It`s really an attempt to justify the fact that they don`t want to deal with the truth.
They wouldn`t let their children have made this movie, I`m quite sure.
And I think Netflix is just… declare open sees on our children.
This is about the normalization of pedophilia….
But I`m here in California, we are dealing with FV145 (?) being pushed to the floor,
and that is truly about making pedophilia a normal sexual orientation.
So, where are we going with this? I don`t want to go with this.
They are trying to get kids used to, you know, minor attracted person`s maps.
This whole new category of what you call `grown-ups`, so we are attracted to children.
And when you start changing these names, Laura, you know, this is about taking the stigma
away from a word `pedophilia`.
You are not a pedophile, you are a map (?).
There is a massive effort underway for everyone who hasn`t been too into this,
we are going to cover this in-depth next week.
Massive effort underway in California to destigmatize pedophilia.
By lowering the age… by essentially getting rid of the age consent for certain sexual activity.
It is horrific and has be stopped.
Here is the director of the `Cuties`, she`s defending the film, take a look.
Cuties is a deeply feminist film with an activist message. We must all together figure out
what is the best for our children. As a director, as an artist, I`m doing my part with this film.
Politicians, education system, parents, children… I think all together, we have to fix what`s going wrong.
Cynthia, you consider this as a deeply feminist film, quickly?
Film that takes away the power that we fight for as women. I consider this film that tells little girls
that the best to get attention and the best way to feel powerful is to shake your butt.
And I … saying this film is bringing out this discussion of child sexual exploitation is belon (?).
Because you don`t exploit children to prove that we need to talk about exploit…children.
Cynthia, thank you so much, I know you are going to come back when we are….
● normalization 標準化、一般化
normalization of pedophilia でペドフィリア(幼児性愛症)の標準化という意味です。
● person`s maps こういう風に言ってると思います。違ったらごめんなさい。
● stigma 恥辱、汚名、不名誉、キリストの聖痕
● destigmatize ~を恥ずかしいとこではないとする、汚名を返上する
● consent 同意、承諾、許可
It`s really an attempt to justify the fact that they don`t want to deal with the truth.
They wouldn`t let their children have made this movie, I`m quite sure.
And I think Netflix is just… declare open sees on our children.
This is about the normalization of pedophilia….
But I`m here in California, we are dealing with FV145 (?) being pushed to the floor,
and that is truly about making pedophilia a normal sexual orientation.
So, where are we going with this? I don`t want to go with this.
They are trying to get kids used to, you know, minor attracted person`s maps.
This whole new category of what you call `grown-ups`, so we are attracted to children.
And when you start changing these names, Laura, you know, this is about taking the stigma
away from a word `pedophilia`.
You are not a pedophile, you are a map (?).
There is a massive effort underway for everyone who hasn`t been too into this,
we are going to cover this in-depth next week.
Massive effort underway in California to destigmatize pedophilia.
By lowering the age… by essentially getting rid of the age consent for certain sexual activity.
It is horrific and has be stopped.
Here is the director of the `Cuties`, she`s defending the film, take a look.
Cuties is a deeply feminist film with an activist message. We must all together figure out
what is the best for our children. As a director, as an artist, I`m doing my part with this film.
Politicians, education system, parents, children… I think all together, we have to fix what`s going wrong.
Cynthia, you consider this as a deeply feminist film, quickly?
Film that takes away the power that we fight for as women. I consider this film that tells little girls
that the best to get attention and the best way to feel powerful is to shake your butt.
And I … saying this film is bringing out this discussion of child sexual exploitation is belon (?).
Because you don`t exploit children to prove that we need to talk about exploit…children.
Cynthia, thank you so much, I know you are going to come back when we are….
● normalization 標準化、一般化
normalization of pedophilia でペドフィリア(幼児性愛症)の標準化という意味です。
● person`s maps こういう風に言ってると思います。違ったらごめんなさい。
● stigma 恥辱、汚名、不名誉、キリストの聖痕
● destigmatize ~を恥ずかしいとこではないとする、汚名を返上する
● consent 同意、承諾、許可