押すことがあります。
● contagious 病気などが伝染する、伝染性の
● clinically 臨床上の、臨床的に見て
● popped positive 検査で陽性になる こういう言い方もあるんですね
● amplification cycles 増幅システム
動詞の amplify は 〜を拡大する、増幅する という意味です。
● swab 綿棒の消毒綿、スワブ、モップ
● viral load ウイルス量
● asymptomatic 無症状の symptomatic の反対語なのに不思議な綴りですね。
ここ、 in your asymptomatic って聞こえるんですが、文法がおかしいので自信ありません。
● transmit 伝える が大元の意味で、病気などをうつすという意味もあります。
According to a bombshell new report, up to 90% of positive COVID19 tests in multiple states
in our country should have been negative.
And before Facebook censors this video, or Snopes or PolitiFact tries to slap a fact-check label on it,
this report came from the New York Times. That`s right, the New York Times.
According to the Times, (quote)`standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who
may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus, and or not likely to be contagious`(end quote).
Let me repeat that. The vast majority of positive COVID19 PCR tests in our country are
clinically insignificant, because the people who popped positive are not likely to be contagious.
Why? The answer is amplification cycles.
Let me explain. Because it`s actually quite simple.
A PCR test, which is the most common type of COVID19 test, the kind that you are familiar with,
identifies the virus`s genetic materials in a swab sample, and amplifies it over and over again,
until the machine can detect the DNA of the virus.
If the machine detects the virus`s DNA, then the test pops positive.
But the number of times, the genetic material on the swab sample is amplified hugely important,
because the core rates to (?)a viral load.
We are all familiar with the idea that if you get COVID19 in your asymptomatic, you likely have
a very small viral load in your system, or conversely if you get COVID19 severely,
you might have a higher viral load.
Well, if you amplify the genetic material of the swab sample enough times, you will detect the virus DNA,
even if the viral load in a person`s body is clinically insignificant,
meaning even if that person has only the traces of the virus in the body,
even if they are not symptomatic themselves, even if they are very unlikely to be contagious
and transmit the virus to other people.
So, the New York Times examined the COVID19 testing data for New York, Massachusetts,
and Nevada, and found and `up to 90% of people testing positive carry barely any virus`.
● censor 検閲する、(検閲して)削除する
熱とか光とかのいわゆる日本語のセンサーは sensor という綴りです。
● slap a fact-check label on it たぶんこう言っていると思います。
SNSの運営会社が怪しいと思う記事などに fact-check の印を押すことがあります。
● contagious 病気などが伝染する、伝染性の
● clinically 臨床上の、臨床的に見て
● popped positive 検査で陽性になる こういう言い方もあるんですね
● amplification cycles 増幅システム
動詞の amplify は 〜を拡大する、増幅する という意味です。
● swab 綿棒の消毒綿、スワブ、モップ
● viral load ウイルス量
● asymptomatic 無症状の symptomatic の反対語なのに不思議な綴りですね。
ここ、 in your asymptomatic って聞こえるんですが、文法がおかしいので自信ありません。
● transmit 伝える が大元の意味で、病気などをうつすという意味もあります。
No.29 遺伝子操作される可能性のあるワクチン
今回のも消されちゃうかもしれません。 ワクチンネタは知られてくないのかな?
I investigated the proposed COVID19 vaccine. And this is my alarm call to the world.
This new vaccine is not like your normal flue vaccine. This is something very different,
this is something brand new, this is something completely experimental on the human race.
And it`s not just about being a different vaccine, the technologies that are being introduced with this vaccine
that can change the way we live, who we are, and what we are.
There is an idea called `microneedle platform`. The idea is to get a band aid, it looks like a band-aid
you buy in the drug store.This band-aid has little tiny spicules, little tiny needles.
There are little hydrogel, it`s a material called hydrogel. Inside the hydrogel would be a Luciferase enzyme
as well as the vaccine itself.
The microneedles would puncture into your cell memberance(?), OK? And this synthetic piece of an RNA,
it`s a code for the part of the virus. Or they could use a synthetic DNA to code for the part of the virus
would go into your nucleus.
The problem is that they are using a process called transfection.
And transfection is a way that we make genetically modified organisms.
We don`t have long term studies on this anyway. It is unbelievable.
You know the vaccine manufactures have made this statement this will not alter our DNA, our genome.
I say that is not true. Because if we use this process to make a genetically modified organism,
why would it not do the same thing to a human.
The luciferase is an idea because they want to make sure you are vaccinated.Successful gene modification.
So, when you get the Luciferase enzyme, if you have an iPhone or special app on the iPhone,
you can scan over that area, and it will give a digital code.
So hydrogel`s nanotechnology, microscopic little robots, so this means that a human now can connect to directly and gather information from your body.
Just like your cell phone, you can send a text message, you can send an e-mail,
but also you can receive them back.
What information would be coming back into us? Would it affect our mood, our behavior?
Would it affect, you know, how we think or our memories?
● experimental 実験的な、実験用の
● spicules 針状の突起、小さな棘
● luciferase ルシフェラーゼ(発光バクテリアやホタルなどが持つ発光酵素)
● enzyme 酵素
● puncture 〜を刺す、穴をあける、パンクさせる
● synthetic 合成の、本物でない,、総合的な
synthetic detergent = 合成洗剤 synthetic fiber = 合成繊維
● nucleus 細胞核、核、芯、原子核
● genetically modified 遺伝子操作された
● organism 有機体、個々の小さな動物、植物
● genome 遺伝ゲノム 発音注意ですね
今回のも消されちゃうかもしれません。 ワクチンネタは知られてくないのかな?
I investigated the proposed COVID19 vaccine. And this is my alarm call to the world.
This new vaccine is not like your normal flue vaccine. This is something very different,
this is something brand new, this is something completely experimental on the human race.
And it`s not just about being a different vaccine, the technologies that are being introduced with this vaccine
that can change the way we live, who we are, and what we are.
There is an idea called `microneedle platform`. The idea is to get a band aid, it looks like a band-aid
you buy in the drug store.This band-aid has little tiny spicules, little tiny needles.
There are little hydrogel, it`s a material called hydrogel. Inside the hydrogel would be a Luciferase enzyme
as well as the vaccine itself.
The microneedles would puncture into your cell memberance(?), OK? And this synthetic piece of an RNA,
it`s a code for the part of the virus. Or they could use a synthetic DNA to code for the part of the virus
would go into your nucleus.
The problem is that they are using a process called transfection.
And transfection is a way that we make genetically modified organisms.
We don`t have long term studies on this anyway. It is unbelievable.
You know the vaccine manufactures have made this statement this will not alter our DNA, our genome.
I say that is not true. Because if we use this process to make a genetically modified organism,
why would it not do the same thing to a human.
The luciferase is an idea because they want to make sure you are vaccinated.Successful gene modification.
So, when you get the Luciferase enzyme, if you have an iPhone or special app on the iPhone,
you can scan over that area, and it will give a digital code.
So hydrogel`s nanotechnology, microscopic little robots, so this means that a human now can connect to directly and gather information from your body.
Just like your cell phone, you can send a text message, you can send an e-mail,
but also you can receive them back.
What information would be coming back into us? Would it affect our mood, our behavior?
Would it affect, you know, how we think or our memories?
● experimental 実験的な、実験用の
● spicules 針状の突起、小さな棘
● luciferase ルシフェラーゼ(発光バクテリアやホタルなどが持つ発光酵素)
● enzyme 酵素
● puncture 〜を刺す、穴をあける、パンクさせる
● synthetic 合成の、本物でない,、総合的な
synthetic detergent = 合成洗剤 synthetic fiber = 合成繊維
● nucleus 細胞核、核、芯、原子核
● genetically modified 遺伝子操作された
● organism 有機体、個々の小さな動物、植物
● genome 遺伝ゲノム 発音注意ですね
No.28 トランプ大統領の新しいスピーチ動画
I know that each of you will be a warrior for the truth. I know that each of you will do what is right,
not what is the easy way. And you will be true to yourself and your country and your beliefs.
In my short time in Washington, I`ve seen firsthand how the system is broken.
A small group of failed voices who think they know everything and understand everyone,
want to tell everybody else how to live, and what to do, and how to think.
But you aren`t going to let other people tell you what you believe, especially when you know
that you are right.
The fact is no one has ever achieved anything significant without a course of critics
standing on the sidelines explaining why it can`t be done.
But the future belongs to the dreamers, not to the critics.
The future belongs to the people who follow their heart, no matter what the critics say.
If I give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it`s this.
Never, ever give up. Never stop fighting for what you believe in, and for the people who care about you.
Carry yourself with dignity and pride. Demand the best from yourself, and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interest and failed power structures.
The more people tell you it`s not possible, that it can`t be done, the more you should be absolutely
determined to prove them wrong.
Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Because it`s the outsiders who change the world,
and who make a real and lasting difference.
The more the broken system tells you that you are wrong, the more certain you should be that
you must keep pushing ahead, you must keep pushing forward.
And always have the courage to be yourself.
● firsthand 直接の、じかに、じかに体験した
● carry yourself with dignity and pride (訳)尊厳とプライドをもって振る舞いなさい
carry oneself with ~ で〜をもって振舞いなさいって意味ですね。
carry yourself with more confidence とかだと、もっと自信をもって振舞え という意味ですね。
● entrenched 習慣、信念などが凝り固まった、堅固な
ここでは entrenched interest and failed power structures なので、腐敗した既得権益みたいな
意味になりますね。 それに立ち向かうことを恐れるな と言っています。
● relish the opportunity relish は楽しむ、〜することを喜ぶとかって意味です。(初めて聞いた)
I know that each of you will be a warrior for the truth. I know that each of you will do what is right,
not what is the easy way. And you will be true to yourself and your country and your beliefs.
In my short time in Washington, I`ve seen firsthand how the system is broken.
A small group of failed voices who think they know everything and understand everyone,
want to tell everybody else how to live, and what to do, and how to think.
But you aren`t going to let other people tell you what you believe, especially when you know
that you are right.
The fact is no one has ever achieved anything significant without a course of critics
standing on the sidelines explaining why it can`t be done.
But the future belongs to the dreamers, not to the critics.
The future belongs to the people who follow their heart, no matter what the critics say.
If I give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it`s this.
Never, ever give up. Never stop fighting for what you believe in, and for the people who care about you.
Carry yourself with dignity and pride. Demand the best from yourself, and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interest and failed power structures.
The more people tell you it`s not possible, that it can`t be done, the more you should be absolutely
determined to prove them wrong.
Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Because it`s the outsiders who change the world,
and who make a real and lasting difference.
The more the broken system tells you that you are wrong, the more certain you should be that
you must keep pushing ahead, you must keep pushing forward.
And always have the courage to be yourself.
● firsthand 直接の、じかに、じかに体験した
● carry yourself with dignity and pride (訳)尊厳とプライドをもって振る舞いなさい
carry oneself with ~ で〜をもって振舞いなさいって意味ですね。
carry yourself with more confidence とかだと、もっと自信をもって振舞え という意味ですね。
● entrenched 習慣、信念などが凝り固まった、堅固な
ここでは entrenched interest and failed power structures なので、腐敗した既得権益みたいな
意味になりますね。 それに立ち向かうことを恐れるな と言っています。
● relish the opportunity relish は楽しむ、〜することを喜ぶとかって意味です。(初めて聞いた)
No.27 マッサージ屋やネイルサロンが人身売買の温床になっている
initiative, there is about a 150 billion dollars profit, so that`s the motivation.
And it is happening everywhere you look.
Hey, Jessie, have you ever driven by a big billboard for a massage parlor, or there… nail salons?
That`s typically a caught bit (?) of people being trafficked, and it goes to children, again, every 40 seconds,
a child is abducted right here in the US.
Typically, by people that know the family, but this is how they get trafficked.
You know, my first child sex trafficking case, we finally found a little girl, Jessie, finally found her,
the cop sent me into the hotel, oh my…I don`t see the little girl from there, she looked like a
35 year old women the way she was done up (?).
They are right under our noses, Jessie, but we don`t see them.
So that`s how it works. You adopt someone, and then you use these nail salons, these massage parlors
as the herb (?) of the activity where I guess maybe you pimp them out, or you move them around and then
you can charge, I mean, you said billion with the B, I mean, how much money we are talking about for
these types of..
Billions, OK, and to these children never grow up and get out of this, or are they extinguished, I mean,
how does this end up happening to children?
Very few of them grow up and get out of it. They live a life, I mean, this age, Jessie, I was still riding my bike after school and taking out books from the book mobile.
These children are being forced into sex having 20, 30 Johns a day, and that`s their lives,
and they are beating into submission and the Johns will keep (?)them, for instance, at an apartment
for there will be 3,5 tin of them (?), and they are… they will be beaten brutally, if they try to escape.
They don`t have cellphones, and they are choked to a way as being a run-away.
That`s when I hear run-away, they are here right back of my neck. ??? because so many of them are not
run-aways. They are being child sex trafficked.
And a lot of them are injected with drugs to keep them compliant and in a haze, all right.., Nancy Grace…
● abduct 誘拐する、拉致する
● right under one`s nose 目と鼻の先、すぐ目の前
● adopt 〜を養子にする
● pimp 売春のあっせんをする
● billion with the B
男の人(Jessie)が確認のために Million じゃなくて Billion だよね?って意味で聞き返しています。
なのでBから始まる Billion だよね?って感じの意味になります。
● extinguish 絶滅させる。消す、失わせる
● 20,30 Johns a day
John はスラング、隠語で使われるようで、便所、売春婦の客という意味があるみたいです。
みなさんも調べてみたら面白いと思います。本名 John の人かわいそうw
John Doe で日本語だと 山田太郎 的な使われ方をする人名としての意味があるみたいです。
● beat someone into submission
● run away 家出人(子供の場合)、逃亡者
女の人(Nancy Grace) がかなり早口だし、興奮してしゃべっていると聞き取るのが
initiative, there is about a 150 billion dollars profit, so that`s the motivation.
And it is happening everywhere you look.
Hey, Jessie, have you ever driven by a big billboard for a massage parlor, or there… nail salons?
That`s typically a caught bit (?) of people being trafficked, and it goes to children, again, every 40 seconds,
a child is abducted right here in the US.
Typically, by people that know the family, but this is how they get trafficked.
You know, my first child sex trafficking case, we finally found a little girl, Jessie, finally found her,
the cop sent me into the hotel, oh my…I don`t see the little girl from there, she looked like a
35 year old women the way she was done up (?).
They are right under our noses, Jessie, but we don`t see them.
So that`s how it works. You adopt someone, and then you use these nail salons, these massage parlors
as the herb (?) of the activity where I guess maybe you pimp them out, or you move them around and then
you can charge, I mean, you said billion with the B, I mean, how much money we are talking about for
these types of..
Billions, OK, and to these children never grow up and get out of this, or are they extinguished, I mean,
how does this end up happening to children?
Very few of them grow up and get out of it. They live a life, I mean, this age, Jessie, I was still riding my bike after school and taking out books from the book mobile.
These children are being forced into sex having 20, 30 Johns a day, and that`s their lives,
and they are beating into submission and the Johns will keep (?)them, for instance, at an apartment
for there will be 3,5 tin of them (?), and they are… they will be beaten brutally, if they try to escape.
They don`t have cellphones, and they are choked to a way as being a run-away.
That`s when I hear run-away, they are here right back of my neck. ??? because so many of them are not
run-aways. They are being child sex trafficked.
And a lot of them are injected with drugs to keep them compliant and in a haze, all right.., Nancy Grace…
● abduct 誘拐する、拉致する
● right under one`s nose 目と鼻の先、すぐ目の前
● adopt 〜を養子にする
● pimp 売春のあっせんをする
● billion with the B
男の人(Jessie)が確認のために Million じゃなくて Billion だよね?って意味で聞き返しています。
なのでBから始まる Billion だよね?って感じの意味になります。
● extinguish 絶滅させる。消す、失わせる
● 20,30 Johns a day
John はスラング、隠語で使われるようで、便所、売春婦の客という意味があるみたいです。
みなさんも調べてみたら面白いと思います。本名 John の人かわいそうw
John Doe で日本語だと 山田太郎 的な使われ方をする人名としての意味があるみたいです。
● beat someone into submission
● run away 家出人(子供の場合)、逃亡者
女の人(Nancy Grace) がかなり早口だし、興奮してしゃべっていると聞き取るのが
No.26 39人の子供たちが救出された!
we`re on the investigation, our human trafficking prosecution unit and local law enforcement as well,
rescued 39 children, children that were at risk, children that have been suspected victims of
sexual trafficking, exploitation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, had emotional mental health issues and
physical issues as well. They were at risk.
But this is what you get when you have partnerships people that care, this issue is an important issue,
I`ve yet ??? the person that is pro-human trafficking.
So, for us to be able to come together, bring these children…39 children who`s had their lives changed
as the result of this operation.
And you are…, the agent said some of the kids were too afraid to go with the agents at first.
And that can be a sign that they have been abused, and they… ,you know, are obviously too scared,
they don`t know if someone is going to help them or hurt them, right?
That`s right, and that`s why it`s so important to have non-profit and health care partners,
such as the children heath care in Atlanta, well-spring living, we have the in-take facility
that well-spring which is a non-profit health to get those children, the wrap-around services they need.
Because when you think that the average age of human trafficking victims are 12-14 year old girl,
it`s not just girls, but think of the age they are in, and the vulnerability of that age group,
there can be education needs, health care needs, all different kind of needs that`s important to evaluate,
get the help to those victims. Those children absolutely need.
These agents are angels, saving these children, and I think everybody should be grateful for
what they are doing. Before I`ll let you go, how has Covid 19 impacted the ability to help these children,
has it made it harder?
Well, what we know is, criminals don`t take time off just because of Covid 19.
And that`s why the preparation that we were in this operation with our partners, again martial services,
our officers, human trafficking prosecution unit, the GBI and the FBI agencies, was critically important.
Because we know that they don`t take time off, we know they haven`t stopped as the result of Covid 19,
and that`s just another layer of needs that these children have, and I`m just so proud of the roles
that our team played in this operation....
● exploitation 搾取、私的利用、開発
動詞の exploit は 〜を食い物にする、〜を搾取する とか言うときによく使われます。
● well-spring living well-spring = 源泉、水源
保護を提供できる生活空間である と言っています(たぶん)。
● in-take facility 受け入れ施設?
ここちょっとはっきり分からないんですが、たぶん受け入れ施設があります みたいに
● wrap-around services 包み込む、巻き付ける
● vulnerability 傷つきやすさ
形容詞の vulnerable は 傷つきやすい、とか弱いという意味があります。
ヒラリークリントンたちが主導していた人身売買。。。 こんなことが世界中で起こっていた
we`re on the investigation, our human trafficking prosecution unit and local law enforcement as well,
rescued 39 children, children that were at risk, children that have been suspected victims of
sexual trafficking, exploitation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, had emotional mental health issues and
physical issues as well. They were at risk.
But this is what you get when you have partnerships people that care, this issue is an important issue,
I`ve yet ??? the person that is pro-human trafficking.
So, for us to be able to come together, bring these children…39 children who`s had their lives changed
as the result of this operation.
And you are…, the agent said some of the kids were too afraid to go with the agents at first.
And that can be a sign that they have been abused, and they… ,you know, are obviously too scared,
they don`t know if someone is going to help them or hurt them, right?
That`s right, and that`s why it`s so important to have non-profit and health care partners,
such as the children heath care in Atlanta, well-spring living, we have the in-take facility
that well-spring which is a non-profit health to get those children, the wrap-around services they need.
Because when you think that the average age of human trafficking victims are 12-14 year old girl,
it`s not just girls, but think of the age they are in, and the vulnerability of that age group,
there can be education needs, health care needs, all different kind of needs that`s important to evaluate,
get the help to those victims. Those children absolutely need.
These agents are angels, saving these children, and I think everybody should be grateful for
what they are doing. Before I`ll let you go, how has Covid 19 impacted the ability to help these children,
has it made it harder?
Well, what we know is, criminals don`t take time off just because of Covid 19.
And that`s why the preparation that we were in this operation with our partners, again martial services,
our officers, human trafficking prosecution unit, the GBI and the FBI agencies, was critically important.
Because we know that they don`t take time off, we know they haven`t stopped as the result of Covid 19,
and that`s just another layer of needs that these children have, and I`m just so proud of the roles
that our team played in this operation....
● exploitation 搾取、私的利用、開発
動詞の exploit は 〜を食い物にする、〜を搾取する とか言うときによく使われます。
● well-spring living well-spring = 源泉、水源
保護を提供できる生活空間である と言っています(たぶん)。
● in-take facility 受け入れ施設?
ここちょっとはっきり分からないんですが、たぶん受け入れ施設があります みたいに
● wrap-around services 包み込む、巻き付ける
● vulnerability 傷つきやすさ
形容詞の vulnerable は 傷つきやすい、とか弱いという意味があります。
ヒラリークリントンたちが主導していた人身売買。。。 こんなことが世界中で起こっていた
No. 25 ビルゲイツ ワクチンについて語る
なんか必死というか、インタビュアーの顔が `こいつ胡散臭いなあ` みたいに
Well, definitely when you let people communicate, you have to deal with the fact that certain incorrect things that are very titillating can spread very rapidly compared to the truth.
And we’ve always seen that with vaccines. Any negative thing gets out to people.
And the facts about no, you know, it’s safe, it doesn’t cause autism, that travels very slowly by comparison.
And social media can make that even worse. And so, the degree to which these media companies can see what’s being said on their platform and take things that are absolutely wrong and get rid of those things or slow those things down, that’s very tough.
Because, as you move over into political speech or a valid discussion about the safety issues, how you divide that, draw that line, you know, do you have that visibility, these are complex issues.
And you know, it has been a spreader of lots of negative things. And, you know, how do you strike a balance there?
● titillating (形)
titillate (動) ー 想像、興味をくすぐる、(ゴシップなどが)心を浮きだたせる
● it doesn`t cause autism (ワクチンは)自閉症を引き起こさない
ここ it does cause autism に聞こえちゃうんですよねえ 真逆の意味になっちゃうけど。。
● the degree to which 〜程度に
● visibility 視界、見える範囲、透明性、可視性
● strike a balance バランスを取る
なんか必死というか、インタビュアーの顔が `こいつ胡散臭いなあ` みたいに
Well, definitely when you let people communicate, you have to deal with the fact that certain incorrect things that are very titillating can spread very rapidly compared to the truth.
And we’ve always seen that with vaccines. Any negative thing gets out to people.
And the facts about no, you know, it’s safe, it doesn’t cause autism, that travels very slowly by comparison.
And social media can make that even worse. And so, the degree to which these media companies can see what’s being said on their platform and take things that are absolutely wrong and get rid of those things or slow those things down, that’s very tough.
Because, as you move over into political speech or a valid discussion about the safety issues, how you divide that, draw that line, you know, do you have that visibility, these are complex issues.
And you know, it has been a spreader of lots of negative things. And, you know, how do you strike a balance there?
● titillating (形)
titillate (動) ー 想像、興味をくすぐる、(ゴシップなどが)心を浮きだたせる
● it doesn`t cause autism (ワクチンは)自閉症を引き起こさない
ここ it does cause autism に聞こえちゃうんですよねえ 真逆の意味になっちゃうけど。。
● the degree to which 〜程度に
● visibility 視界、見える範囲、透明性、可視性
● strike a balance バランスを取る
No.24 UFCのダナホワイト社長のスピーチ
It was clear, his highest priority was always the health and security of everyone in our country. Not just Republicans, not just supporters, but every single American.
President Trump recognized that the one of the small ways to instill a sense of normalcy in people`s lives was to bring back entertainment options.
The President went above and beyond to help all sports leagues involved, figure out a way to overcome the challenges of staging live professional sporting events in the middle of a pandemic.
And you know what? We did it. The UFC was the first to do it, and we are continuing to do it. Now, other sports have joined us. And some of the lessons learned are being used to help reopen other types of businesses and schools.
Make no mistake about it, we still have a long way to go. And that is why we need a leader with President Trump`s unique attributes at this critical time.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. He is one of the most loyal human beings I have ever met, the man has unstoppable energy, no one, and I mean, no one is going to outwork this guy, but most importantly, he truly loves and believes in our country. He believes in the people of this country. America is the place everyone wants a solid job, they want to take care of their family, they want to support the community, assist the less fortunate, and enjoy the freedom this country has provided to all of us.
While we have certainly experienced a ton of negativity in 2020, President Trump` mindset is to work tirelessly to find solutions to the problems and to help restore America.
He did it once, and I am telling you right now, he will do it again. And remember, President Trump may be the only President in modern times who has actually done everything he said he would do during his campaign.
There is this quote that I love form Ronald Reagan, well he said, ` there isn`t any problem we can`t solve if government will give us the facts, tell us what needs to be done, then get out the way and let us have at it.
And what that means to me is, as Americans, we work hard to overcome adversity and we face the tough time to head on.
Irrespective of your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, what unites us as a nation is freedom, equality and opportunity. That`s what it needs to be an American.
Ladies and gentlemen, let`s re-elect President Trump, let`s figure out what the problems are, and continue to find solutions to those problems, then let`s get to work.
I`d like to close with this, while it`s critically important to re-elect President Trump, this pandemic has also taught us to be very, very careful who you select your next governor, senator, congress person, and mayor. It is so important to vote. And don`t think your vote doesn`t matter, because to be honest with you, it has never mattered more than it does right now. Thank you, and have a great evening, America.
● go above and beyond 期待をはるかに超える、予想の斜め上を行く
● attribute (名) 性質、特徴 (動)〜のせいにする 等
● outwork 〜よりよく働く、〜よりいい仕事をする
● assist the less fortunate 自分より裕福でないひとたちを助ける
ここ実は何度も聞き返しました。 たぶん当ってると思う。
● the tough time to head on head on が動詞っぽく使われてる
head on は head on crash だと正面衝突という意味になります。
● irrespective of ~ 〜に関係なく、〜にかかわらず
● it has never mattered more than it does right now
今より(投票が)重要だったときなんかない という意味です。
It was clear, his highest priority was always the health and security of everyone in our country. Not just Republicans, not just supporters, but every single American.
President Trump recognized that the one of the small ways to instill a sense of normalcy in people`s lives was to bring back entertainment options.
The President went above and beyond to help all sports leagues involved, figure out a way to overcome the challenges of staging live professional sporting events in the middle of a pandemic.
And you know what? We did it. The UFC was the first to do it, and we are continuing to do it. Now, other sports have joined us. And some of the lessons learned are being used to help reopen other types of businesses and schools.
Make no mistake about it, we still have a long way to go. And that is why we need a leader with President Trump`s unique attributes at this critical time.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. He is one of the most loyal human beings I have ever met, the man has unstoppable energy, no one, and I mean, no one is going to outwork this guy, but most importantly, he truly loves and believes in our country. He believes in the people of this country. America is the place everyone wants a solid job, they want to take care of their family, they want to support the community, assist the less fortunate, and enjoy the freedom this country has provided to all of us.
While we have certainly experienced a ton of negativity in 2020, President Trump` mindset is to work tirelessly to find solutions to the problems and to help restore America.
He did it once, and I am telling you right now, he will do it again. And remember, President Trump may be the only President in modern times who has actually done everything he said he would do during his campaign.
There is this quote that I love form Ronald Reagan, well he said, ` there isn`t any problem we can`t solve if government will give us the facts, tell us what needs to be done, then get out the way and let us have at it.
And what that means to me is, as Americans, we work hard to overcome adversity and we face the tough time to head on.
Irrespective of your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, what unites us as a nation is freedom, equality and opportunity. That`s what it needs to be an American.
Ladies and gentlemen, let`s re-elect President Trump, let`s figure out what the problems are, and continue to find solutions to those problems, then let`s get to work.
I`d like to close with this, while it`s critically important to re-elect President Trump, this pandemic has also taught us to be very, very careful who you select your next governor, senator, congress person, and mayor. It is so important to vote. And don`t think your vote doesn`t matter, because to be honest with you, it has never mattered more than it does right now. Thank you, and have a great evening, America.
● go above and beyond 期待をはるかに超える、予想の斜め上を行く
● attribute (名) 性質、特徴 (動)〜のせいにする 等
● outwork 〜よりよく働く、〜よりいい仕事をする
● assist the less fortunate 自分より裕福でないひとたちを助ける
ここ実は何度も聞き返しました。 たぶん当ってると思う。
● the tough time to head on head on が動詞っぽく使われてる
head on は head on crash だと正面衝突という意味になります。
● irrespective of ~ 〜に関係なく、〜にかかわらず
● it has never mattered more than it does right now
今より(投票が)重要だったときなんかない という意味です。
No.23 ポンペイオ国務長官の中国評
Last year, I received an invitation to the event that promised to be (quote) `an occasion for exclusive deal making. It said, (quote) ` the opportunities for the mutually beneficial economic development between China and our individual states are tremendous`. (end of quote)
Deal making sounds like it might have come from President Trump, but the invitation was actually from a former governor. I was being invited to the US-China governors collaboration summit.
It was an event co-hosted by the national governor’s association and something called Chinese People`s association for friendship and foreign countries. Sound pretty harmless.
What the invitation did not say is that the group, the group I just mentioned is the public face of the Chinese Communist Party`s official for includes (???) agency, the United front work department.
I was lucky, I was familiar with that organization from my time is the director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
But it got me thinking, how many of you made the link between that group and the Chinese Communist Party officials.
What if you made a new friend while you were at that event?
What if your new friend asked you for the introductions of other politically connected and powerful people?
What if your new friend offered to invest big money in your state, perhaps in your pension, and industry sensitive to our national security?
These aren`t hypothetical. These scenarios are all too true, and they impact the American foreign policies significantly.
Indeed, last year, Chinese government ??? Beijin produce the report.
They assessed all 50 of our America`s governors on their attitudes towards China.
They labeled each of you, friendly, hard-line, or invidious (???).
I`ll let you decide where you think you belong. Someone in China already has.
Many of you indeed in that report are referenced by name.
So, here is the lesson.
The lesson is that competition with China is not just a federal issue, that`s why I want to be here today.
● sounds pretty harmless 特に害がないように聞こえるね
● it got me thinking (ここで)ふと考えてみると、 みたいな意味でしょうか
● these aren`t hypothetical hypothetical 仮定の、仮想の
ビデオだと何度聞いてもhypotheticals って言ってるように聞こえる。。なぜ?
● invidious しゃくにさわる、いまいましい
たぶん invidious って言ってると思うんですが、違うかもしれません。。。
Last year, I received an invitation to the event that promised to be (quote) `an occasion for exclusive deal making. It said, (quote) ` the opportunities for the mutually beneficial economic development between China and our individual states are tremendous`. (end of quote)
Deal making sounds like it might have come from President Trump, but the invitation was actually from a former governor. I was being invited to the US-China governors collaboration summit.
It was an event co-hosted by the national governor’s association and something called Chinese People`s association for friendship and foreign countries. Sound pretty harmless.
What the invitation did not say is that the group, the group I just mentioned is the public face of the Chinese Communist Party`s official for includes (???) agency, the United front work department.
I was lucky, I was familiar with that organization from my time is the director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
But it got me thinking, how many of you made the link between that group and the Chinese Communist Party officials.
What if you made a new friend while you were at that event?
What if your new friend asked you for the introductions of other politically connected and powerful people?
What if your new friend offered to invest big money in your state, perhaps in your pension, and industry sensitive to our national security?
These aren`t hypothetical. These scenarios are all too true, and they impact the American foreign policies significantly.
Indeed, last year, Chinese government ??? Beijin produce the report.
They assessed all 50 of our America`s governors on their attitudes towards China.
They labeled each of you, friendly, hard-line, or invidious (???).
I`ll let you decide where you think you belong. Someone in China already has.
Many of you indeed in that report are referenced by name.
So, here is the lesson.
The lesson is that competition with China is not just a federal issue, that`s why I want to be here today.
● sounds pretty harmless 特に害がないように聞こえるね
● it got me thinking (ここで)ふと考えてみると、 みたいな意味でしょうか
● these aren`t hypothetical hypothetical 仮定の、仮想の
ビデオだと何度聞いてもhypotheticals って言ってるように聞こえる。。なぜ?
● invidious しゃくにさわる、いまいましい
たぶん invidious って言ってると思うんですが、違うかもしれません。。。
No22. 人食いヒラリークリントン?
Which actions by Hilary Clinton do you think are the most satanic?
Which what?
Whcich actions by Hilary Clinton do you think are the most satanic?
The willingness to kill babies, innocent babies.
What do you think about what happened in Syria with her…financing the rebel, which turned out to be the Islamic state?
All you have to do is look and see what`s happened, all right?
● satanic 悪魔的な 悪魔のような
● rebel 反乱者 反乱軍
financing the rebel で反乱軍に資金提供する っていう意味になります。
Q. ヒラリークリントンがしてきたことの中で一番悪魔的なことは何だと思いますか?
A. 赤ちゃんたちを喜んで殺すことだよ、罪のない赤ちゃんたちをね。
Q. シリアで起こってることはどう考えてる? ヒラリーが資金提供してきた反乱軍が実は
A. 君たち(記者たち)がするべきことは実際何が起こったかよく見てみることだよ。
なりたいですね。 僕は3,4回聞きなおしました。
やっぱり相当やばいですね。。。 普通にこんなこと言われるレベルですからね。
Which actions by Hilary Clinton do you think are the most satanic?
Which what?
Whcich actions by Hilary Clinton do you think are the most satanic?
The willingness to kill babies, innocent babies.
What do you think about what happened in Syria with her…financing the rebel, which turned out to be the Islamic state?
All you have to do is look and see what`s happened, all right?
● satanic 悪魔的な 悪魔のような
● rebel 反乱者 反乱軍
financing the rebel で反乱軍に資金提供する っていう意味になります。
Q. ヒラリークリントンがしてきたことの中で一番悪魔的なことは何だと思いますか?
A. 赤ちゃんたちを喜んで殺すことだよ、罪のない赤ちゃんたちをね。
Q. シリアで起こってることはどう考えてる? ヒラリーが資金提供してきた反乱軍が実は
A. 君たち(記者たち)がするべきことは実際何が起こったかよく見てみることだよ。
なりたいですね。 僕は3,4回聞きなおしました。
やっぱり相当やばいですね。。。 普通にこんなこと言われるレベルですからね。