No.29 遺伝子操作される可能性のあるワクチン
今回のも消されちゃうかもしれません。 ワクチンネタは知られてくないのかな?
I investigated the proposed COVID19 vaccine. And this is my alarm call to the world.
This new vaccine is not like your normal flue vaccine. This is something very different,
this is something brand new, this is something completely experimental on the human race.
And it`s not just about being a different vaccine, the technologies that are being introduced with this vaccine
that can change the way we live, who we are, and what we are.
There is an idea called `microneedle platform`. The idea is to get a band aid, it looks like a band-aid
you buy in the drug store.This band-aid has little tiny spicules, little tiny needles.
There are little hydrogel, it`s a material called hydrogel. Inside the hydrogel would be a Luciferase enzyme
as well as the vaccine itself.
The microneedles would puncture into your cell memberance(?), OK? And this synthetic piece of an RNA,
it`s a code for the part of the virus. Or they could use a synthetic DNA to code for the part of the virus
would go into your nucleus.
The problem is that they are using a process called transfection.
And transfection is a way that we make genetically modified organisms.
We don`t have long term studies on this anyway. It is unbelievable.
You know the vaccine manufactures have made this statement this will not alter our DNA, our genome.
I say that is not true. Because if we use this process to make a genetically modified organism,
why would it not do the same thing to a human.
The luciferase is an idea because they want to make sure you are vaccinated.Successful gene modification.
So, when you get the Luciferase enzyme, if you have an iPhone or special app on the iPhone,
you can scan over that area, and it will give a digital code.
So hydrogel`s nanotechnology, microscopic little robots, so this means that a human now can connect to directly and gather information from your body.
Just like your cell phone, you can send a text message, you can send an e-mail,
but also you can receive them back.
What information would be coming back into us? Would it affect our mood, our behavior?
Would it affect, you know, how we think or our memories?
● experimental 実験的な、実験用の
● spicules 針状の突起、小さな棘
● luciferase ルシフェラーゼ(発光バクテリアやホタルなどが持つ発光酵素)
● enzyme 酵素
● puncture ~を刺す、穴をあける、パンクさせる
● synthetic 合成の、本物でない,、総合的な
synthetic detergent = 合成洗剤 synthetic fiber = 合成繊維
● nucleus 細胞核、核、芯、原子核
● genetically modified 遺伝子操作された
● organism 有機体、個々の小さな動物、植物
● genome 遺伝ゲノム 発音注意ですね
今回のも消されちゃうかもしれません。 ワクチンネタは知られてくないのかな?
I investigated the proposed COVID19 vaccine. And this is my alarm call to the world.
This new vaccine is not like your normal flue vaccine. This is something very different,
this is something brand new, this is something completely experimental on the human race.
And it`s not just about being a different vaccine, the technologies that are being introduced with this vaccine
that can change the way we live, who we are, and what we are.
There is an idea called `microneedle platform`. The idea is to get a band aid, it looks like a band-aid
you buy in the drug store.This band-aid has little tiny spicules, little tiny needles.
There are little hydrogel, it`s a material called hydrogel. Inside the hydrogel would be a Luciferase enzyme
as well as the vaccine itself.
The microneedles would puncture into your cell memberance(?), OK? And this synthetic piece of an RNA,
it`s a code for the part of the virus. Or they could use a synthetic DNA to code for the part of the virus
would go into your nucleus.
The problem is that they are using a process called transfection.
And transfection is a way that we make genetically modified organisms.
We don`t have long term studies on this anyway. It is unbelievable.
You know the vaccine manufactures have made this statement this will not alter our DNA, our genome.
I say that is not true. Because if we use this process to make a genetically modified organism,
why would it not do the same thing to a human.
The luciferase is an idea because they want to make sure you are vaccinated.Successful gene modification.
So, when you get the Luciferase enzyme, if you have an iPhone or special app on the iPhone,
you can scan over that area, and it will give a digital code.
So hydrogel`s nanotechnology, microscopic little robots, so this means that a human now can connect to directly and gather information from your body.
Just like your cell phone, you can send a text message, you can send an e-mail,
but also you can receive them back.
What information would be coming back into us? Would it affect our mood, our behavior?
Would it affect, you know, how we think or our memories?
● experimental 実験的な、実験用の
● spicules 針状の突起、小さな棘
● luciferase ルシフェラーゼ(発光バクテリアやホタルなどが持つ発光酵素)
● enzyme 酵素
● puncture ~を刺す、穴をあける、パンクさせる
● synthetic 合成の、本物でない,、総合的な
synthetic detergent = 合成洗剤 synthetic fiber = 合成繊維
● nucleus 細胞核、核、芯、原子核
● genetically modified 遺伝子操作された
● organism 有機体、個々の小さな動物、植物
● genome 遺伝ゲノム 発音注意ですね
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